[PERLON 78]Maayan Nidam - Don't Know Why/Feels like

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Post by moessap »

igloo-rec wrote:i think what matters here is a label releasing music. you like the music or dont....why so much fuzz about the formats....!
AGREE !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Posso »

Well this became an interesting thread... Its funny cause being a label manager I/we are always challanged with these arguments. I think I know what Doudou is getting at, maybe didnt come out right but I think and see an obvious trend with the newer generation who are now getting involved and seeing these "big" guys play using the digital realm and them just wanting to get involved using those formats. I mean I remember when I first got involved and was truly impressed with Jeff Mills, Claude Young, Laurent Garnier playing with 3 decks. I went home and did just that... so now when some of these younger kids who have not really experienced the love and gratitude of vinyl see "Ritchie" using some Trakor or midi set up, they want to do just that. The margin is pretty high these days with the youth getting involved with digital only. I and Im sure many other label heads see it and feel it. Funny thing is I went to an after party abroad (wont say where) and yes they were pretty young the crowd and they didnt even have decks, just an evolution or that module with the fly wheels (name is slipping from me at the moment...) anyway, ive seen this on several occasions.

But regardless, I do see the pros and cons for both formats and who is to say which is right or wrong. I personally prefer both formats cause yes there are some labels that only put out our beloved black gold and some that do both. I like to use 1 deck Serato and the other vinyl but thats in the better situations. Digital is easier to use and play your new tracks and also makes for lighter travel. Vinyl though is timeless and more valuable.... My thing is with digital is that at times it makes the music a bit disposiable where vinyl your forced to deal with it and make a decision whether you take it home or not especially with these high prices now a days.

I remember when vinyl was 8-9 bucks for import and 5-6 for domestic. Lets bring those prices back and I bet you'll see more people doing vinyl. I mean thats a short sighted thing to say but the price does make a difference. I think its a 2 sided coin.... Some prefer only vinyl, some digital and some both... it wont change. Lets just enjoy the music! What do I know, Im just a music lover! ;)
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Post by upekah »

Posso wrote:Lets just enjoy the music! What do I know, Im just a music lover! ;)
You pointed it out! Well said budd!

'nuff said 8)
plaster wrote:you can't be a leader if are a follower.
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Post by soapz »

Saw her play at Panarama Bar last weekend.. She was ok, I wouldnt say she was an amazing DJ, the set didnt really pick up anywhere but she seemed to be good at holding that mood and keeping everybody dancing.. and for the people arguing etc.. she was playing only vinyl from what I saw..
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Post by igloo-rec »

vinyl...cds...ableton...traktor.....whateva....good stuff is what matters....get over it.

bob dylan - the times they are changin'
Mreddie Fercury
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Post by Mreddie Fercury »

igloo-rec wrote:vinyl...cds...ableton...traktor.....whateva....good stuff is what matters....get over it.

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Post by Dragonsand »

The tyranny of immediate pleasure, always, always... :roll: see further, and you'll feel that the death of the format is the death of art.

If people and "artists" learnt to fall in love with inconvenients, and not only with this fake pleasure, they would stop releasing useless music on useless netlabels, and would work more to release timeless music.

Just imagine the girl of your life in digital format only. Odourless, insensitive, fake. Would you really like it?

It's like this new portable electronic book. You can download every book you want, and you get it in the minute. Oh my God, people are murdering art with this bulimia for immediacy.

So, be in complete love with art, or with pleasure. Just choose, these concepts are totally different.
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Post by igloo-rec »

i support all formats.....and btw i see timeless releases also in digitial.
check textone, unfound.....and igloo! (just some examples) and btw, there are tons of vinyl releases wich suck also. so?
As an artist (DILO), i have released a very big amount of vinyls, and also cds. i buy music as well, i dont download it.
what freaks me out, is peoplel that wanna make a difference between the rest just by saying "we play vinyl"
formats have been changing a lot the last 100 years....and vinyl is still there. i doubt it will disappear.

people consume more music than EVER before. some buy and some download...but kiddos have tons of music, more than ever.

like i said, times are changing, lets face it, get over it and stop the pointless discussions.
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