85 frequently used punctuation signs : $ ¢ € £ ₽ ₹ ¥ ¤ / æ Æ œ Œ â ç è / + – × ÷ = ≠ ≈ ≅ ¬ ± < ≤ ≥ > ≡ # % ‰ ‱ ∞ / ‽~°

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John Clees
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85 frequently used punctuation signs : $ ¢ € £ ₽ ₹ ¥ ¤ / æ Æ œ Œ â ç è / + – × ÷ = ≠ ≈ ≅ ¬ ± < ≤ ≥ > ≡ # % ‰ ‱ ∞ / ‽~°

Post by John Clees »

List of character, symbol & sign names
Below is an overview of 85 frequently used characters, punctuation symbols or signs that are included in most fonts. These include punctuation marks and other symbols used in typography. Technically these character shapes are called glyphs. Next to each glyph name the Unicode and HTML entity are listed, as well as the ASCII code and HTML entity if these are available. I also listed the Windows ALT keystroke or the Mac equivalent that can be used to insert the character in a text.
The typeface used for most examples is Arial Bold. Small lines indicate the baseline, x-height, and the ascender and descender heights.
https://www.prepressure.com/fonts/basic ... circumflex

Currency: $ ¢ € £ ₽ ₹ ¥ ¤
Letters: æ Æ œ Œ â ç è
Math: + – × ÷ = ≠ ≈ ≅ ¬ ± < ≤ ≥ > ≡ # % ‰ ‱ ∞
Numbers: ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅔ ¾ ¹ ² ³
Punctuation: . , : ; ! ¡ ? ¿ ‽ & ' " @ \ ¦ • { } ( ) [ ] ° ¨ ‹ › « » … ~ _
Symbols: ✓ | ¦ † ‡ ° ¨ ♀ ♂ ◊ * µ Å Ω ¶ © ® ™ §

Almost Equal To – ≈
Unicode: U+02248
HTML entity: &asymp; – HTML code: &#8776;
Also called approximately equals, asymptotic to or the double tilde. The tilde (~), approximately equal to (≅) and asymptotically equal to (≃) are other signs used to indicate approximation, depending on the context.

Approximately equal to – ≅
Approximately equal to
Unicode: U+02245
HTML entity: &cong; – HTML code: &#8773;

Not Equal To Sign – ≠
Unicode: U+02260 – ASCII: –
HTML entity: &ne; – HTML code: &#8800;
Mac keystroke: OPTION+=
Sign used to indicate that two quantities, expressions or equations are not equal. This is not called the ‘slash equal’ sign.

Section Sign – §
Section Sign
Unicode: U+000A7 – ASCII: –
HTML entity: &sect; – HTML code: &#167;
PC keystroke: ALT+0167

Degree – °
Unicode: U+000B0
HTML entity: &deg; – HTML code: &#176;
PC keystroke: ALT+0176 – Mac keystroke: SHIFT+OPTION+8

Tilde – ~
Unicode: U+0007E
HTML entity: &tilde; – HTML code: &#126;
Also called the swung dash, squiggly or twiddle.
PC keystroke: ALT+0126
Used to indicate ‘approximately’ or ‘around’. It can also indicate ‘similar to’. In some languages, the tilde is placed over a letter to indicate a change in its pronunciation.

Daggers – † and ‡
Unicode: U+02020
HTML entity: &dagger; – HTML code: &#8224;
Typographical symbol to indicate a footnote (as an alternative to using asterisks)
PC keystroke: ALT+0134 – Mac keystroke: OPTION+T

Unicode: U+02021
HTML entity: &Dagger; – HTML code: &#8225;
PC keystroke: ALT+0135

Diaeresis or Umlaut – ¨
Unicode: U+000A8
HTML entity: &uml;
Diacritic (glyph added to other characters as an accent, e.g. ë or Ä) that is called a diaeresis in languages like French or Spanish while it is called an umlaut in German. More on the difference can be found here.
PC keystroke: ALT+0168

