.[> Flat Earth : (One) of the biggest lies ever told....

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Re: .[> Flat Earth : (One) of the biggest lies ever told....

Post by Hutch »

You seriously are sabotaging your credibility in everything you have ever done by posting sh!t like this. I even stalked you to see you spamming Seth Troxler's page with your flat earth theories. Just so you know. Not a good look man. I had to un-follow you on FB because I can only stand so much idiocy. I had a friend that mentioned you without even being a member here that randomly knows who you are about your flat earth sentiment. Obviously this is more important than techno for you.

So just so you know you are absolutely wrong. Explain a flat earth eclipse. /mic drop
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Re: .[> Flat Earth : (One) of the biggest lies ever told....

Post by Clapshot »

@Hutch: true words. This site lost its credibility because of all these BS posts by john. These days he uses this forum almost entirely for his personal weirdo mission. Sad sad sad. I dont even know what all this conspiracy bs has to do with music?! And dont ask him to explain something with science. His arguments are basically: a) some weird pseudo science youtube vids. b) Flat earth was mentioned in the bible. Cant argue with that :D
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Re: .[> Flat Earth : (One) of the biggest lies ever told....

Post by John Clees »

- Welcome guys!

We've had 80 people online just recently :?:

It's in the general section: that's why it's an open topic.

Flat Earth is a biblical 2000 year old topic ?

The majority of the 2000 years AD people knew the earth was FLAT.

People are having discussions all over the world. I've known Seth since he was a teenager I think... What's that to you? :lol:

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school - Albert Einstein

There are a few things here and there I may add here that I may find interesting about the topic from time to time mr 67 post behind a profile name - I hope you dont terribly mind :?:

I have fun with conversation, perspective and laugh at the truth, and my research is out of my passion I have for history and mother earth. This isn't a sales pitch for your soul, don't take my word for it, and perhaps dive in and try to prove curvature, you won't, nor will anyone ;)

I could list more than a hand full of people without thinking that this conversation came up and it connected us all. It's been wonderful actually!

Congressman Ben Sasse - speaking to Mark Zuckerburg / Suger Mountain: When asking Mark "what justifies harm exactly" I believe. Ben said, "adults need to engage in vigorous debates" - As they caught him blocking certain political parties material and they had documented proof, dates, ect.. ...

"40% of people under the age of 35 when polled THINK the first amendment is a THREAT because "they feel people may say something that MIGHT HURT their feelings" ?

- WHAT!? That is frightening & ridiculous!

* Source : https://www.facebook.com/ijrredpresents ... 5270133197

Here, on an artistic creative forum speaking about something people all over the world are speaking about - Celebrities, Pasters, Teachers, Students, this isn't just me ? That's not even remotely close to being true...lol. John Lennon sent up weather balloons in the 70s... He was on to this back then, not to mentioned actual experiments conducted many years ago that prove a geocentric Flat earth... 100's AND even 1000 years ago, not to mention a 7-year-old documentary done by educated professionals who COULD NOT prove curvature isn't me making some thing up... it's a 2000-year-old topic? * Geocentric FLAT EARTH, we are at the center of the universe, and the sun, moon, & stars revolved around us. / Heliocentric - Ball unproven "theory". THIS is true. If we were EVEN REMOTELY spinning, we wouldn't see the EXACT same circular patterns around Polaris the north star, picture-perfect, returning year after year, this is nearly common sense when you look into the "reason" "why" we are "told" the "way things are"...

Do you really believe technology 500 years later wouldn't disprove the fake "coriolis effect" - Yes/No?

The coriolis effect was debunked and was proven to be untrue! Not only that, Nasa themselves state you must be 50,000 feet to see curve but yet people claim they see the curve in the ocean? That is mathematically impossible. You "think" you see some curve is due due to vanishing point (from the human eye perspective), convergence, and horizon levels. Using a HD object you can zoom in on object that come out of fouce. Telescopes and also prove this on clear days, and we can't "see to another country" due to atompshere conditions, as well as human eye limtations.

Looking into other cultures, religions, beliefs, truth's about what we've been taught in/out of school, helps give a better understanding and a much broader scope as a whole and things start to become more clear. Learning about the real truth in the world is important to me and many others.

Where would you like to begin with the lies? - All (tax-free) billion dollar big business - religions, governments and their wars, gmo's in our food decades ago, sugar, cancer, smoking, drinking, keeping self-healing mushrooms and making smoke illegal... NOTHING about anything was the truth and my journey started with Native American history month, FAKE TALES of Christopher Columbus being the 1st person in American, HA ! - WHAT CROCK OF sh!t! / and the 1st Bush started in the 90's - November being Native American History month that no one knows/talks about and then went down all the way through religion. I was a Christian for over 20 years, which I've also educated myself on deeper truths, and would no longer consider myself a Christian any longer but Agnostic.

