so obama won....

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Post by dzan »

i'm not really happy about obama's win, but much more for the loose of mc cain. such a person as a president would only continue the lying (business) wars. what i get in the last ten years from this country are only wars which should "solve problems" but it got worse (as i expected). protector for the world, hm? sorry, but i first can believe in any good change when it really happens.

i'm very doubtful about the political things in america. i just hope that obama will do it better.
thomasjaldemark wrote:...

is really THAT fantastic that is a "black" person getting president? shouldnt it be a woman instead (12,8% is black in usa, 50,7% is woman...) ?

what does it have to do with the human race/sex? if you don't hate anybody you mentioned, you shouldn't ask such a naive question. these creatures are human. nobody should be prefered because of outer human characteristics.
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Post by clubfoot »

I think Obama represents a more humble America. I'm not sure about how well he can deal with every issue that will be on his plate. However, I do believe he'll work wonders for the PR disaster that the US has created for itself these last ten years.

I predict a big swing in global power during his administration - I believe he has already acknowledged that this has to happen. He'll be the face of it. So let's see how likeable USA becomes during the next decade.

I must add that if McCain had won, I reckon there'd have been some serious trouble occurring worldwide.
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Post by Celltek »

anizz wrote:
Celltek wrote:
anizz wrote:
Celltek wrote:Did anyone notice the overwhelming media fiasco about the phrase "first black president" its been playing like a broken record... whats that all about? We all knew it was coming.

I read 8 articles. Non of them praised Obama for his intelligence, strategic insight, grace, determination or his amazing ability to charm millions of stuck-in-the-middle voters..Nope, it all boiled down to the colour like its that big of a deal..
I think it's just about that he kind of represents the afroamerican people in the US which are a big part of America. On the other Side dont know what the fuss is about either
I read about this and apparently its linked with white america's deep rooted guilt about slavery... In a freudian way they are trying to tell black people they are sorry is a very weird way.
IMO I think its refreshing for the black people in the US that after the slavery etc the past 100 Years , they kind of get accepted and supported and got such a greath / strenghtful man that represents them.

I don't think its a way for the whites to say sorry
Thats why the article included the word freudian. Please take that statement with a grain of salt. Freud also once stated that most men secretly want to have sex with their mothers (secretly)which is crazy if you ask me..

Besides that I'm very happy about the Obama win. I think a young president with fresh ideas is always better than an old fart who clings to ancient ideas and ideals.
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Post by hotpace »

It will just be nice to have someone who can articulate himself correctly unlike the ex alcoholic, crosseyed warmonkey thats been in charge for the last 8 years.

The black/white thing is irrelevent to me really.

I sure trust someone from a more humble background though as oppose to oil rich puppets who are only out to do the best for their Daddys mates! Bush was also just a bit TOO religious for my tastes. When people claim that they believe 'its what God would want" when talking about wars then I start to panic a little! Bush is basically a massive cnt who everyone in the whole world, except the ones who voted him in, can't stand. FACT!

Americans on the whole might be able to travel around the world now without the need to feel embarrassed and apologetic for their country like sooo many I've met. I really felt for those Americans that felt like that but admired them for their intellect instead of blind Nationalism.
Last edited by hotpace on Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by thomasjaldemark »

dzan wrote:i'm not really happy about obama's win, but much more for the loose of mc cain. such a person as a president would only continue the lying (business) wars. what i get in the last ten years from this country are only wars which should "solve problems" but it got worse (as i expected). protector for the world, hm? sorry, but i first can believe in any good change when it really happens.

i'm very doubtful about the political things in america. i just hope that obama will do it better.
thomasjaldemark wrote:...

is really THAT fantastic that is a "black" person getting president? shouldnt it be a woman instead (12,8% is black in usa, 50,7% is woman...) ?

what does it have to do with the human race/sex? if you don't hate anybody you mentioned, you shouldn't ask such a naive question. these creatures are human. nobody should be prefered because of outer human characteristics.
just a way to get some discussion going ;)
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every body cares what could happen but who know?
for me, something sure : a new page of history is open. Hopefully. That's great for youth, for minority and for people who are looking for hope in this period of disappointing.
big up america! ;)
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Post by rockmachine »

its another head of the same hydra... :(

free music all over the place. enjoy
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Post by Sneaky »

Yesterday I waited in line for 1 1/2 to cast my vote for Obama and I could just tell from the people at the polling place that there was excitement in the air like I had never seen on a Election day and as many of you had heard there were record numbers of turnout and a great increase in minority voters and young voters which to me was really special seeing as how this country young, old, man, woman, white, black, brown etc etc had decided to make their voices heard. I personally voted for Obama because I feel he is a very intelligent, open minded and charismatic leader that will have the ability to lead the US to a better standing than it currently is in. Some of you who do not live in the US probably do not understand the racial divides this country has gone through and still continues to go through unless you lived here, and the fact of him being the first black president is a huge deal and really makes me feel like this country has come a long way from were we where just 30 years ago. I don't completely agree with all of his policies nor would I suspect anyone to agree with everything any one person or political party does however his overall ideals on energy, war and the economy and the fact that for the first time in a long time there is a majority in the house and senate of one political party also that of the President will pave the way for policies to get passed and change to happen. As one person said only time will tell but right now I feel pretty damn good about potentially where this country is heading and a helluva lot better than I did yesterday.
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