pioneer dj kuvo

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John Clees
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Re: pioneer dj kuvo

Post by John Clees »

Themis wrote:i dont get what your first article has to do with exposing djs who pirate mp3s.
technically it doesn't. I suppose my thoughts underneath were about mp3 dj's being on the circuit in a system where it tracks mp3 djs. In doing so, you also put them into a much different situation vs. a vinyl dj. laws change often so what I read then perhaps is obsolete now. I'm not saying that THIS software does such a thing, Im saying if it's tracking everything else, why would it not be able to track a simple serial number just as easy? IF, there is still a system that can hold people accountable to that realm of things, i'm sure "tracking software" could be able to address that too.
Themis wrote:its not the DJs fault that producers dont make enough money to make a living. you seem to believe producers cant make it cause all the DJs download their music illegally.
How did you come to such an grand conclusion? I've never said anything close to such a statement, but purely said if a big earning dj got paid a lot of money, they should pay extra (if) they skip vinyl and play mp3's. wft?
Themis wrote: and now you hope their will be a magic system that exposes these DJs.
more ignorant ramble. that's kind of insulting. another wft? what are you sniffing gas? I don't "hope" anything, but merely shared a story about how I read years ago about one article I read. Now your saying , "I hope there is a system", and saying I also said ppl can't make money due to illegal downloads... seriously, what's wrong with you?

you continue to go in circles, making claims you can't back up, spouting assumptive thoughts as factual information, then making several statements saying, I said this, or I meant that, which isn't even remotely close to what I said, then spinning this into multiple points you've made up in your head, but pushing them onto me.
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Re: pioneer dj kuvo

Post by Themis »

thats why in the beginning of my statement i wrote
maybe i am interpreting some things wrong you say
all you had to do was saying: yeah you got me wrong.

instead you go all esotheric on me with vampires and sh!t.

On Topic:
you wrote about exposing mp3 DJs, so from there i got the idea that this must be an issue for you.
dj's being exposed of non-purchased mp3's. income for mp3 or vinyl sales to double, triple, ect...
you must believe MANY DJs steal music, else it wouldnt double the sales...

and at the end you write DJs should held accountable, like they would do something bad now?

you say a DJ should pay more if he plays mp3, i cant think of a reason why someone would want that, other than he thinks a DJ who plays mp3, in some way is stealing money from the producer?!?

why should DJs pay anything?

if a DJ makes a lot of money chances are he plays for big crowds. that means promoters have to pay bigger royalties.
the system like it is now is completly alright for me.

the only thing not alright is that the company who collects the royalties doesnt distribute it fair to the artists - this was due to technical reasons for the longest time. but its not the DJs fault nor the promoters fault.

so i agree that this could be a revolution and that more underground producers will get a chance to collect royalties. but not from DJ. from promoters like now.
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Re: pioneer dj kuvo

Post by John Clees »

Themis wrote: good joke.
in the end that's all that matters.

my thoughts were about the mp3 dj getting paid 20k a festival having to pay a little more since he played mp3's.. that's all..
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Re: pioneer dj kuvo

Post by ksaen »

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