In my personal opinion, after several months and over 100 hours of research, I think there is no question we live under a dome-like many many other cultures depict. I think the moon shapes, patterns, transparency, (like MANY counties flag depicts) & ONLY PERFECT 90-degree "creators" prove this. Not to mention seeing blue through the moon during the day and seeing black through the moon at night.

There is no space, Elon is dumping Billions in tax deductions, as the US Gov needed another younger "space idol" as they finally retired the phony guy Stephen Hawking who died in the 90's at best (who was given 3-5 years to live in 1967), which means the 2nd one could have been in play to even make it to the 80's. * He "lived" for 53 years but the Ave life span of someone with ACL is 3-5 years, and the longest person LIVING IN HISTORY with ACL was 22 years, but JUST so happens the space idol DOUBLES that age span? Give me a break!

The more you look into this stuff the more falsehood domino's fall.

Also, there could never be a false UFO's "invasion" as they don't exist in our dimension. Any/All UFO's you've seen are man-made, and many of the man-made dropped from the sky projects we've seen in the past 6 months in LOW EARTH ORBIT is EXACTLY due to the FLAT EARTH TRUTH being told/shared.

Lastly, we are not a simulation, made of dust that evolved from monkey's but are made by the creator/GOD, and are here for a purpose. Enlightenment isn't always a positive experience initially but it's for a purpose in the end. It was worth the emotional journey to be in the place/space where I am now.

I apologize you're taking this so seriously/personally but thank you for expressing yourself.

I've never been more sound, balanced, motivated, and inspired in all my life :!:

But I thank you for the indirect concern!

Learning is fun folks!

Sending Love :!:

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Re: .[> Flat Earth : (One) of the biggest lies ever told....

Post by John Clees »

One more thing...

First rule of thumb : try to LIGHTEN up no?

The world is a big vast place with many people on many spiritual paths.

I strongly feel this is another round of : removal of the ego : as 10 years ago.
flat earth theories
FALSE : The Flat earth is proven geocentric science / heliocentric - ball earth science was never proven - get your facts straight.

Mic drop on a go fish question / which you yourself dont even know what is proven in our deep history.

Not a good look, yet here you are asking questions?

Inquiring minds want to know. LOVE IT :lol:
Hutch wrote: Explain a flat earth eclipse.
The short answer might be the sun takes 24 hrs to cycle/circle, while the moon takes 25 hours perhaps? it's GOD's world, man's theories of science can't explain away the creator. I believe they are close to the same size from a visual perspective it appears. The sun is most certainly not 93,000,000 miles away / as the sun is 400 times bigger making it "look the same" as we've been taught/falsely sold NOR is the sun a "flying lava rock" as cgi depicts it, which would be impossible to reflect sun rays "from 93 million miles away" if it was a flying "lava" rock!...


nasa - "always so extra"... Hahah..


- it's bubbling... this is IMPOSSIBLE a lava bubbling "sun" could project light 93 million mile away!!!

It has to be FLAT - pun intended and how convenient of a truthful answer! :lol:

The sun is closer to 3000 miles away, as a simple weather balloon can show/prove this to you along with unedited airplane footage from the cockpit without looking through structurally engineered windows for the public...

Or fisheye lenses reflecting curve while still on the ground, or redbull jump showing flat horizon while inside but changes/lies and shows a fish eye perspective with new mexico being 25% of Earth while outside... This stuff is embarrassingly funny ..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Also, youtube is a resource, discrediting it as a whole is completely bias and ignorant. Eric published the first flat earth book in close to 40+ years, would you like to read that instead of YouTube?

Yes there are many 80/20 video's online: they've been doing that since the days of Cesar, but that doesn't mean you can't take the potential historical facts, write things down, cross check it, and LOOK INTO something you didn't know about before? It's called research. YouTube is a tool NOT the ANSWER!

I always heard/thought the first sign of intelligence is taking in new information you may not agree with... I love learning, I'm an open book, and will always be open to new information. Why would you not be exactly I dont understand that at all, but when you can prove things with technology....? Why the perspective of blatant naive bias ? Have we really lost all capacity for critical thinking? Trust me its deeper/sadder/more depressing how lost the youth/people are in world in the current state - I guess one had to do a temperature check at some point, hence all the corp 80/20 flat earth video's in circulation right now.

