New Truth Sarcasm - Post of the Day: Take 1

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John Clees
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New Truth Sarcasm - Post of the Day: Take 1

Post by John Clees »

In an election year WHEN the media clings onto their classic "Divide & Conqueror" tactics...

Learning how to laugh at yourself, learning the truth, and not taking yourself so seriously is more important than ever...


Thought I'd share:

A "Mandate" is a "Request" - :lol:

AND I live in Michigan where our sell-out Governor "pretends" she has an "illegal mandate" over "we the people"

I was just at a bar downtown Rochester a few weeks ago to meet a female friend. The venue was VERY "old money" with a live band and the only people wearing a mask were the staff.

THIS is what won't get shared in the mainstream media.

I've gone to any place (Lowes, Kroger, Bed, Bath, & Beyond, Burger Restaurants, Rite-Aid, Gas Stations, Best-Buy), etc -- and I've never worn a mask; walking right past the "request" for a mask sign.
I can respect their "sign" JUST as much as I can respect walking past it.

FUNNY - the mp3 click-track warning about germs/mask that gets a played when you enter. In bigger chain stores I heard a custom "non-mask" message in Target I believe. Once you see "this side" of a "PRETEND" world acting on fear and falsehoods - they crumble at will. And without a mask, you begin to push through...THE OTHER SIDE!!!

It's a "sober-acid-trip"...haha.

In fact, I got more BS from Kroger than Wholefoods. Once, for a brief moment, a manager at Kroger told me I MUST wear a mask. I told her I had, "Medical Allergies", and I was medically unable to wear a mask. She said it's "OUR POLICY" which again is "preference" - blah blah

I said, "Not only do I have a screenshot of the state governor request - PROVING/STATING (with limited exceptions), but I quickly explained to her that per the ADA (American Disabilities Act), I could NOT ONLY - sue the store but the employee, 70k to 90k, (PER OCCURRENCE) for medical discrimination"!

She then said she was going to check with her manager. I replied, "I suggest you do before pretending to excise a law that doesn't exist" as she did a complete 180 and "spun" the other way removing her toxic, ill-informed, tyrant, agenda format.

I've gone back to Kroger 4-5 times since then with no mask and no interruptions - finally.
I've literally never heard from her or saw her since!

Laws/statues were made from Congress, who wrote legislature - which is ONLY applicable to a PUBLIC/CORP entity (which is NOT a living man/women), so we can use the term - LAW - in it's full "legal" context and it still falls very short from any "power" over man.

Man/Women have God/Gawd/Creator given Rights to live free and man/women appoint the government to create laws (TO) prevent crimes -- (NOT) to PUNISH --- the people of this world.

The media can legally lie to the public so to "use" them as a reference point is a nieve and bias.

See the Smith Mundt Act -- which was reinstated from the 20's in 2012. This made it legal for the government to use propaganda on its own citizens. See "school shootings" jump from 2 to 40 in 2 years right after this happened... Then magically gun laws were put on the table just like clockwork.

Anything above the American flag means it cancels out anything below. A spear above the American flag in a state courtroom -- means it's "at war" with it's citizens. The "fringe" on the American flag means "We the People" are lost/DEAD at sea. This is why the use of PUBLIC or CORP/CAP letters is used.
This happens daily right in front of our eyes.

Men/Women are "Private" living entities --- a court is PUBLIC/FICTION. The two PUBLIC vs. Private can never meet or don't ever apply to one another. In 1776 - all the citizens of the united states were claimed lost or DEAD, and admiralty international "at sea" jurisdiction law has been applied to it's "Citizens - On Land" ever since without their understanding.

That is exactly why a judge asks you to "admit" to being a NON-FICTION entity from the start of a trial, and why CAPITAL LETTERS are used on court mailing documents. Trying/getting someone to admit ownership of their illegal laws/statues (EVEN) before the case starts. Forcing one to "admit" to a NON/LIVING PUBLIC entity and "entering into" their NON-LIVING/FICTION court of laws they don't have jurisdiction over.

It's the same with "signing your name" for a "Driver's License" -- you "agree" to enter into NON-FICTION.
Also the same with "registering" a car -- the state "assumes" it's theirs and you "enter into" an agreement saying you'll keep your Tabs & Registration up to date, per their illegal codes/statues.
To my understanding, CA has had "private plates" for some time.

I just recently learned the constitution put America in debt for - 4 million dollars - which forced the United States into debt for the following 70 years afterward. George Washington was an attorney, a spy meant to bankrupt the United States from the very beginning. Using master legal/attorney syntax grammar manipulation to get "we the people" to ask/allow for something that was so harmful to our land.
Talk about a plot twist!

It was done with legal paperwork grammar syntax trickery. Things assumed a positive meaning really meant something that was negative, and took a "pretend" "non-jurisdiction" stronghold over all of living men/women in one vindictive broad stroke brush.
It's spellcraft at its' finest!

Changes are coming but I wanted to share even more real truth that is buried in so many layers of Spellcraft trickery, and how "using the news" as a source of valid information is false.

All 126 news channels are OWNED by 6 CORPORATIONS
CNN (for example) owner Ted Turner promoted eugenics and man-made population/manipulation control.
The number one killer of black lives IS abortion. Set up by none other than Margaret Thacher - founder of Planned Parenthood - ("a stark racist") as once referred to, who thought the black/jewish & other races should be exterminated. I also heard 77% of "Planned Parenthood" locations were set up in minority neighborhoods.

There is a new saying I recently heard about the news: They only promote what they "create".
Pushing hate/divide posts into your communities/feeds based on Main Stream Media is harmful and toxic.

New Truth Sarcasm post of the Day: Take 1

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John Clees
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Re: New Laugh of the Day Post(s)

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Re: New Laugh of the Day Post(s)

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Re: New Laugh of the Day Post(s)

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Re: New Laugh of the Day Post(s)

Post by John Clees »

Welcome to "American CORP politics" stop pretending it was any different...haha..
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Re: New Truth Sarcasm - Post of the Day: Take 1

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Re: New Truth Sarcasm - Post of the Day: Take 1

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Re: New Truth Sarcasm - Post of the Day: Take 1

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