Whats your favorite joke?

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Post by Rosscoah »

motf_118 wrote:Man walks into the bedroom with a sheep under his arm while his wife is lying in bed reading.

Man says: 'This is the pig I have sex with when you've got a headache.'

Wife replies: 'I think you'll find that is a sheep.'

Man replies: 'I think you'll find I was talking to the sheep'
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by ec50 »

Rosscoah wrote:
motf_118 wrote:Man walks into the bedroom with a sheep under his arm while his wife is lying in bed reading.

Man says: 'This is the pig I have sex with when you've got a headache.'

Wife replies: 'I think you'll find that is a sheep.'

Man replies: 'I think you'll find I was talking to the sheep'
:lol: :lol: :lol:
+1 lool
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Post by meffeo »

Celltek wrote:A snail walks into a bar and the barman tells him there's a strict policy about having snails in the bar and so kicks him out. A year later the same snail re-enters the bar and asks the barman "What's you fucking problem?"
Big :!:
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Post by New Guy »

s.k. wrote:
Castronova wrote: A bartender walks into a horse, and the horse says, "wwwhhhyyy!?"
a horse walks into a bar and the bartender says: why are all the vocals pitched down so low?
And the horse said: this is the way we play the techno-no.

I guess marc was the horse who walked into the bar ha?
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Post by K0$+3k »

mayzee wrote:whats the difference between a ferrari and a bag of dead babies...?

I haven't got a ferrari in my garage....
sh!t!!! what a god damn good set.And it s not a joke.

"a pasty makers guide to crimping"

I'm sorry about write this thankfull words write here ,but can't find your post anywhere,i'm to lazy now (m.j)

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Post by Sneaky »

This lady goes to the Doctor because she has the worst trouble trying to find a date and thinks something chemically may be wrong with her....

The doctor inspects her and says Miss I am not sure what the trouble is but there is this specialist Dr. Wang who is the best in this area and should be able to help you...

The lady goes to see Dr. Wang and he says awww yess please take off all clothe and walk to end of room and back...

She takes off all of her clothes and walks to the end of the room and back, while Dr. Wang stares on in disbelief...

She looks up at Dr. Wang and he says Worst case ever seen!!!

She starts tearing up and says Dr. Wang, Whats wrong with me? What is it?

Dr. Wang says you have Ed Zachary disease!!!!

She says noooooo whats Ed Zachary disease?

He says your face look Ed Zachary like your ass!!!

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Post by adelaideperson »


A bloke's ex wife goes missing when holidaying on the Barrier Reef while she was scuba diving.

He reports it to the police & spends the night wondering what could have happened to her.

Next morning there's a knock at the door and he is confronted by a couple of policemen, an old Sarge and a younger Constable.

The Sarge says, "Mate, we have some news for you, unfortunately some really bad news, but some good news and maybe some really good news."

"Well," says the bloke, "I guess I'd better have the bad news first"

The Sarge says, "I'm really sorry pal, but your ex wife is dead. Young Bill here found her lying at about five fathoms in a little cleft in the Reef. He got a line around her and we pulled her up, but she was dead."

The bloke is naturally pretty distressed to hear of this and has a bit of a sob...

After a few minutes he pulls himself together and asks what the good news is.

The Sarge says, "Well when we got your ex wife up there were quite a few really good sized crayfish and a swag of nice mudcrabs attached to her wetsuit, so we've brought you your share." He hands the bloke a sugar bag with a couple of nice crays and four or five mudcrabs in it.

"Geez thanks. They're bloody beauties. I guess it's an ill wind and all that ... Now, what's the really good news?"

"Well," the Sarge says, "me and young Bill here get off duty at around 11 o'clock and we're gonna shoot over there and pull her up again! You fancy grabbin some beers and comin' with us?"

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Post by go »

these are my fav's

whats brown and sticky?....... a stick

why couldnt fred fly a plain?..... because fred was a potato

why did the girl fall off her bike?... because somone through a fridge at her

haha. ;]
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