How big is your track collection

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mnml maxi
mnml maxi
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Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:14 am
Location: The space between space

Post by Shepherd_of_Anu »

Rather then delete stuff I just burn everything onto DVDs unless its sucks, then I just delete directly after download. I bought a double spindle of 200 DVDs years ago and it still going. I burn all my excess music onto them. I have scores of DVD's full of music just in case one day I decide to go back and pick through them to see if I might like something that I didn't like before.

Digital makes a lot more sense for me. It suits who I am. I am pragmatic and I have a distaste for amassing material objects. I absolutely hate stuff. It makes me feel like I am trapped and tied down to the place where my stuff is. I love these new digital technologies because you get all that quality with none of that quantitiy. Plus its a much greener way of doing things. Vinyl requires a lot of energy, plastics and metals to produce a product, not to mention the amount of fuel wasted flying / shipping the physical product around the world.

I wonder how much carbon and greenhouse gasses are put into the environment in order for me to get this obscure minimal techno record from Sweeden to Canada. It seems ridiculous when I consider things like that. Although I used to have a attachment to my records I have made an effort to purge myself of sentimental connections to physical objects not given as gifts. Without that sentimentality I have a hard time justifying spending $20 on a record with shipping from overseas when I could get the same music for a few dollars.

The neat thing about digital is that you don't have to buy two copies of a record to double copy tricks, phasing and stuff. You can do it with any track you have now. I am not a big trickster but bet that must be nice for some people. My philosophy is the less you hear the DJ the better.
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