Infinity – ∞
Unicode: U+0221E
HTML entity: &infin; – HTML code: &#8734;

Interrobang – ‽
Unicode: U+0203D
HTML code: &#8253;
Also called the bang or interabang and represented by ?!, !?, ?!? or !?!
Punctuation mark used to express excitement or disbelief, or to ask a rhetorical question

Inverted Question Mark – ¿
Unicode: U+000BF
HTML entity: &iquest; – HTML code: &#191;
Also called the upside down question mark
PC keystroke: ALT+0191

Micro – µ
Unicode: U+000B5 – ASCII: –
HTML entity: &micro; – HTML code: &#181;
This is the Greek letter mu.
PC keystroke: ALT+0181 – Mac keystroke: ALT+M

Not Sign ¬
Unicode: U+000AC
HTML entity: &not; – HTML code: &#172;
Also called the negation sign
PC keystroke: ALT+0172

Pilcrow Sign – ¶
Unicode: U+000B6
HTML entity: &para; – HTML code: &#182;
Also called the paragraph mark, paraph or alinea
PC keystroke: ALT+0182 – Mac keystroke: OPTION+7

Quotation Marks – ” ‹ › « »
There are regular and angled quotation marks. These punctuation marks are used for quotations in a number of languages.

Double angle quotation marks are also called guillemets or double chevrons
Unicode: U+000AB
HTML entity: &laquo; – HTML code: &#171;
PC keystroke: ALT+0171
Right Double Angle Quotation Mark
Right pointing double angle quotation mark
Unicode: U+000BB
HTML entity: &raquo; – HTML code: &#187;
PC keystroke: ALT+0187

Registered Sign – ®
Registered Sign
Unicode: U+000AE – ASCII: –
HTML entity: &reg; – HTML code: &#174;
Also called the Racol.
PC keystroke: ALT+0174 – Mac keystroke: OPTION+R

AE ligatures – æ and Æ
Unicode: U+000E6
HTML entity: &aelig; – HTML code: &#230;
PC keystroke: ALT+0230
Unicode: U+000C8
HTML entity: &AElig; – HTML code: &#198;
PC keystroke: ALT+0198

Caret – ^
Unicode: U+0005E – ASCII: 94
HTML entity: &Hat; – HTML code: &#94;
Also called the hat, roof or house sign.

Used in mathematics to represent an exponent, such as a square or cube (e.g. 6^3). Also used as shorthand for Ctrl (e.g. Ctrl+C = ^C) or to indicate content is missing. Not to be confused with the circumflex accent which is used on top of characters (e.g. â)
Ohm Sign – Ω
Unicode: U+02126
HTML code: &#8486;
Identical to the greek capital letter omega

Per Mille Sign – ‰
Unicode: U+02030
HTML entity: &permil; – HTML code: &#8240;
Symbol used to indicate parts per 1000.
Also called the per mil or per mille sign
PC keystroke: ALT+0137
Per Ten Thousand Sign – ‱
Per ten thousand
Unicode: U+02031
HTML entity: &pertenk; – HTML code: &#8241;
Symbol used to indicate parts per 10000.
PC keystroke: ALT+0137

Ohm Sign – Ω
Unicode: U+02126
HTML code: &#8486;
Identical to the greek capital letter omega

Pilcrow Sign – ¶
Unicode: U+000B6
HTML entity: &para; – HTML code: &#182;
Also called the paragraph mark, paraph or alinea
PC keystroke: ALT+0182 – Mac keystroke: OPTION+7

Checkmark – ✓
Unicode: U+02713
HTML entity: &check; – HTML code: &#10003;
There is also a bold or heavy checkmark ✔ (HTML code: &#10004;)

Unicode: U+000B6
HTML entity: &para; – HTML code: &#182;
Also called the paragraph mark, paraph or alinea
PC keystroke: ALT+0182 – Mac keystroke: OPTION+7

