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Post by recombinant »

I'm glad this topic came up.

I'm a long-time vinyl DJ (since 1987), but in the last few years I've migrated to Traktor 3 (and hopefully Traktor Pro & Scratch in the future...), and I've been debating about this issue with myself lately, since I was feeling a little guilty or strange about using sync, etc.

But here's the realization I came to: I am currently of the mindset that sync is just another tool in the DJ's arsenal to choose to use (or not use) depending on what I want to do at the moment. Just like filters, effects, and looping are just more tools to expand the possibilities.

Personally, beatmatching is just not as interesting to me as it was once-upon-a-time, and there are other things i'd like to be focusing on. It's only part of the equation. So that's why I've really been trying to do more with Traktor, loops, multiple decks, and finally I've been discovering that DJing is exciting and fun again!!! The latest mix I did has, at times, four tracks going simultaneously (using two different MIDI DJ controllers and an external custom-mapped numeric keypad), and I am pretty pleased with how it turned out (I haven't posted it yet, but I hope to soon...). I was just surprised that it wasn't a total disaster! ;)

So for right now, I'm just really enjoying the freedom it gives me to experiment -- without having to worry as much about the gory details of timing...

Anyway, this is just my opinion, and therefore YMMV. I'd say just go with what helps you to 1) enjoy mixing more, 2) get really creative, and 3) feel best about your work. Use it, or don't use it... it's up to you.

Hope this helps, and have fun!

:: recombinant | sf bay area, ca, usa
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Post by Shepherd_of_Anu »

There is something that I keep seeing over and over again when this topic is broached... its old school DJ's getting critical and angry at the thought of people playing music in sync without having to spend time fiddling and struggling around for a minute first. I think digital Djing pisses them off because of the amount of time and effort they have spent developing their skill and the amount of money they have invested in buying all that vinyl. They have some sort of sense of entitlement.

Once a DJ gains some success and has a following he/she becomes a little king in his empire. They like to propagate a negativity towards technology that allows others to achieve a similar status without all the hardship along the way. I use the term hardship loosely here by the way. I have never liked the subcultre of DJ snobery. I once witnessed a gross example of this in a record shop I used to frequent and never spent a dollar there again. I am not saying that all DJs are like that, there are some really cool people but so many think way too much of their DJing.

I don't think Digital Djing is all that its cracked up to be. I have not tried the latest tractor but from what I have seen the beatmatching in these DJing programs is never quite right. Its always a little off and fine tuning still needs to be done. For it to be perfect you would have to fine tune every track in your spare time and that is a lot of work in itself.

It seems strange to me that people who are into "techo," music made by technology and machines are so resistant to new technology. Out of all the worlds muscians you would think that technophiles would be the first to enthusiasticly embrace these new technologies. How much scorn and criticism has techno drawn from traditional musicans because of its technological background?

I find these kinds of pro-vinyl anti-digital DJ's kind of amusing. They are like the gentry when the when the printing press was invented. Ideas, knowledge and education were no longer luxuries of the nobles. I think they feel threatened by it.

I have seen that video of Richie before and I have to say that I really respect his pragmatic attitude. Many years ago I saw him spin on four decks, with fx and a drum machine (assuming 909, idk) and the spent half the time running back and forth between turntables adjusting pitches and swaping records. I can only imagine how happy he was when this technology became availiable.

Personally I would rather see him play on traktor because he would be able to devote more attention to the actual mix. What I am really there for is the music and the mixing... What I want is to hear a quality set not watch some guy sweating his balls off at work. I don't even really like watching the DJ because it makes me feel kind of sycophantic.

What bugs me is the way people get so negative and critical about the whole topic. I like that part of the video when Hawtin wiggles the turntable a bit and says, "Some people think this is cool," then points at his set up and says, "I think this is cool."

I feel the same way.
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Post by tone-def »

I like to be impressed and DJing with auto-sync isn't very impressing because everyone can do it. If you have music production software why limit yourself to playing other peoples music???

All you digital DJ's love it because you can finally do what your always wanted (play 3 records at the same time) and you say beat matching is easy thats why you need software to do it for you! if you find it that easy you should be able to mix on 3 decks use drum machine and effects. There are people who can do it! You only need to free your hands up because you don't have the skill to do it otherwise!

I wouldn't say i'm old fashioned (i'm 24) i just like to see someone working hard and to me thats DJ-ing the old way or playing live.
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Post by DirkD »

I recently migrated to a completely digital setup and am finding myself wanting to go back to something vinyl oriented, like Serato or Traktor Scratch.


Mixing records with sync is boring! Half of the thrill for me mixing in front of a crowd or in my home is the thrill of chasing that sync with your fingers, getting the tempo slider just right so its locked in place. That pause so you can wave your hands in the air should be earned because the records are beatmatched THAT well, not because you hit a sync button. But that's just my opinion, I like the added stress of beatmatching personally.

By no means do I mean to slag DJ's that use sync in ableton, traktor or whatever. If you can put together a great set and have fun doing it more power to you, I'll probably be in the crowd cheering and having a good time. I just can't hack it myself personally. I miss the thrill of actually beatmatching, of knowing that it *could* go horribly wrong if I don't pay attention. Some people see beatmatching as an unneeded stress, I find I don't have fun DJ'ing when I know that I can't loose the mix no matter how hard I try. I need that monkey on my back, it keeps my amped, energized and on my toes. I find I end up mixing better overall because of it.
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Post by New Guy »

very interesting points in here. Both pros and contras of software and hardware djing mentioned here were interesting to read.

I am waiting for something like the tonium pacemaker to get developed further. Then i would start djing again.
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Post by deccard »

i heard a lot boring djs doing it with midi controlers/traktor and a lot boring djs doing it the oldskool way. beatmatching skills never made someone a good dj. actually i heard more boring djs spinning the oldskool way cause there are still more of em :)
techno made me do it
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Post by ArhiteK »

why are we making things so complicated?

dont forget that music coming out of speakers is the reason we stand before crowd.

so, push it out the way you like it, just do it good.
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Post by ao »

The computer is just another tool for mixing; vinyl, cd's, computer, you don't HAVE to pick just one. I think each has it's pro's and con's. TT's have that "traditional" hands-on feel, while using the computer lets you experiment with other/extra stuff, though it can feel more plastic/removed if you're using a midi controller.

I've tried all these methods, and still use them all. Totally depends on the venue/event, what equipment is already there, what equipment I have to bring, if I'm travelling, etc.

Imo, if you can beat match, then you'll be much more versatile in what equipment you can play on, if not, then you're somewhat limited/locked-in to a certain setup.

Anyway we look at it, though, the s/w side of things isn't going anywhere . . . I guess I feel it's best to be adept at mixing in general, independent of the tools.
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