DJ Support?

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Do feedback by "known" DJs affect your sales?

Poll ended at Thu May 15, 2008 7:16 am

Yes, I tend to buy the music if its recommanded by DJ I like
Sometimes. Feedback catches my curiosity.
No. I only buy if its good.
No, I'm more into word of mouth and my friend's suggestion
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DJ Support?

Post by pheek »

Ok, I might be completely off and please feel free to tell me if I'm wrong but, is it me or we just dont give a damn anymore about DJ's feedback?

I mean, EVERY releases I see, DJ X, Y and Z give the same one liner than the other release. All DJs support every releases...

This is not a rant but as a label owner and music buyer, I really wonder what it really means to YOU to read feedback because to me, I just dont read them at all if this DJ or that one plays it or support it. I'm more interested by the music itself.

Discuss. thanks.
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Post by vermi »

don't care at all what the feedback is from other dj's.

never understood the point of having those feedbacks in the posts about new releases.. it's as simple as: let the music speak for itself. if it's good and you like it, you buy/support/whatever it. if it's not, then i'll have to say you're stupid if you still buy/support/whatever it because dj x likes it.
(just to make it clear, when i write 'you' here, i don't mean you pheek, just a way of speech :) )

the worst thing of all (here at the forum) must be the posts where the labelowners/whoever that gets the feedback from the djs and is responsible for posting new releases, only posts the info about the release and a lot of feedback, but no samples of the actual release? c'mon??

in those cases i start to think to myself, "wtf?" are there such stupid people out there? saying "yeah, great release, never heard it before, but luciano supports it, so it roxx, it's the BAAAMB/BOMB/whatever".

but on topic again, no, i don't care about dj feedbacks :)

more/longer samples, less feedbacks!
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Post by mlexicon »

i definetely dont care - in fact it might actually turn me away from buying the release for a number of reasons

1 - if all these popular djs are playing it, by the time i play it.....its lost its magic for me

2 - i like digging and stumbling on things - if im being hand fed what im supposed to like - kinda doesnt feel right

3 - im sure theres a 3

what does effect my purchase is I have to admit dj sets, im not necessarily a playlist hound or anything, but listening to a dj and i hear a few tracks i really like - then one day i run into them online, and im like fck yes - i love this sh!t. but yeah i dont like doing tracklists - maybe its dumb, but id rather not know the name, just remember the sound. makes it harder, but more special for me somehow
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Post by PsyTox »

Well, you actually have companies that sell feedback packages: they have an extensive list of dj's that get your promo sent, and the dj's regularly have to respond otherwise they do get thrown off the list and so no more freebies. This is of course part of a promotion package where they also send your stuff to the press etc.
Yes, it's bollocks and so it's sometimes hard to believe the feedback, but I wouldn't unerestimate the effect. There are quite a few people who read the feedback and who think "well, if Dj X likes it, might be worth while listening to it". And especially for small labels, getting people to check out your tracks is far more necessairy then for established labels, where people just listen because it's on that label.
So feedback is one part of the many things that you have to do to promote your music, I guess. And it's just fun if you get honest feedback from some artists too: it boosts the morale ;) When I get a nice mail from someone I admire who tells me that he/she likes the music we release, it feels good and it helps me forget the shitload of money we lose :lol:

We don't pay for feedback, we just have a short list of dj's we like, and we use FATdrop ( ) to deliver the promo's to them, and that works good enough :)

Personally I just read feedback, I tend to check out dj charts more. Charts have the advantage that there are always tracks in there that I missed somehow. But for the most part, I just buy stuff that I hear on my daily scavenger mission on Beatport.
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Post by Delano »

Sometimes. Feedback catches my curiosity.
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Re: DJ Support?

Post by fader »

pheek wrote:
EVERY releases I see, DJ X, Y and Z give the same one liner than the other release. All DJs support every releases...

that's because of the digital mail-outs now where you have to type a feedback before you get a hi-res download link
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Post by colmenares »

I think feedback should be kept for label owners and the artist involved in the release.... as far as the people that buy the record, they should know better to buy something or not regardless of who's playing it

The funnies feedback so far is seeing Laurent Garnier on every single release as DJ feedback, on top of that he always says the same about every release: "I will play it"

kinda loses meaning after a few times doesn't it?
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Post by re.vise »

If I see a dj I like, saying its a very good track, I will 99% for sure like it as well.. Then I'll check it out for sure but doesnt make me buy it instantly. ;)
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