Ancient Aliens 2010 on the History Channel

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Post by tone-def »

on Wednesday i thought i saw a ghost on the cricket field. it kind of freaked me out until i realized it was a water sprinkler. :oops:
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Post by ::BLM:: »

Anyone seen Danny Dyers I believe in UFO's? Obviously it's painful to watch as he is a big plonker, but some of the information is quite good. He goes to an amazing farm in the states where loads of hippys go to watch UFO's. It looks peaceful, I would like to go there at some point in my life.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

I once saw a movement of light in the sky with a very unusual trajectory. very different from a bird or plane or satellite or whatevevr. kinda hovering/floating and weird curves.

I had forgotten about it and I can't remember exactly when it happened. I don't think it was a dream and i don't think i had taken anything.

Re: "Am I an observer or do I play a more active role? "

I think it's somehow both. It's easy to shape the experience with thought, for exmaple to quickly invalidate something if it comes up against your previous boundaries of logic.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

tone-def wrote:on Wednesday i thought i saw a ghost on the cricket field. it kind of freaked me out until i realized it was a water sprinkler. :oops:
i used to sometimes have really bad nightmares about vampires/ghosts/demons when I was a kid.

I think ghosts are not a totally ridiculous thing.... maybe kinda 'reverb' from stuff which has happened.
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Post by John Clees »

Shepherd_of_Anu wrote:I think I might have seen a UFO last week. I haven't told anyone about it. For some reason I felt like I should be a little cautious because people might think I am out to lunch or something.

I am a bit of an insomniac. Its caused by a combination of coffee, music, computers, late night exercise and television. Last week I went for a 20km bike ride around 2 am then I went up to the track and was doing a little 5km run... It was very dark outside, between 03.00-03.30, there track was not lit but there were lights at the school near the track. There stars quite nice that night and teh sky was clear. About halfway through my run I saw this streak across the sky, very much like a shooting star. At least this was the initial impression I had in the initial moment i saw it. You know that feeling, "whoa! a shooting star!"

The star seemed like it faded out in a split second and then maybe a quarter to three quarters a of a second later it reappeared. When it reappeared it seemed to be coming out of a very short turn. The arc was very clean, mathematical looking. I could only see the turn for a very short period of time then it was moving straight and zoomed off super fast, much the way I saw it before it vanished the first time. Then it was gone. The new vector the object was traveling appeared to be about 45 degrees change in the xy plane and about 130-150 degrees in the x axis.

Now you would think that seeing something like that would stop a person dead in their tracks but I kept running for awhile, my mind slowly registering what had happened. Then I stopped, having decided that I should wait and see if anything else happens. Initially I had felt the compulsion to continue my run, ignoring all distraction but this was too weird. That is all I saw.

I tried to rationalize this to myself for sometime. I stood there, watching the sky, the weather, the lighting at the school nearby. Perhaps I saw a shooting star, followed by a moth flying through the beam of light cast by one of the large school lights? Possible but unlikely, the turning object was above the lights.

I am not sure what I saw, but I saw something. As time went by I thought the incident very much reminded me of that famous NASA video where the ball of light is seen in orbit and then changes direction, shooting off into space. What I saw was very much like that. But then I wonder... how much does seeing that kind of media affect the manner in which I interpret my experience in life? Hard to say.

It really makes be wonder about validity of our personal experiences. When we experience things outside the normal realm of our lives I wonder how prepared we are to even comprehend it. Can we understand things for what they are or are our minds so reliant on previously assimilated knowledge that are unable to assess things on their own merits?

Perhaps I think I should accept what I think I saw, or maybe I should rationalize it to myself. I think this is a defining question of my own self, character or role as a being. Am I an observer or do I play a more active role?

Perhaps my sighting doesn't sound like much compared to some of the bizarre close encounters you read about sometimes but it was definitely something I can't account for with any certainly.

I was wondering if anyone else on there had any strange sighting in the sky (that don't involve hallucinogens!)
thank you for taking the time to write and share your story with all of us.. :!:
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Post by . »

Bizarre chat:
okey, this is my story: millons years ago there was a society in this planet, intelligent life. we all know the lost atlantida. this society was happy here, until some aliens camed to this planet to take resources, aparently. there was a war between both societies and then the aliens throw wath looked to be like a supposed nuclear misil that frozed the earth (thats why completly mammoths can be found frozen and nobody knows why). the planet was contamined for too many years and the aliens' interest went down, aparently they dissapeared. the society existing here was exterminated. millons years later, aproximatley 65 millons years, this lizard people evolved into what they are now. 65 MILLON YEARS is what took to this evolved lizard dudes to evolve, and I don't know why, they are now inside our earth. now, this is important, we, to be wath we are now, homo-sapiens, we evolved in 2 millons years, that's impossible aparently, and many cientists know this, aparently. the explications for this is that we were genetically manipulated by other race of aliens, to be what we are now, and we evolved faster than other species. the race that manipulated us were called Elohim (, that it is the usual word for "god" in the hebrew bible, this race implanted us the believe of believing there is a devil and a god, and this devil is this lizard people that apears everywhere, the snake in the bible, look also the oriental cultures, full of dragons worshiping, etc... and we have in one side: church, and in the other side: masonry. wich side says the truth? well, I completly trust in masons because they were always from the side of art and science, progressing, all the oposite to the church, church prohibed masonry 300 years ago, if you were a mason your head was cuted. and here we are now, the left, and the conservationist right, conformist, from the side of the church (, and in the other side is the free left: US. will continue writing when more thoughts com to the light

u believe this?

