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Post by s.k. »

someone mentioned its tedious work to load samples into the esx...

you may wanna check this out, it comes in handy :wink:

when this guy created that program, it was a blessing for all esx owners. korg heard about him and there was a rumour they were going to hire him but dunno if they did. not sure if anybody has posted that goodie here so there you go.
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Post by Ruso »

something useful for you guys, consider sending midi in to ableton, and midi out back to the electribe and use a midi lfo vst or just midi dummy clips to create automation it's a lot more precise then using the knobs and recording the automation and besides you can record what you draw in ableton later.... doesn't even have to be ableton at all in fact it could be anything that supports midi automation...

another trick for minimal, I posted this before on this forum but use a midi lfo to control the synth oscilator type(the knob) I can't remember the midi cc number but look in the manual, what this does is change the instruments as often as you set the lfo it creates nice glitchy sounds and you could set it up so every note has a different instrument sound for one part... (this is for the EMX, with the ESX you could automate this to switch samples however it'd be a pain in the ass and you'd have to use some form of midi translator or midi ox because it's an NRPN message)

almost obvious one but a lot of people don't think to do this, use an external appregiator, the one in the electribes is very nifty but the problem is that it's set to every 16th note and you can't change it which is rather annoying.

the most important thing with any tool is to bend the purpose of the little tools within it and take them outside of the box and turn them into something else, more useful.

have fun, electribes rule.
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Post by sauce »

I have owned both an EMX and an ESX and used both extensively. I no longer have an EMX, but I have owned a few ESX's and they will always be a part of my setup. For pure sound mangling, the ESX stands with the sickest.

The EMX and the ESX both have very similar control surfaces, but there are *key* differences. You cannot on the EMX, for instance, use the filters on the drum sounds! Whoever came up with that design flaw is a freak of nature..

The EMX uses one GM sample set that you cannot change. This makes it very hard to continue making patterns that you will find "fresh" in the long run.

About the sequencer: Using these Electribes as a "sound module" and sequencing with software would be an absolute travesty. No, Ableton Live cannot do all the ESX can do "better", even with the sickest controller. I believe the Electribe sequencer is the finest live-oriented sequencer that mankind has yet created, and I have used EVERY sequencer there is, hard and soft. (C-Lab Notator to Cakewalk, MMT-8 to Korg M1, W-30 to Logic, Emu [all] to MPC-3000, Triton to Ableton to Revolution)

Listen, the ESX puts the spank on the EMX, hands-down, no question. If you need a *gripping* sample set to start with, let me know. In ESX format, of course.

This gives me an idea for another thread...
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Post by sauce »

I meant to add:

As the ESX is a ampler, it has infinite possiblities for "Found" sounds. Also, the ability to go off on effect "tangents", and the tendency to snap effects back into "position" with the start of the following sequence, makes it ideal for the real-time manipulation of "minimal" sequences. That answers one of your first questions.. :wink:

Need a tutorial?
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Post by Ruso »

I disagree, ableton can do everything better except for the slice....

and you didn't think about using the esx or the emx as a controller ;)

I can prove it to you I made a song on my esx which is my favourite song but when I moved to the pc I had to recreate it, and I did from scratch I can prove to you that it's better..
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Post by sauce »

Ruso wrote:ableton can do everything better except for the slice....
Bullshit. Even using the ESX as a controller will not give you the hands-on, real-time squencing abilities that the Electribe can. Granted, Ableton can do plenty of things that you can't do with an ESX, but then I never said you shouldn't use Ableton. In fact, I think Ableton is one of the most versatile tools on the market, for live or studio use. I just think that the ESX is more versatile for a live tool. For instance...

If you are using a sequence with a looping sample and you want to *instantly* reverse the sample, how would Ableton do this? What if you wanted to instantly change the effects it is routed too, and also link three effects at the same time? And I'm talking INSTANTLY, it can't take more than the push of a button. How about if you are using seven or eight samples and you want to change the pitch of ALL of them gradually. Then, and this is the important part, you want them ALL to snap back to original pitch with the start of the next pattern? What if you wanted to mute all of them, one by one, add effects to them real-time, reverse two of them, add a sample-and-hold LFO to one that modulates amplitude, modulate pan on another and tweak delay timing, PLUS have everything snap back to normal with the start of the next pattern?!

There are countless other ways that the ESX shines out against the Ableton software in the area of playability.
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Post by sauce »

I'm going to get a video camera so I can show you..
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Post by Ruso »

real time hands on sequencing is true.... but modification in ableton is much more presice and much better sounding....

esx is a great machine don't get me wrong but it does lack in effects and also sound quality
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