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mnml maxi
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Post by victorgonzales »

steevio wrote:
victorgonzales wrote:You will never stop the overpopulation and overconsuming of people because it is our nature to multiply and consume. Nature would normaly put this in check but our brains have allowed us to bypass the laws of nature and we will never stop until it is too late..

I do LOOOVE music though.
i'm more optimistic. there is new evidence that overpopulation is deccelarating, and it's the 'over' part of overconsumption that can and will be reigned in, because we will have no choice as the earth's resources dissappear.

i know alot of good people who do their best and go out of their way not to overconsume. and more and more people feel that way.
can we live with ourselves if we dont leave a world for our grandchildren to enjoy.
Im optimistic we can slow it down but eventually there will be too many of us and not enough resources. It is our destiny.

Nature will win someday and it will be horrible. Probably through desease as viruses are becoming stronger than our medicines. Eather that or starvation when we run out of sh!t.

Im not confident we will even make it that far. People do not get along and never will. You and I may get along fantastic with different viewpoints but there are nations and cultures such as Iran whos goal is not getting along with people but to destroy them. Sooner or later a nuke will be launched. If it is launched at the US anyone close to the country that launched it better run because we will probably send 20 in return. I predict weapon technology will end llife as we know it before nature does.

And for shits and giggles the super volcano at yell0owstone is overdue. Supposedly if that thing pops it will bring a bnuclear winter which will thin out the world. .

I agree in leaving a better world forour childrenbut the only effective means of that that I can see is stoppingpopulation growth worldwide by force. Perhaps making parents sterile after two children. No exceptions.

I think if the population stopped growing you could find a good balance over time. First things first though and all else is just buying a little more time.
mnml maxi
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Post by livecollective »

victorgonzales wrote:

Im not confident we will even make it that far. People do not get along and never will. You and I may get along fantastic with different viewpoints but there are nations and cultures such as Iran whos goal is not getting along with people but to destroy them.

Wow that is some of the most ignorant, close minded, self-righteous average American bullshit that makes conscious worldly citizens of this country ashamed to be American.
mnml maxi
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Post by victorgonzales »

livecollective wrote:
victorgonzales wrote:

Im not confident we will even make it that far. People do not get along and never will. You and I may get along fantastic with different viewpoints but there are nations and cultures such as Iran whos goal is not getting along with people but to destroy them.

Wow that is some of the most ignorant, close minded, self-righteous average American bullshit that makes conscious worldly citizens of this country ashamed to be American.
So you think funding terrorists who fight by launching rockets into civilian population and an ultimate goal of the destruction of Israel and irradication of jewish people an acceptable government goal? Funding people who will killinnocent people and then surround themselves with the innocent of their own so they can parade their dead bodies on the news as propaganda when there is retaliation? In my opinion a their money would be better spent encouraging peace in gaza and helping them build a good society rather than buying them rockets.

The words have come out of their leaders mouths numerous times.

Im not saying all Iranian people are sharing of these views because I have met numerous people from Iran that feel that tehir government is downright evil. That is why they migrated to America.

Instead of namecalling why dont you use your own words and try and defend the goal of genocide openly expressed by numerous Iranian leaders. Im not calling Iranians bad people but their government is a reflection of many of their people. Not all. If you insist on calling me names we arent ever going to get a good discussion going. If your so knowledgable and wise why dont you express your ideas rather than attempt to insult, otherwise your message will fall on deaf ears.

And what about those basslines? HEHE
mnml maxi
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Post by victorgonzales »

lcvl wrote:Past socialist and communist regimes used to have really high standards regarding professional preparation in basically any discipline (science, art, sport, etc.).

The work ethic there was generally a really strong value and the discipline you needed to be able to deal with the extreme competition in any field probably left very little space for lazyness.
We arent talking about past systems we are talking about americanized liberal socialism where you dont have to do sh!t to take from others. The less you invest in yourself as an individual the more you are rewarded.
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Post by victorgonzales »

oblioblioblio wrote:+1

as humans we definitely have the potential to be grooving in harmony with our planet.

on the whole we're intelligent very and well connected beings. I suppose in many ways that is often our downfall, but with some modifications to the systems we regulate ourselves with we can defintiely build something postive, both for ourselves and for our future brothers and sisters.

like the ancient tribes who noticed that if they hunted too much, they affected the balance of their surroundings, it seems this kind of feedback is slowly filtering into the global mind.

obviously I'm well out of place to discuss the exact mechanics of things and maybe I'm just optimisticly twiddling my thumbs so I don't have to think of the grim nature of reality for many people, but like Steevio I have some optimism somewhere, even if there are constant trends of abuse, blindness and overconsumption.
I can agree with this as well. Tribal systems are a perfect natural harmony but we are constantly evolving technology and are alwasy wanting more and more rather than being happy with what we have. It is definately an uphill battle hoping for a return to living within your means and lowering your burden on others and on the planet.
Look at us producers for example. We could probably all make kickass tunes with a couple of instruments but our human nature makes us buy the next new vst improvement and the next version of our favorite DAW. We are never satisfied with things of old once we have mastered them and our drive for new things creates demand for using resources to create those new things.
mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

victorgonzales wrote:I can agree with this as well. Tribal systems are a perfect natural harmony but we are constantly evolving technology and are alwasy wanting more and more rather than being happy with what we have. It is definately an uphill battle hoping for a return to living within your means and lowering your burden on others and on the planet.
Look at us producers for example. We could probably all make kickass tunes with a couple of instruments but our human nature makes us buy the next new vst improvement and the next version of our favorite DAW. We are never satisfied with things of old once we have mastered them and our drive for new things creates demand for using resources to create those new things.
With the tribal situation I think there were many similarities with how we are now. The main difference was that they got a far more immediate reaction from the environment about the consequences of their action.

