healing with minimal music

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mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

livecollective wrote: As for the deepness of doing what you like... Yes there is something deep about choice, but what I am saying is we are choosing to do something its a far cry from it being a huge part of your life. You could just as easily decide that in fact did not like what you previously thought you did. In this example what you like (music or style whatever) its expendable to you. Music to many cultures is not a choice but rather a solid, unchanging part of their life. Its closer to religion than something to do for FUN.
i think this is what i was trying to say,
i sometimes feel that a lot of our music is a random collage of sounds put together in an atmosphere of hedonism and almost instantly disposable.

many years ago i had the pleasure and honour to be in the presence of Tibetan monks doing their thing (you know the guys with the deep voices and huge long horns)
what they do is increadible. they can sing notes 2 octaves lower than any opera singer, and they are the only humans capable of singing chords.
they usually use the same notes, a low C which they 'sing' with their chest cavity, a harmonic 2 octaves and a third higher which they sing with their throats, and a harmonic 2 octaves and a fifth higher which they sing with their nasal cavity.
i've heard it takes these guys over 20 years to perfect the technique and the effect is unbelievable when you hear it in the flesh. it resonates your whole being, and kind of puts you in a trance. its magical.
but there is absolute purpose to it, they arent just doing it for fun.

i'm not coming down on western culture en masse, although i have reservations about our direction, i just worry that some of the music that comes out of our scene has little real substance to it.
i dont want to be negative... but i know that sometimes i get an empty feeling from some western music... i cant help feeling that.
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Post by steevio »

victorjohn wrote:My own story on this subject might be slightly OT. I might also be considered a totally insane person for relaying this, nonetheless its real and very much as to do with music.

10 years ago I was diagnosed schizophrenic, my family and friends had given up on me as completely insane. I WAS that urban legend who ate way too many pills and acid and became his own worst nightmare. This went one for a significant time and I made no sense whatsoever for at least 2 years, possibly longer... I am not self referencing in this story so the edges of the timeline are blurred.

God who healed me of this, and it was thru my love of music that He did so. Music was something that I realized I was meant to make, and created to appreciate beyond average but exceptionally as an artist! I am today, not a paranoid delusional, but a functional person with a career in graphic design and music with my own record label.

It was thru my love of music that I was able to return to a stable life and remain there for over 8 years thru the present (those of you who know ANYTHING about psychology know that this is in no way common to schizophrenics). God used music to speak to me in so many ways and I am grateful for the very existence of it. Even today as a form of expression it continues to be a factor in my continued recovery from the party scene itself, albeit a wonderfully ironic one.

Nowadays I pour every bit of my own healing experience (as much as I can harness thru hard work and prayer) into my own music, hoping in every song that Jesus will speak to anyone who listens to my songs and help them as he helped me. So in every way I believe that music can be healing.
thanks for relaying this story mate, well done.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

steevio wrote: i think this is what i was trying to say,
i sometimes feel that a lot of our music is a random collage of sounds put together in an atmosphere of hedonism and almost instantly disposable.

many years ago i had the pleasure and honour to be in the presence of Tibetan monks doing their thing (you know the guys with the deep voices and huge long horns)
what they do is increadible. they can sing notes 2 octaves lower than any opera singer, and they are the only humans capable of singing chords.
they usually use the same notes, a low C which they 'sing' with their chest cavity, a harmonic 2 octaves and a third higher which they sing with their throats, and a harmonic 2 octaves and a fifth higher which they sing with their nasal cavity.
i've heard it takes these guys over 20 years to perfect the technique and the effect is unbelievable when you hear it in the flesh. it resonates your whole being, and kind of puts you in a trance. its magical.
but there is absolute purpose to it, they arent just doing it for fun.

i'm not coming down on western culture en masse, although i have reservations about our direction, i just worry that some of the music that comes out of our scene has little real substance to it.
i dont want to be negative... but i know that sometimes i get an empty feeling from some western music... i cant help feeling that.
I hear you on this one mate.

My view is that reality is moving Western musicians into the right places to throat sing in their own right.

We're in a strange point though. Tibetan Monk's are in a lineage of rich and widely accepted spiritual tradition,but as Westerners we are much more nomadic.

I think we have the same capability for singing with the sound of the beginning though, but maybe to focus on an intention is important, as we can lose touch out in the wilderness.
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Post by Atheory »

yeah this topic is interesting. i actually held off writing anything because my views on alternative healing (though i do understand thats not even half of the origianl posts scope) are probably over the top and rigid, and i dont think would necessarily be helpful to the topic.

but a couple of things that may be of interest to some people.

there a gotfried leibniz quote

"Music is the pleasure the human soul experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting"

which always made a kind of sense to me.



Cant remember the guys name, but he was french who got this going originally. Its really interesting.
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Post by steevio »

Atheory wrote:yeah this topic is interesting. i actually held off writing anything because my views on alternative healing (though i do understand thats not even half of the origianl posts scope) are probably over the top and rigid, and i dont think would necessarily be helpful to the topic.

but a couple of things that may be of interest to some people.

there a gotfried leibniz quote

"Music is the pleasure the human soul experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting"

which always made a kind of sense to me.



Cant remember the guys name, but he was french who got this going originally. Its really interesting.
nice quote and video mate !

yeah the whole alternative healing thing, its not really what i was talking about. theres nothing alternative about music's healing qualities. what does that word 'alternative' mean, alternative to what ?
my son is diabetic, no amount of music is going to cure him, his pancreas dosent work, without western medicine he would be dead.
in those circumstances you just have to accept there is no other way.
but western medicine is not infallible, many of the drugs they give us are sketchy and have side effects which in many cases are just as bad as the problem they are trying to cure. GPs reach for whatever drug the pharmaceutical companies are pushing on them, without really understanding the illness.
the drugs are usually pure concentrated individual chemicals which are deemed to be the active ingredient of what is basically usually a traditional herbal remedy, ignoring the fact that in their natural 'whole plant' state these chemicals are combined and synergise with hundreds of other natural chemicals, and without them in many cases are less effective.
of course i could go on and on, so i'll stop there and just say that IMO its unfortunate that we have become so reliant on the great god of western medicine, and accept it so fully that we stop accepting responsibility for our own illnesses. in most cases illnesses are self inflicted.
the healing i'm talking about is looking at our problems holistically, and music can have a huge part to play in well-being, which in turn prevents us from getting ill in the first place.
if you are happy, your immune system is strong.
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Post by Opuswerk »

steevio wrote: if you are happy, your immune system is strong.
i'd even say if you're happy (truely happy), you are strong.
Opuswerk is now Hendrik van Boetzelaer
Links / Latest News : https://linktr.ee/opuswerk

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Post by hydrogen »

a while ago a link was posted which showed the link to keys scales, planets organs and stuff... anybody know what i'm taking about? and care to repost that link? I'm having a hard time searching for it.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

it might have been me but I can't remember the link anymore I'm afraid. some of the stuff in it was a little hit and miss, but definitely interesting.

these planet ones are rock solid though...

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