so obama won....

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Post by souat »

i.m sory for those who will be ofensed but for me obama is just a TOOL, another american way to say "look, our democracy is strong" but in fact the things goes in the same direction. a bad one.
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Post by ofthecrane »

souat wrote:i.m sory for those who will be ofensed but for me obama is just a TOOL, another american way to say "look, our democracy is strong" but in fact the things goes in the same direction. a bad one.

What are you basing this on? The last 8 years of a conservative lunatic? Sorry my friend, Obama is the antithesis of George W. Bush.
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Post by oblak_21 »

personaly..i dont care..
i sure hope that america will evade or at least mnmlize its economic crisis..
and start to spend a lot of money for space and ocean exploring..
and not for army and war purpoces..
maybe then i will start to respect that nation again..
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Zsa Zsa
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Post by Zsa Zsa »

i watched 4 hours worth of the election (live) -- a very interesting and momentous and historic night...

altho im not a firm believer in the whole concept of politics, as it can cause, and HAS caused more harm than good -- I still believe change is possible, and the views and forms in which its conducted and orchestrated can be adjusted, so that its made to unite -- and not destroy. What i like most about Obama, is his words of encouragement to instill a hope and a pride that was totally taken away from the American people. His focus is clearly on people as a whole, and not just specific groups or classes. Its not about being the best country in the world -- its about simply being the best PEOPLE can be. Just from election night... from the mere desire of the MAJORITY (cuz it was) of America wanting 'change' from the old ways is enough ( i think) to show the rest of the world that not all Americans are as evil as the ones in power. The ones in power (who have represented America for ions and ions) are the ones who are FUCKING everything up, and they are taking the rest of America and the rest of the world down with them. This is why the Republicans in my eyes are evil. They look out for those who dont need looking out for. The little people, the MIDDLE class are nobodies to the Republicans. This whole Joe the plumber deal is NOT the future of America.. he was a product of the Republic's view on what America should be. Total fucking dysfunction. Obama has been closer to the truth than any other President for a LONG LONG time. This is why I wanted him to win. He can hopefully restore human rights through the hands of democracy, and rip power right out of the hands of those built on corruption and money. I hope he can help the middle class of people (all 95% of them) get what they deserve. I also hope his ethical equality can become a reality.

the world shifted on election night, and its a beautiful thing. and even if NOTHING happens, this was still enough to show the hope and love that still thrives in people's hearts. last night, love meant more than money. unity and loyalty meant more than power. identity went beyond race. a community meant more than our own selves. people thought about people, like family... like how a healthy nation should thrive. more votes occurred this year than ever before. The majority of votes came from the black, hispanic and from the YOUNG people. Their polls even showed that the majority of votes for Obama actually came from the most educated, and the financially comfortable class... so that throws a lot of the Bible Belt discrimination stating most of Obamas voters would be from the black and uneducated community. His votes were coming from the strong of heart, from all corners. its so amazing to see people finally believing that they can make a change, and its possible to always be a better person, and in turn, a better nation. He is the first black president! Years ago, we'd believe in fairies before we'd believe that this would happen -- and to see it happen in America is just - simply -- out of this world! For that mere fact of breaking walls and building bridges from race to race, to ERASE those labels is outstanding and so fucking relieving -- you almost want to exhale and pinch yourself and go FINALLY -- what the fck took us so long!?

I hope that this leads them in a better direction, and I hope he can accomplish enough to help pull America out of their financial crisis, war crisis... its lack of hope, and false arrogance. perhaps this is their turn around. I think many people suffered enough from America's actions, and i believe that if change is desired that much, it will happen. again, what man thinks about, is what he becomes. this is so profoundly true, and we saw it happen in America on election night.

kind and decent people exist everywhere and everyone deserves a chance to live a fair and humble life. i know we may never get that 100%, but at least we can touch it .. if not only a bit. its better to have one small taste, than to not taste at all -- and if its love that i speak of, we all deserve it, no matter who you are.

the best thing of all is how he never once mentioned about being black in his speech. And altho we're all going nuts about it because it is a historic event -- he still focused on a "united" states -- speaking of gays, straights, black, whites, disabled, the not disabled -- so and and so forth. For me this is what it comes down to.. a unity... and not a separation of beliefs. If Obama can break down the walls of racism and prejudices and still not resolve their tax issue, health plans and ending the war -- he has already done more than the majority of presidents in all history.

Im happy to see America turn around. However, Im a bit Disheartened that Canada took one step back, with the strong conservative votes in our last election. It seems now Canada is the one who needs to open their eyes. But i guess if our Liberal party had a leader like Obama, we would have probably prevailed.

To the people who say that they dont care -- you SHOULD. you are a part of this world, just like everyone else. our thoughts, our actions -- its all a collective, and each action ripples and will make its presence known, no matter where you are. Through the looking glass, a society needs to be in fusion to run effectively. If one thing fails in a society, everyone will feel it. Just like our WORLD. One country fails, we will ALL feel it. So yes -- we all should care, no matter where we are, and always believe that corruption will never hold victory, and truth and honesty and the goodness in man's heart will always prevail.

"Upon the highest throne in the world, we are seated, still, upon our arses." .. Michel de Montaigne
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