How do you produce your tracks?(by steps)

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How do you produce your tracks?(by steps)

Post by djpuff »

I'm very interested about, how do another people produce.
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Post by Papillon »

Step 1: Start Program
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Post by aallvor »

I always start with the drums. After that anything happens, I don't lay down the rest of the track in any particular order.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

add boundaries. remove boundaries. add boundaries. remove boundaries. etc etc.
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Post by plaster »

Step 2: Point your mouse over to the bpm counter and set a desired track speed.
Drop the idea of becoming someone else, because you are already a masterpiece.
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Post by Torque »

step 1: Think of a track to the point where it's the only thing going through my head all day long and if i don't get it out i'm going to go insane.

step 2: find a computer and or decent hardware or whatever i'm in the mood to fck with.

step 3: play the melody on a keyboard until i got it down solid

step 4: put down a bassdrum and a snare or sometime a metronome

step 5: play the melody until i have the perfect take with the right swing to it.

step 6: lay down the drums

step 7: lay down the bassline

step 8: work on laying down as many parts as i can without quantising to keep a loose feel to the track

step 9: tweak all the synths and drums until i have the right sound

step 8: start to arrange and add new parts as i go to keep it fresh throughout

step 9: start to mix everything down

step 10: burn it to cd so i can listen to it in the car for a few weeks to weed out any imperfections

step 11: change or add whatever is needed

step 12: do several mixdowns from scratch each time till i have the sound i want.

step 13: listen some more

step 14: start the final edit

step 15: listen some more

step 16: edit some more if needed

step 17: give to Ron Murphy for the vinyl master at NSC

step 18: do several digital masters myself

step 19. sell that mthrfckr!

I personally couldn't think of anything more boring to read than what i just wrote. Look man....there is no method to pure madness. The only trick that matters is listening to your work over and over and fixing it again and again until you make something that you think is a masterpiece. The harsh reality is right now with the market the way it is that if you're not trying to make classics and hits everytime you step up in the studio you might as well hang it up. The motherfuckers i'm around all day are not doing it for a hobby, they are doing it to put food on the table and make a better life for their kids. At the heart of electronic music and any other music for that matter is warfare. Coming into the game right now is not easy because you are not only battleing the next great producer coming up but you are battling the ghosts of all the producers before you that fell off. If you really care about this music and you want to do what's best for it you better make sure that you are ready to battle the heavy hitters to get heard. More good records end up being a good thing for everybody because it brings new people into the market and some fresh ears and right now this music desperatly needs some new listeners in order to fund all these new cats coming up right now. All you have to do is make sure you make the best possible music you can and if you can't do it without help then for fucks sake get some help and don't be afraid to work with other people if you need to. The only common thread that runs through every hit record in history is that you can hear the time, effort and care that was put into it. I'm a believer that inside every one of us is music but the one thing that sets the great ones apart is the amount of hard work they put into it. Soul is the defining got some?
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Post by theclockstrucktwelve »

1) ask people on mnml how to make music..

I give up. I thought I had a good joke.

I think the most natural approach is to just have sessions when you feel like writing music... just mess around and experiment.. and when you think you have something that can go somewhere, develop it a bit, and when you have enough parts and ideas to make a full track out of, arrange it and finish it... there's nothing real mystical about the process, it's a very natural kind of thing for people I think. The trap you fall into when it's new to you sometimes is either trying to sound like an artist or track you like or worrying too much if what you're working on will be accepted as part of a certain genre or something. I say save the self-criticism until you have more of a complete picture to objectively look at. This will not only help you complete some viable tracks, but help you figure out where you are at as an artist in the end as well.

Also, avoid the temptation to show people what you're up to every five seconds.. I think a lot of new artists feel like they need validation from other people before they can proceed further. Finish some tracks and then show 2-3 of them to people at a time. Then they can give you an objective bit of criticism and you can both mutually recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your production. Also at that point you'll be able to decide if you can maybe tweak those tracks into something viable or if you need to go back to the drawing board.

Don't be afraid to write crappy tracks. It will happen eventually once in awhile. I think people get too afraid that something they are doing won't be good and waste all kinds of time because of it. of course, if you really don't like where something is going and have no confidence at all in it, abandon it and start something new or just try something new with it instead of draining your energy on something you're just gonna hate in the end.

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Post by bodysong »

i guess having fun isn't a part of the process hey ?

it is impossible for one to produce each and everytime a timeless classic. unless you want a flawless carrer, and i think it is impossible, you have to try and fail, to love and hate, before reaching hapiness trough making music.

there is a difference between making music and trying being successfull by making music. wich one do you want to be ?
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