I even stalked you
Lovely. I guess your ego kept your mind busy to keep pushing until you found something to present yourself and here we are. How have you been?
Hutch wrote: /mic drop
*mic drop is a sign of ego/insecurity like Neil Tyson trying to drop a mic to explain buoyancy and density. nice mimic...

It's a belief system that people gave away and perhaps is why its so hard to let go and is so painful on the ego. I get it completely.

Simple corpuscular (rays of sunlight that appear to radiate from the point in the sky where the sun is located) sun rays even driving home from work will show you rays at 45 angles - coming from right above the clouds.

Also, the sun path is also altered while rotating between Capricorn and Aquarius which creates warmer weather at different points of the year - creating the 4 seasons as it's written about in scripture as well.

*A simple weather balloon will also PROVE there most certainly ARE NOT 2300 "orbiting" "satellites" as we've been told. * or even 1 for that matter.

The truth is simple - we dont feel we're spinning/rotating/traveling... because we are NOT!

* Occam's Razor - simplest explanation tends to be the truth. We've been sold this so methodically we even resisted our own GOD GIVEN instinct...



P.S. - The first spoon full of fake indoctrination: Sesame Street: Martians Find the Earth

Does this not count because its on YouTube too?
y u p : y u p : y up
:lol: :lol: :lol:
1.41 sec.
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Re: .[> Flat Earth : (One) of the biggest lies ever told....

Post by Clapshot »

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Re: .[> Flat Earth : (One) of the biggest lies ever told....

Post by John Clees »

You can just say all you want -



REAL EXPERIMENTS have been done - it's not there!




Watching all the youtube/80/20 covert video's that have been done since the age of cesar... and regurgitating what you already knew, coming from nasa who's stitched along a several centuries of masons/lies to take you away from the creator, sell the big bang, to have Darwin, yes you guessed it - another mason - , be the face/sell evolution, coming form monkeys, (Vadian paid for studies to produce "their" results) - removing you from GOD/creator, (GOD is not a Christian) then "selling back" relgion:: tax free ::: profit generation entity under the religion umbrell4a ( making trillions in profit ) : to bring you "closer" to GOD. One takes you way, one brings you back - always playing both sides. Like voting Rep or Democrat. One lie needs another - as in life. 4 GRAND LIES - BIG BANG / EVOLUTION / DINOSAURS / SPACE.

Methodically, step by step and physiologically belittling your spiritual instinct - even tho your OWN instinct told you something was - off - . Always hearing the term : "the world is a stage".... lol.. Belittling ( all of us ) as a spiritual being in GOD's/creator's playground. Done to spiritual steal your power away, and to keep you week, second-guessing, truly convinced you're a speck of dust, evolved from a monkey in the never-ending multiple Earth universe vs. GOD's creation, here for a purpose, THE CENTER of the universe, protected in a dome, on a FLAT Earth in GOD'S image.

Yes, there are over 200 mentions of a FLAT EARTH in the bible, I'm not religious, (that's JUST frosting) & proves ppl knew the earth was FLAT 1000's of years ago. My reason is simple : Math & TECHNOLOGY. Using THEIR mathematical calculation of curvature, and using a HD camera, lasers, you can PROVE it's a LIE. THERE IS NO MORE BACKPEDDLE ALREADY! :lol:

What are you having trouble understanding exactly?

Using pseudoscience: actual definition of something that CANT be PROVEN in an experiment - " considered as having no scientific basis." * CURVE AND GRAVITY ARE pseudosciences. GRAVITY IS buoyancy and density. FORCE/MASS. Helium is lighter than air that is why it rises.

We live in a dome at the bottom of the sea like many cultures depict, that why TECHNOLOGY ALSO PROVES bioluminescence stars/planets : (did you know there are so many they stop giving them names), as they are not solid objects that we can land on, let ALONE a half a transparent/crescent moon this is blue see through in the day, and dark at night... Haha...

just saying : you're guiliable - you might want to do some adult research - it's fun!

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Re: .[> Flat Earth : (One) of the biggest lies ever told....

Post by John Clees »

NASA : in Hebrew means to deceive!

Gosh, this gets even better I didn't think there were more layers of bullshit!!! YES! Thank you for pulling me back in! Haha!

Yes the Hebrew word נָשָׁא, is described as 'to beguile, deceive' in strongs #5377

I was half curious so I dug deeper: it's nasa to nä·shä'

the Hebrew word for NASA is נָשָׂא, strongs #5375

That didn't take too long using letters to numbers

I guess we're splitting hairs by 2 numbers really? :lol:

(NASA) : (N)ever (A) (S)traight (A)nswer

:-flower :lol: :-flower
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