Beatport - The backlash!!

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Post by angelica »

Torque wrote:or somebody is blowing alot of smoke up their asses and telling them that every track they have on their site is a hott one.
big up! :D
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Post by tzusing »

kinda off topic a bit...
but i remember reading a jeff mills interview awhile back and he was talking about the way people value music and how the mp3 thing will shift things around.

He was talking about how when people buy a cd they are buying a plastic disc. they are not actually buying the music itself, but rather the package and the physical material. he mentioned something about how he felt that a lot of people don't actually value the music itself....I forget what else he says...

but yes what i love about the mp3 and the file trading thing is us actually questioning what music is worth.
Would i pay 1 dollar for a full lenght hanson 3 x lp in super special limited edition packaging...NO WAY!
but if the only copy of tadd mullinix's "winking makes a smile" i can get my hands on is a bootleg cd that coast 60 bucks, i would still buy it.

so how much is a track you really really love worth to you? i don't know... maybe this is the problem of capitalism? maybe it is impossible to set a price on an experience as magical as good music?
Nic Synaes
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Post by Nic Synaes »

I'm probably going to dig this whole argument back up by posting this but hey - $2 is fck all for a great track, and I really don't see why the packaging matters unless you're just a collector not a music lover. For me the choice is, wait months for a record store to stock a vinyl release which will cost me about £5.99, or grab the track off beatport at $2 - only just over £1. Total no brainer.

Packaging can be nice to have for album releases (something like Closer is priceless IMO) - but for singles, Beatport and DJ Download are now my only point of call.

Apologies for resurrecting the ghost of this thread!
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Post by clevermusic »

it's actually a good time to resurrect the thread... UK customers currently have to pay the same amount in £ now (so £1.99 for a new track), since version 3.0 has been online... trying to find out if this is a mistake as in other countries the price has apparently remained the same...
Nic Synaes
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Post by Nic Synaes »

I haven't noticed this - I just visit the dot com site and pay in dollars (but not used it for a week or two). When did this changed happen? Might well change my high opinion if it forced on me...

I should imagine it won't long before they get into issues with the EU if they are charging different prices in different territories (as happened to ITunes I believe).
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Post by clevermusic »

somehow it adjusts to your region... it happened this week. that's a good point about the itunes thing.. I hope the whole thing is a mistake!
Nic Synaes
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Post by Nic Synaes »

Garrr - you're right. Seems to be £1.49 for most tracks though. Still not bad I don't think... and much better value than the average 12"
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Post by gan_on »

what the fck, too expensive?
the artists and the labels has to get paid...
maby artists should work pro bono? would you like that?
the thing is...people, as everything else in the world, the economic side of this underground music scene is based on a simple circle of life...artists spend money to make music, labels spend money to make a release, dj's spend money to buy the release, the money then goes back to the labels and the artists so the circle can continue...without paying a proper market value, the producer of a product can no longer sustain the production and supply us with music...

if you dont want to pay the price...find annother hobby.

and vinyl, thats where the heart and soul is.
From Shadow Moses?"
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