Why drum machines?

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mnml maxi
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Post by ::BLM:: »

So the better thing to do would have been for AK to say nothing? Keep his feelings to himself? For me I think its better that someone says exactly what they feel.

You're never getting any hostile sh!t in the modular thread though were you? Then only time I have said something back to you is when I disagreed with you. It's silly that things like that make you want to stop contributing because its useful information you put forth. People are always going to disagree.

The fact that we are all talking about this means that there is obviously no right way of making music.
mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

i can't completely comment on what the right thing to do or not is. But to me it seemed like a personal attack that had no real place and wouldn't achieve anything. If I bring up someting negative with someone I am senstive to choose the right time and do so out of necessity rather than annoyance or temper.

i don't want to comment too mch becuase I respect AK a lot as a contributor and it's the first time that i've stepped back and felt unusual about what he said.
mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

pafufta816 wrote:lets just handjob and makeup and call it cool
but what machines should they use to clean up? should the people be allowed to say which machines are the best for the task?
mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

::BLM:: wrote:So the better thing to do would have been for AK to say nothing? Keep his feelings to himself? For me I think its better that someone says exactly what they feel.

You're never getting any hostile sh!t in the modular thread though were you? Then only time I have said something back to you is when I disagreed with you. It's silly that things like that make you want to stop contributing because its useful information you put forth. People are always going to disagree.

The fact that we are all talking about this means that there is obviously no right way of making music.
not wanting to drag this out any further, but the issue isnt about agreeing or dissagreeing about kit and technique, there wouldnt be much point if everyone agreed about everything, its just totally unecessary to throw hostility and personal insults about.

so while to some its spitting dummies out, to me its about just not wasting my time pointlessly arguing and bitching about something i'm passionate about when i could be having constructive interactions with likeminded people instead.

i'll stick to the modular synthsesis thread from now on.
mnml maxi
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Post by ::BLM:: »

take it with a pinch of salt though bro. he did say he's not meaning to upset anyone, it was just how he feels about certain things. if he said really nice personal things it wouldn't have mattered it was just because he attacked your character and seemed to touch a nerve.

This is the first time this has happened and you have been posting here for ages. It seems silly that your going to let one thing like this stop you posting in other posts when we have had LOADS of positive threads before about non modular stuff.
mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

::BLM:: wrote:take it with a pinch of salt though bro. he did say he's not meaning to upset anyone, it was just how he feels about certain things. if he said really nice personal things it wouldn't have mattered it was just because he attacked your character and seemed to touch a nerve.

This is the first time this has happened and you have been posting here for ages. It seems silly that your going to let one thing like this stop you posting in other posts when we have had LOADS of positive threads before about non modular stuff.
i'm a big lad, i can take personal insults, its just distasteful thats all.

but more importantly for me, is the general animosity that wells up whenever modular synthesis is brought up in the context of other topics, as if somehow it isnt relevant, like it's an exclusive club for rich geeks, when in reality its just a bunch of synthesizer bits you join together.
its become really tiresome, and this thread just pushed it over the edge for me.
if i'm going to discuss what i'm doing right now, it may as well be in a condusive environment.

no hard feelings, life's too short.
mnml maxi
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Post by Shepherd_of_Anu »

Nobody take this personally because this is just a general statement...

To be honest I get a little tired of the blasé airs people carry about electronic music especially when it comes to music gear. Can't use samples anymore unless you recorded them yourself using the reverb of a highway underpass, using a DAW is uncool and uncreative because of the limitless possibilities, don't ever use a preset on a synth because they all suck, you have to be OTB to make worthwhile techno and so on. This sucks and that sucks and whatever, whatever. Its an attitude that can be fatiguing after awhile. I understand where AK is coming from.

I have a perception there is too much negativity, especially around the gear or methods people use to make music. I am not actually saying that any of you specifically are negative but everyone's little comments add up. Eventually the subject has a negative vibe. Like the joke about "drum machines suck, unless you like them.." Yeah you are joking I suppose but what is the point? Its just another one of those little negative comments in the big bucket. I don't know. Drum machines are alright. You probably made some guy who just bought a new drum machine cry. Hes probably lying in bed with it right now stroking it and whispering, "dont worry, I still love you."

It makes me think about that guy who posted a little while back, asking if it is ok to use the synths in Ableton Live. How ridiculous that sounds. This is the culture being created. A guy spends hundreds of dollars on some industry standard software but is worried that people won't respect his production if he uses the instruments in this expensive software. It boggles the mind! Or my mind at least.

I think its all cool, DAWS, analog hardware, softsynths, sample banks, hand percussion instruments, flutes, feild recordings, spring reverbs, vst effects... I like it all. I think everything has its place. The production forum seems more like a gear forum these days. Half the posts go something like this.... "I am thinking about getting a (company brand)(random letters and numbers, possibly a dash too). Is it worth it?" Pretty boring, maybe there should be a gear forum and the production forum.

I think almost everyone would agree that modular synthesis would be a fun thing to try out. Still, its just another thing out there. If I had lots of extra space and money I would certainly give it a whirl but all the patch work kind of turns me off a bit. How do you manage all that stuff? I would probably go OCD and start keeping a spreadsheet of my gear and favourite patches. Everyone seemed to enjoy the short video clip steevio posted on the modular synthesis thread. I know the mods have gone over this many times but I think the forum could use an upgrade. A forum about a kind of media should really have some form of media communication. I think it would help move people past the world of "I like this" and "that thing sucks" to a better world of "here, look what we can do with this." I think that is really the crux of the problem.

Then again, maybe that is just my wishful thinking. I wish that instead of reading peoples comments about how much better something is I could see actual examples in action. Gear is nice and all but its the music that matters isn't it?

Just to reiterate... Nobody take this personally because this was mostly just a general statement.
mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

haha... sorry to the guy in bed with his drum machine that i made cry!!! (???)

i know where you're coming from dude. It is dangerous to be close to belittling the work of others when it comes to these topics. But there's no other way to say this stuff.... i'm just being passionate about something that has changed the way I work.

This issue kind of annoys me though... many people seem to react to the tip of the iceberg and ignore the big fck off glacier under the surface. I've said countless times that it's the music that counts. I'm gonna hear work done with samples, with software, with whatever the fck, and it's gonna blow me away and make me feel that my own music sucks in comparison. I've said this exact thing in another thread but that quote never got reeled out.

The way I feel about it now is quite a lot like "fck off"...i'm just gonna focus on my own work and people who come to me with questions and i'll be more than happy to answer.
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