Ableton Live 5.2 - Reason 3.0 QUESTION

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mnml mmbr
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Ableton Live 5.2 - Reason 3.0 QUESTION

Post by SABO »


I'm a complete newb to producing, and I was wondering if its possible in any way to do the following:

I currently Rewire Reason to Ableton Live through Reasons "Hardware Mixer". I then choose inputs and outputs in Live so that sound from Reason is played on Live's master through one of Live's AUDIO CHANNELS. I would like to do the same thing but instead of being regular Audio, I would like it to be MIDI.

Basically what I want to do is use Reason's Subtraktor patches in Live as my synthetizer chanel, but instead of recording audio, I want to record MIDI.

I know about the Operator Instrument in Live but my problem is that I don't have any patches/pre sets for it, and therefore I only get this single tone; the subtraktor would give me a lot more sounds to play with.

Any help would be very nice.

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Post by spyromus »

So you want to play MIDI nodes in Ableton Live and have them rendered by Reason's Substractor? I believe there's one way to do this -- to use a virtual MIDI cable, like MIDI Yoke

I don't have Reason installed right now, and I can't give exact instructions, but it usually all looks like this:

* You install the virtual MIDI cable
* Launch Live
* Create MIDI track
* Instruct it to output MIDI to the virtual cable (see MIDI TO / Configure / Midi Ports / Output: Midi Yoke NT: X / Track -> ON) and select the channel
* Start Reason
* Configure MIDI IN on the same channel
* In Live create the audio track and take the audio from Reason

Now you should have a setup where you send MIDI events from Live to Reason through one virtual cable track and get rendered sound from Reason to Live through another.

Hope it works and helps!
mnml mmbr
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Post by SABO »


I will try to do your suggestion but I don't know if what you are saying is what I want to sounds complicated (for me)....what I want to do is to use the instruments in Reason through REWIRE then to LIVE, and then in LIVE be able to record as MIDI -not as regular audio.

I want to use Reason's Synths and its Patches (sounds) in Live so I can record that exact same sound as MIDI in LIVE's Midi Channels...I want to do this beacuse I would be able to Quantizize the notes -among other things-(I don't think you can do this with regular audio...???)

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Post by spyromus »

Interesting. I have an impression that there's some little misunderstanding between us. Do you realize that it'll be impossible to make exactly the same sound you have with Reason by simply playing recorded MIDI notes in Live without Reason attached through Rewire and listening on some MIDI port?

I must be wrong, but it seems to me you don't understand that MIDI isn't equal to sound. MIDI is just a stream of events (note presses, note releases, controller adjustments and a bunch of other stuff). You can record all these events and later play them back as if somebody was playing your keyboard or turning knobs on the controller, and some device (synth, drum machine etc) still has to make sound for you.

Having this in mind, I can see no point in wiring Live with Reason just for capturing the notes you play in the last. If you need your existing work to be transferred into Live, as far as I know, you can export your tracks from Reason as MIDI files and import them into Live for further processing.

If it's still not it, I'll let somebody else step in and will enjoy reading their recipes. Have fun!
mnml mmbr
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Post by SABO »

yeah the problem is that im kind of new to all this...

but maybe this example will hlep me explain better...

when Im in live I can use the built in Operator instrument as my Synthesizer. I then record my notes into the clip that runs in the MIDI Chanel. Then, when I double click the clip, I see the different steps or notes recorded in the pentagram??

Now in the other hand, when I rewire Reason using Reasons Subtractor as my instrument, I see the wave form only when I double click the clip, I cannot edit or change events because is not midi, is just recorded audio (I can add effects, shorten or lenghten the loop, etc, but that's not my question)

I will like to have the same result I have with the operator in live, but with the sythsizer from reason rewired to LIVE's MIDI chanel.

I want to record MIDI from the Subtractor in Reason directly to one of Live's MIDI channels, so I can latter on edit the events recorded and add some MIDI Effects that only Live has.

I hope this is more understandable....?

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Post by spyromus »

Yeah, that's what I assumed. So the recipe stays the same:

* Use Live as a sequencer with MIDI out
* Use Reason as an instrument listening to MIDI from Live and giving the sound back through Rewire

One thing I don't understand is why do you need to record MIDI from Reason? You can think of it as of an instrument that is connected to Live. Select the MIDI channel you use for sending MIDI events to Reason in Live and play your keyboard, record parts etc. Reason will make sound for you and you will record it. You can make Reason play any MIDI in this way, like the parts you programmed for Operator.

If you have something ready in Reason, export it into MIDI and import into Live.

Anyway, I have nothing to add. Hope you will figure out the way.
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Post by SABO »

ok man...thaks alot for your help...I will try to find a you think that if I record a midi clip (synth notes) in Reason, and then export that clip as Midi to Live, will I be able to edit the clip in Live? i.e. re arrange the recorded notes/events in LIVE?

P.S. I don't want to bother you anymore with this...I'll just tryit at home.
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Post by spyromus »

I believe you will be able. There's the arrangement window in Reason where you can copy your pattern from Matrix and export as MIDI. Can't recall whether you can export right from the Matrix or not, sorry

No worries. I just didn't know what else to suggest. :)
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