that is my conclution after certain study of theories
all reached to the same place

o, so you believe in aliens
hmmm... interesting

some people believes in god, I think there is nothing wrong at believing this
in fact, answers more questions than the bible
this is the first time I tell this completly to someone, so, feel your self privileged for knowing the truth..........................

nice! that's whatusp
idk thought... it's hard to say "the truth" i think we won't know until death
if then even
i think aliens wrote earth off a long time ago
i think they'd use earth as a housing unit or place for resources if they get low on them

yeah, we'll probably never know the absolute truth
but there are many proofs that say aliens exist
in fact, they've comunicated with us


give me a minut
and we got an answer, wich I cannot find

so confusing

sorry for being no so concrete, I tend to throw to much information without an order
well, here is a video talking about the answer:

na dude,
it's cool

and here it is the black pyramid with the green reptilian eye: ... ce14d1.jpg
that's all for today
no, there is more:
now that's all for today

haha- i see- i start to understand- this is alot
i gotta research more! it's really fascinating though
The supposed devil, acording the Codex Gigas.


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Post by New Guy »

looks like a funny guy :D
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Post by ChrisCV »

ah shame i missed out on this thread first time round... here's my two cents on it from what i've read in books and sh!t...

chances are the alien explanation is bullshit... i'm not saying extra terrestrial life doesn't exist... there are millions of galaxies out there.. however the chance occurrence for intelligent life to form are pretty slim... then add to that the co-existence with our development (universe has been going a bit of a long time) and to be more advanced, cracking the conundrum of inter stella travel (within the bounds of theoretical physics this requires enormous amounts of controllable energy, as in a star's worth of energy, pretty hard thing to do), finding us (there's a lot of space out there) and then visiting us... the odds become very small... but then again, our race being here are really tiny odds too..

that said, its more plausible to believe that the human race had enough ingenuity to build this sh!t by themselves... why? because the human race is pretty ingenious...

don't forgot the entire planet was colonised by humans travelling out from africa, early human form originating in africa around 7million years BC, asia and the middle east colonised around 1 million years BC, western europe 500,000BC, austrailia 40,000BC, russia/siberia 20,000BC, crossing the baring strait around 12,000BC travelling down to south america 10,000BC... that's a hell of a long time ago.. plenty of time to make loads of mistakes and progress technologically....

to do that colonisation, early humans would have had to have come up with ways of bearing the cold... ice ages as well as colonising the northern regions of the world... crossing the baring strait into america would have been a cold affair... also getting to austrailia and then the polynesian islands from asia required boats or some kind of craft... at 40,000BC... so you get an idea of the ingenuity of the human race, as well as the time scales early civilisations worked on...

anyways, fast forward to the egyptians and the mayan's... both were building pyramids.. is it a bit strange how they're building the similar structures? not really.... both civilisation strongly believed their leaders were gods... the tombs were just a natural and logical (at the time) progression to get their gods/demi gods to the heavens.... why are the skies associated with haeven and the gods.. probably because crazy assed sh!t comes out of the sky.. the sun, the moon, thunder, rain.. etc... observable yet at that time unexplainable things.

also such a belief meant the leaders of these ancient civilisation had huge and complete command over massive populations. this huge amount of resource meant you could build a lot of stuff with brute force man power...

add to that the tools and structural engineering skills of the time... the pyramids were the simplest way to build massive structures fit only for a god... with no cement, no metal, no real concept of physics, it is very difficult to create massive structures where the base is the same size as the top... the concept of archways and structural integrity didn't exist.. that's why there are no doors in a pyramid.. just really narrow and small tunnels.. if the aliens taught them this stuff, surely they could have told em a few tricks of structural science... save them having to use all that stone...

also the pyramids just didn't appear over night.. there's plenty of evidence which shows the evolution of the structures.. where tombs initially were one level stone tombs.. then progressively over time they began to stack tombs on top of tombs to make them taller and bigger... then to get bigget tombs, they use bigger bases..etc...

And they had a hell of a long time to practice their building... wikipedia is saying that the pharohes which the pyramids were built for, they reigned from 2630 to 1813BC. that's a good millenium to practice a craft.. also noting the date... the mayan's didn't start building theirs until a 1000 years later or so...

after all of that.. my point is there's a hell of a lot of evidence out there that points away from some aliens turning up, showing some people how to build these things and then disappearing... you can see it took em a hell of a long time, with a lot of effort for what was a logical and natural progression...
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