building a dub/minimal/leftfield room in a 5000 sqft loft

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Post by mizzdirekt »

Believe it or not, there is a whole group of people my age..(I'm almost 38 now) who don't want to drink anymore...and don't go out anymore precisely because drinkers are so blessed annoying. I think this is a new market that hasn't been tapped yet. We grew up in the techno and underground music community...but we're grown up now and stopped drinking...or are trying our damnedest to stop. It's very difficult in this crazy society. I know where you are coming from...I live in the Midwest as well (I think you said Midwest right?). I feel ya. We just want to have a little coffee, or tea; and we want to be able to smoke a little weed with out being harassed. This is one f'd up country we live in right now. Good luck with what you are doing. It would go over much better on the west cost though. I used to live in Oregon a long time ago, and it would have worked well in someplace like that. It's going to be extremely difficult to pull something like that in a traditional community in the rust belt/bible belt though.
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