Logic or Reason ?

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Logic or Reason ?

Post by Crazygoat »

Hello people,

I just bought a MIDI keyboard and want to start taking producing seriously.

I've played around with FruityLoops a few years back, got a lot of ideas but no experience with production software.

Now the question:

I've got a Mac and I'm trying to decide whether I should get Logic 9 or Reason 4, or any other software?

Would anyone care to share their suggestions?

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Post by New Guy »

Great thread title, it could get really philosophical :D
I personally prefer intuition.
Just joking.

Well, I think you should give both a try. If you can try them out first and see with which one you feel more comfortable.
I personally don't like Reason, it's just that the interface is not doing it for me and it is very limited in the audio department, and also you are limited to the internal effects and instruments i.e. you can't use any 3rd party vstis.

Logic is wicked, its built in plugins are pretty solid, the work flow works for me (though it might not work for you, I don't know, you should try it out).
The interface is clean, the routing possibilities are really good and simple.
The sound engine is clean and also a lot of people in the industry use it, yet a lot of well known and very successful people also use Reason and FruityLoops too!

So it basically depends on you. On how you want to work, more with midi or with audio, want to use external plugins or not. Oh and Reason is very light on the CPU so if you have CPU issues or your computer is not strong then perhaps its worth considering Reason.

If I had to choose between the two then I would choose Logic, but then again right now I am using Cubase and love it to bits (been using it for ages so probably that the reason for my love) :)

Whatever you choose its not the software that makes great music but you! They are both great programs.
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Post by tone-def »

i own both

but if i had to choose just one i would go for Reason with Record. Reason 5 & Record 1.5 is also one of the best updates they have done. if you buy now you get the updates free when they are released on the 25th of this month.

Reason on it's own is a lot of hard work to get it sounding good. Record adds all your mix tools to polish your tracks and also the ability to record audio. the combo still works out cheaper too.

Logic is good but you will end up spending more money on plugins.

Logic is more flexible in the way you can buy more plugins ($$$) and Reason is more flexible in the way you can route anything to anything.

for best results buy Reason with Record and then get Logic later if you want more instuments.
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Post by Minimal Samples »

Will you be doing much recording of vocals and "real" instruments because if you are then logic is the better option. If not then it depends on how deep you want to get into synth & drum programming. Reason 5 is very deep out of the box in terms of programming.
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Post by Phase Ghost »

I've used Logic for the last 9 or 10 years, so my view on the matter is biased towards Logic. Although, the few times I've used Reason, it was more than capable of producing with. Back then, it couldn't use any vst's or au's and that's a deal breaker for me. I don't use a lot of external plugins, but there are 2 or 3 I can't live without. If they fixed that, it would be a great program.

What about Ableton? I don't use it personally, but loads of people rate it quite highly.

Either way, just make sure you have fun. 8)
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Post by tone-def »

New Guy wrote: Logic is wicked, its built in plugins are pretty solid, the work flow works for me (though it might not work for you, I don't know, you should try it out).
The interface is clean, the routing possibilities are really good and simple.
i find the routing in Logic really lets the program down. it's very limited and one of the many reason i moved to Pro Tools.
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Post by PsyTox »

Reason is great to work but indeed, the sound is always a problem. Maybe something you can solve by routing everything through Logic and mastering the channels in there? I used to work like that with Reason + Ableton and it was best of both worlds basically.
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Post by Raddler »

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