Curly Brackets – { }
Unicode: U+0007B – ASCII: 123
HTML entity: &lbrace; – HTML code: &#123;
Also called the left brace

Unicode: U+0007D – ASCII: 125
HTML entity: &rbrace; – HTML code: &#125;
Also called the right brace

Ø (or minuscule: ø) is a letter used in the Danish, Norwegian, Faroese, and Southern Sami languages. It is mostly used as a representation of mid front rounded vowels, such as [ø] and [œ], except for Southern Sámi where it is used as an [oe] diphthong. The name of this letter is the same ... Wikipedia
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John Clees
mnml admn
mnml admn
Posts: 7711
Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2005 4:21 am
Location: walk the e[art]h : detroit-metro.

Re: 85 frequently used punctuation signs : $ ¢ € £ ₽ ₹ ¥ ¤ / æ Æ œ Œ â ç è / + – × ÷ = ≠ ≈ ≅ ¬ ± < ≤ ≥ > ≡ # % ‰ ‱ ∞ /

Post by John Clees »

Understanding Regular Expressions, Special Characters, and Patterns
https://www.scribd.com/document/1708074 ... Expression

_ (underscore) Matches a comma (,), left brace ({), right brace (}), left parenthesis ( ( ), right
parenthesis ( ) ), the beginning of the string, the end of the string, or a space.
Character Pattern Ranges
A range of single-character patterns can be used to match command output. To specify a range of
single-character patterns, enclose the single-character patterns in square brackets ([ ]). Only one of these
characters must exist in the string for pattern-matching to succeed. For example, [aeiou] matches any
one of the five vowels of the lowercase alphabet, while [abcdABCD] matches any one of the first four
letters of the lowercase or uppercase alphabet.
You can simplify a range of characters by entering only the endpoints of the range separated by a dash
(–), as in the following example:
To add a dash as a single-character pattern in the search range, include another dash and precede it with
a backslash:
A bracket (]) can also be included as a single-character pattern in the range:
Invert the matching of the range by including a caret (^) at the start of the range. The following example
matches any letter except the ones listed:
The following example matches anything except a right square bracket (]) or the letter d:

Underscore Wildcard
Use the underscore to match the beginning of a string (^), the end of a string ($), parentheses (( )) , space
( ), braces ({}), comma (,), and underscore (_). The underscore can be used to specify that a pattern exists
anywhere in the string. For example, _1300_ matches any string that has 1300 somewhere in the string
and is preceded by or followed by a space, brace, comma, or underscore. Although _1300_ matches the
regular expression {1300_, it does not match the regular expressions 21300 and 13000t.
The underscore can replace long regular expression lists. For example, instead of specifying
^1300( ) ( )1300$ {1300, ,1300, {1300} ,1300, (1300, simply specify _1300_.

Anchor Characters
Anchoring can be used to match a regular expression pattern against the beginning or end of the string.
Regular expressions can be anchored to a portion of the string using the special characters shown in
Table D-3.
For example, the regular expression ^con matches any string that starts with con, and $sole matches any
string that ends with sole.
In addition to indicating the beginning of a string, the ^ can be used to indicate the logical function “not”
when used in a bracketed range. For example, the expression [^abcd] indicates a range that matches any
single letter, as long as it is not the letters a, b, c, and d.

Pattern Alternation
Alternation can be used to specify alternative patterns to match against a string. Separate the alternative
patterns with a vertical bar (|). Only one of the alternatives can match the string. For example, the regular
expression codex|telebit matches the string codex or the string telebit, but not both codex and telebit.

Special Characters
Certain keyboard characters have special meaning when used in regular expressions. Table D-1 lists the
keyboard characters that have special meaning.
To use these special characters as single-character patterns, remove the special meaning by preceding
each character with a backslash (\). In the following examples, single-character patterns matching a
dollar sign, an underscore, and a plus sign, respectively, are shown.
\$ \_ \+
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