modular synthesis

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mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

Everytime I've had the option of a digital module I've ended up not going for it. I was thinking about Z-DSP and the MOTM stuff, but ended up picking up some Livewire stuff quite cheaply instead.

I think I just prefer the analogue simplicity in most situations. For example the Cloud Generator is completely amazing sounding, really fluffy textures, but I just couldn't bring myself to want to use it as an instrument. It was too easy and I couldn't see the potential from learning it inside out and finding new stuff every day, and enjoying the limitations. The Morphing Terrarium I felt the same about. All the parameters are fixed, you're only stepping thru a predetermined cycle.

Some of the user programmable stuff is quite interesting, like the Piston Honda and the Z-DSP. But I've been in that world before... it didn't work out.

(having said that I have the Noisering which is a mixture of analogue and digital, and also the Rene is heavily digital)
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Post by steevio »

this is what i'm doing with my HH88 ;

i've built a high frequency percussion synth section in my modular, basically to synthesize hats, lots of types of shakers, tambourines, and all the things which dont exist in real life that lie between all those things, and importantly textures to be re-synthesized

it consists of;

HH88 -------(to provide waves / EG, VCA)
A151 sequential switch -----(4/3/2 step variation)
A182-1 switched multiple ------(extra variation from other triggers, and from A151)
A136 waveshaper / distortion -----(massive variation of textures)
A143-2 quad EG ---------(use 2 EGs for modulation of +ve A136, and HH88 decay length linked to different clockdividers)
A162 trigger delay ------(trigger length and delay of EGs)
A183-2 offset gen ------(extra control of A136 from A143-2)
A138c polarizing mixer ------(mixing of CH and OH signal paths)

important inputs from rest of modular;
uLFO ---- (input from uLFO for modulation of -ve A136)
Z8000 ----(input from Z8000 for accent variation)

with this set-up my whole top-end percussion is sorted, i can do everything from complex hihat patterns through gritty shakers to textural pads, and can morph between them if i want. usually two or three knob tweaks on the fly and ive got a completely different top end thing happening, and it can all be morphed and modulated from the rest of the modular.
for more FM type sounds (bells, tambourine type sounds) i also attach an AFG and Sem20 which are both used for multiple purposes in my modular so are not permanently patched up to the above set-up.

this is my philosophy with my rig, i have semi permenant sections which do something well, and then patch other modules in for extra sounds / control, rather than pulling out all the cords and starting again all the time, but i think i'd be more likely to do that if i wasnt playing out live with my rig, for that it needs to have some sort of order and familiarity.

just thought i'd share guys.
mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

^ Yeah I agree with the 'sections' thing. Most of my stuff is now organised into little things which are quite hardwired. Just little things from spending ages playing around, and little subsections crystallise. It really helps to make sense of everything.

For example, I have 2 Anti Oscillators patched into 2 Borg Filters, which never really changes. There's enough texture to explore in just those modules, that it makes sense to leave them together.

My Metasonix modules are basically permanently patched 54>53>52>51, and I use some other modules as inserts into the chain, or to modulate things.

2 Plague Bearers are permanently patched in series out of Saw2 on Wiard Oscillator.
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Post by AK »

oblioblioblio wrote:Roland style drums don't fit into my set up and ideas about making music with modular. (although that's not to say that i'll never make a dull thud, or shuffley hi frequency chk/fizz)

I find that way of sound design restricting of the possiblities. But that's just my music world. I would be a fool to say that you can't fit Roland drums into a modular system and do brilliant stuff. In some ways I could imagine that they are a really helpful way to 'frame' everything... It's easy to make bleeps and bloops with modular but the challenge is taking that experimental freedom and making it into music.
Just wondered what drums you use then? Are they not synthetic?

With that 'hi hat' module, do you have fixed frequencies for the 4 square oscillators? In other words, when you are buying a vco module, why not choose that hh88 thing and get 4 vco's? Also, that bd88 module, could that be bought and put in a non modular set up? Or at least a synth which is semimodular?
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Post by oblioblioblio »

i just don't use any dedicated drum machines/modules. I choose machines based on their expressive capabilties... i then find out every sound each machine capable of making, and rotate around what is doing what, based on the current patch/piece of music.

It's the basically the same core ingredients as a roland set up, like 909 or 303. It's just every component is quite non specific, and there is not much fixed architecture.

Quite hard to explain. (sorry, I'm not trying to be obtuse or conceal anything, it's just quite hard to explain my methods)

The HH module is gonna be 4 'crude' VCOs which are perfect for hi frequencies but would sound crappy at lower frequencies.

I like filtered ringmod sounds for high frequencies, you can use 2 sound sources from other places in your modular to get the inputs for the ringmod.

You need a case and some power for a module. But the case and power supply can be quite small. Look at Doeper beauty case for example (although I think it's a waste of money... may as well get a proper row)
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Post by steevio »

AK wrote:
With that 'hi hat' module, do you have fixed frequencies for the 4 square oscillators? In other words, when you are buying a vco module, why not choose that hh88 thing and get 4 vco's? Also, that bd88 module, could that be bought and put in a non modular set up? Or at least a synth which is semimodular?
the HH88 has 6 detuned squarewave oscillators and only one of them can be tuned. at first i thought this wasnt such a good idea, but i 've got used to it, the 5 fixed VCOs are spread across the 3 - 15 KHz region, and the tunable one seems to tune between 1.5KHz to about 6KHz which is about the range of clearly identifiable frequencies, you would need 6 individual VCOs to do that any other way, very expensive, but you would be able to set the frequencies individually, however as soon as you start waveshaping/distorting them, it really doesnt matter which frequencies youre using, because they get mangled up.

so no you can't use the HH88 as 6 normal VCOs. a VCO has way more CV controls, is tuneable from LFO speeds up to high frequencies, has different waveshapes, usually things like different types of FM, ringmod, waveshaping, etc ..

it wouldnt be worth buying just the BD88, you'd need a power supply and box like oblio says, only worth it if you were going to have a few more modules to go with it, then like he says you may as well have a slightly bigger case for the difference in price, so you could expand.
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Phase Ghost
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Post by Phase Ghost »

I just keep finding new ways to patch this thing. Just when I think I figured it out, an old module surprises me with a new trick. I love it. :D
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Post by ::BLM:: »

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