Broadcasting podcast/internet radio live

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mnml maxi
mnml maxi
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Broadcasting podcast/internet radio live

Post by soapz »

Hello, looking for some help. Its my websites 1st Anniversary coming up, so aswell as throwing a party to celebrate, I thought, for all the people who are regulars to my site but are in other countries, it would be cool to do a live one-off internet radio broadcast with live mixes etc from my studio. Ive never broadcast anything live before and I have been researching into the best ways of doing this.

There are a few free Internet radio softwares I have found and a few that is about 50euros for a months subscription which I dont mind paying - as long as enough people can listen at the same time and its going to be a clear broadcast etc. Been looking at the Just wondered if anybody had any experience with this and can give advice on best software or even advice on anything that usually goes wrong first time setting up.. cheers. PS I was hoping to be doing it using a microphone and cdjs straight through one xone92 into the comp..

Thanks, feel free to move into another section of the forum, i couldnt think of where to ask this thanks!
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