Studio Furniture Suggestions???

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Studio Furniture Suggestions???

Post by tommy_fretwell »

I've made enough progess now to expand my home setup and start taking things a little more seriously. Theres only so much more I can take stooped over a half modified old computer table thats way to low, cramped and unstable. I think a comfortable environment is a more creative one.

So which leads me on to the topic title. What are you guys using as your workstation? I mean I'm looking around and there only seems to be a few players in the budget workstations. If you are prepared to pay 1k plus you'll get yourself a good station, but I'm looking to pay between £50-150, and even then the items in this range aren't really that good value.

I was tempted with the Studio RTA Creation Station but then looking closer, you don't get a pull out keyboard shelf and apparently the top shelf is too low for a decent monitor height, therefore needing more money spent on monitor stands.

So although quite a long winded topic, the some of it being do any of you have any suggestions for a budget station? Maybe build my own? Although not as pleasing on the eye!
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Post by Ruso »

Here's a home made example that is very functional. I took one of those corner tables(that go in the corner and kind of form an l... took it appart and used the wood to built a simple, larger table and used the scraps for speaker stands(which are mounted to the table). I also now utilize the space under it for a behemoth 12in subwoofer box which fits there perfect.

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Post by oblioblioblio »

i got a modular table thing from ikea called the jerker for about £80. I have a feeling they were disconitnued but it's worth checking ebay. really sturdy, lots of customizing options and really cheap.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

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Post by prussell »

yeah seriously....just go to Ikea with full measurements of your room/available work space + gear, you should be able to get a few things to screw together & easily make a suitable workstation...
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Post by Storlon »

Diy is your best bet, cheap and it fits exactly your needs.
also the monitors have to be at the hight of your ears and at equal distance when your work (and check the distances at witch you have to be from it tho have the perfect triangle/ listening experience). You can even put some little lego wheels under your speakers to avoid some bad frequencies ;)

by the way... my chair have been the best improvement in my working environnement.
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Post by Stomper »

i agree with DIY, or pay someone for custom table.
cheaper and fit your needs exectly. i only needed to buy a rack and a simple table.

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