Netlabels - want some of your stuff reviewed ?

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mnml maxi
mnml maxi
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Netlabels - want some of your stuff reviewed ?

Post by AVX23 »

Hi, I just got word from one of my mates that works for a Scottish based Dance/Culture mag/paper, I asked her how to get netlabel stuff reviewed thinking I'd send her some of our own releases. Then I'm thinking hey - it's not just our stuff I want to push - it's really all decent netlabel stuff.

so - If anyone wants stuff reviewed (obviously they can't review everything !) then the way they work is that they like to be sent pre-release stuff so they can review it before it comes out - kinda makes sense really.

They like CD's/Vinyl too , so If anyone is interested, then PM me - or send a mail to

I can arrange to get the material to the right people, we're going to do the odd review on our own site too from time to time, in order to try and break more netlabel/minimal stuff over here, as it's badly mis-represented in Scotland just now :)

Anyway - it's hardly NME - but hey - it's a start !!

By the same token - a local student radio station asked me to go and do an interview about netlabels and has been playing our stuff lately, so If anyone has any material we can push in that direction - then that would be wicked :)

Ok, so - I'm sorry If this is the wrong section - just seemed the most appropriate - I'm sure the admins will shift it if necc :)


Patrick @ AVXR
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