Why drum machines?

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mnml maxi
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Post by AK »

i think it was overdue. The thread was just a means to an end. And I get the feeling I speak for a lot of people. It seems ok if you question stuff and hold an opinion, but you have an issue and spit your dummy out if it conflicts with yours.

I made a statement and I think you replied later in the thread, to word of effect, 'that you were never gonna fuckin post again'. Not word for word but you said that because I didnt agree with something or I hit a sour note. I dont know if other people tread on eggshells around you but I wont. I say it as it is bro but thats not meant in disrespect. I think you are an awesome musician and I find you an extremely intelligent and artistically aware guy. I just think you have an attitude and arrogance that angers me and perhaps others (guessing).

The arrogance comes from the fact that you always have to be right, then when questioned, you respond in an aggressive way and generally dont like it. It's mostly on gear stuff and what you value in music, time sigs, drums, kinda thing.
I think thats wicked btw, but not at the expense of making others feel belittled, or that their techniques and gear are not worthy of pushing out music. Im not saying for 1 min that you have ever said anything like that but some of your posts do hint at making an almost mockery of gear and technique.

I dont mean to upset you, just as you dont mean to upset others. I only picked on you cos you are the 'man'. You know more than anyone I know. I just disagree with some of it. It's no biggie.
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Post by steevio »

well what youre saying there is very personal, and i'm not going to get into telling you how you come over in this forum.

if you'd bothered to read it, what i said was;

'i find this 'elitist' slur rather sad and it makes me just want to stop contributing to this forum '

and i do, and it does.

all i ever do is try to help by showing there's other ways to do just about everything, to the ones generally accepted, someone has to do it, its my misfortune that when i do so, i'm labelled elitist, arrogant or whatever.
ive never at any time said that my way is the only way about anything, i'm trying to give a balanced view of music production..

the saddest thing of all is that it's not even me who is being so blase' about dissing anything not modular.
you seem to think that anything anyone says about modular must be attributed to me.

out of here
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Post by oblioblioblio »

this has all gotten very personal and out of hand. i don't really know how i can comment on any of it.

i think it's healthy that people have opinions but there have been a few comments of quite a personal nature that don't really seem warrented.

AK, you're an interesting guy man and I really value your comments but i don't know why you would bring up points like the ones you just made and it doesn;t seem like it would achieve anything.

I agree with a lot of what you've said in other posts. It is dangerous that some kid with a bright spark in their eye feels like they can't make music without an expnsive case of modular gear. Personally i've gotten pretty carried away with loving modular, and you need to take what i say about it with a pinch of salt, but I don't think any of the modular guys are saying that modular is the only way. For me personally it just strikes such a chord that I want to share it.
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Post by twisted-space »

I'm pretty much an outsider here, I enjoy reading some of the post on the forum, and I (very) occcasionally have something to contribute.

I feel that there is a fine line between being enthusiastic about something, and being a bigot, and that some of the posts I've read on here recently have definately tended towards the later.

I don't wish to offend or insult anyone, just wanted to express my thoughts.

Peace and respect to all of you.
mnml maxi
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Post by pafufta816 »

lets just handjob and makeup and call it cool
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Post by tone-def »

not really sure what's going on here.
as far as i remember nobody said anything bad about drum machines. steevio and myself said they were limited and we gave reason why we thought that. people love limitations around here so i wouldn't call that a negative thing.
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Post by ::BLM:: »

oblioblioblio wrote:
AK, you're an interesting guy man and I really value your comments but i don't know why you would bring up points like the ones you just made and it doesn;t seem like it would achieve anything.

He's bringing it up because it’s how he feels. Everyone is taking things way to personally. I thought we could share our opinions truly here without people getting upset. If we don't agree on one thing, there is no need to stop posting or what not. There are many other times that we have agreed on things. Most of my friends have different opinions to me; it’s what makes it work. Discussion is what this forum needs. If we all agreed it would be stale.
mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

i have disagreements with my friends all the time. i don't really call them up and point stuff out like that unless i feel it's in their interest.

this is a production forum, and yeah it's personal from time to time, but i accept people or don't accept them. I find it a bit weird for someone to jump up and say stuff like that.

i felt like not posting about modular anymore becuase i was constantly being misinterpreted, and experiencing a lot of hostility for no justifyable reason.

i don't really feel like posting this either to be honest.
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