It was much quicker for them to realise that if they hunted too much they would not have anything more to hunt.

I think we are the same kinda people really, it's just only after years of disharmony are the results of our actions becoming obvious. lots of people are thinking green nowadays... it is a corperate interest even to be green. on a wide scale we are beginning to see that if we take too much, things will not be good.

with the middle east situation it's tricky and i don't try to think about it. there are so many factors inviolved that i wil never fully understand how or why. all I know is not to trust information I reciev from insitutions with something to gain from not telling the truth, like anything Rupert Murdoch is involved with for exmaple. i have met many wonderful people with personal ties to jewish or arabic culture, and certainly think that very few people feel that the messy situation is representing their views of the world.
mnml maxi
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Post by victorgonzales »

oblioblioblio wrote:
victorgonzales wrote:I can agree with this as well. Tribal systems are a perfect natural harmony but we are constantly evolving technology and are alwasy wanting more and more rather than being happy with what we have. It is definately an uphill battle hoping for a return to living within your means and lowering your burden on others and on the planet.
Look at us producers for example. We could probably all make kickass tunes with a couple of instruments but our human nature makes us buy the next new vst improvement and the next version of our favorite DAW. We are never satisfied with things of old once we have mastered them and our drive for new things creates demand for using resources to create those new things.
With the tribal situation I think there were many similarities with how we are now. The main difference was that they got a far more immediate reaction from the environment about the consequences of their action.

It was much quicker for them to realise that if they hunted too much they would not have anything more to hunt.

I think we are the same kinda people really, it's just only after years of disharmony are the results of our actions becoming obvious. lots of people are thinking green nowadays... it is a corperate interest even to be green. on a wide scale we are beginning to see that if we take too much, things will not be good.

with the middle east situation it's tricky and i don't try to think about it. there are so many factors inviolved that i wil never fully understand how or why. all I know is not to trust information I reciev from insitutions with something to gain from not telling the truth, like anything Rupert Murdoch is involved with for exmaple. i have met many wonderful people with personal ties to jewish or arabic culture, and certainly think that very few people feel that the messy situation is representing their views of the world.
I think our main problem is our intelligence. With the hunting tribal thing we have used our brain to destroy that boundry by farming meat. Same applies to every other boundary we face.

Green technology is just the next step to keep overpopulating when we run out of natural resources we currently use. No different from raising cows to curb the overhunting of other animals.

Who knows though. Maybe at some point we will develope things that do not drain the earth but until population is in control we are still on the same path.
mnml maxi
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Post by livecollective »

victorgonzales wrote:
livecollective wrote:
victorgonzales wrote:

Im not confident we will even make it that far. People do not get along and never will. You and I may get along fantastic with different viewpoints but there are nations and cultures such as Iran whos goal is not getting along with people but to destroy them.

Wow that is some of the most ignorant, close minded, self-righteous average American bullshit that makes conscious worldly citizens of this country ashamed to be American.
So you think funding terrorists who fight by launching rockets into civilian population and an ultimate goal of the destruction of Israel and irradication of jewish people an acceptable government goal?
You don't really seem to understand the intricacies of what is happening over there. It swings both ways my friend. This stretches 1,000s of years. Its easy for Americans (out of sight out of mind) to say what people should do over there, I assure you a nationalist such as yourself in a situation like what is happening over there would be just as blood thirsty. You haven't struggled at all like they have over there, don't put yourself on such a platform that you would be any different.

We have killed thousands of innocent Iraqis. We have sold weapons around the globe (Iran-Contra ring a bell?). So if they do it its bad? But America can't do wrong? AMERICA fck YEAH.
Funding people who will killinnocent people and then surround themselves with the innocent of their own so they can parade their dead
bodies on the news as propaganda when there is retaliation?
Who does that sound like? So, we kill people around the globe and set up puppet dictators and are surprised when we get attacked on our own soil, use that as propaganda to start a war..... HMMMMMMMMM

In my opinion a their money would be better spent encouraging peace in gaza and helping them build a good society rather than buying them rockets.
Encourage peace in gaza, its really that easy. AHAHAHA :roll:

Again ask yourself what you would do if a Israeli shell landed in your house? And if you say try for peace, you are full of sh!t. If your family and its previous generations had been dealing with war like this, you would pick up a gun.
Im not saying all Iranian people are sharing of these views because I have met numerous people from Iran that feel that tehir government is downright evil. That is why they migrated to America.
More bullshit. Where do you pick this sh!t up, fox news?

Thats funny I lived Detroit for most of my life and I talked to many Arabs lots from Iran and Iraq (considering there are more Arabs there than anywhere else outside of the middle east), and none that i talked to said they moved to get away from the respective dictators, it was to get to a land of more opportunity.

And lastly you said in the original post we are talking about :
there are nations and cultures such as Iran whos goal is not getting along with people but to destroy them.
NATIONS AND CULTURES. Not only are you saying the nation of Iran, but the Arab culture.

Which one is it, contradicting yourself much?

Have you ever traveled over there? If not I think you should it would be a huge wakeup call... hopefully.

And yes, this will all fall on deaf ears you are right.

So one question, I got to ask, what do you think we should do with the economic crisis right now? A tax cut? lol
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