like whales?

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The pétition is close now. Aavaz says it's a succes. Maroco shut down his hunt for a year. It seems to be one more Country against Japan.

Does we should start a petition to stop considering animal and life (with genetic code) as a consumering goods?
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Post by Shepherd_of_Anu »

::BLM:: wrote:A Mosquito isn’t an endangered species. Comparing the two together is idiotic.
This was the only point I found in this thread that held any weight with me. We need to stop killing whales because there are not many out there, and they are not the kind of creatures that multiply rapidly.

We have more then enough mosquitoes... and humans for that matter. The importance of cultural beliefs don't amount to a pile of sh!t compared to the importance of maintaining the rapidly declining biodiversity of our planet. I shudder to think as what it is going to take for mankind to get this through their thick heads. Total ecological collapse no doubt.

Moreover, I say fck culture. I don't care about nor will I pretend to respect people who do whatever they want, regardless of the consequences and then masquerade behind the banner of their historical culture in order to justify their actions. fck culture... be it the insane drive to maintain "The American Way of Life", Japanese whaling, backwards and oppressive religious beliefs or whatever other cultural nonsense people flail about them in an effort to keep the power of reason at bay.

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Post by Kiani »

uritotti, if there is something like universal intellegence, you certainly don't have it, dude!

there are as many mosquito's in my room as there are blue fin whales on the planet. not to think the major ecological value a whale has.

I agree to some point that only the human-friendly people animals get the attention and that this is a wrong trend, what we should really be doing is saving ecosystems.

I don't want to show off as an 'I know everything'-type, but i am an ecologist and conservationalist, and believe me, the only way to save the less 'interesting' animals and plants is to use the well-known animals as the 'advertisor'. If you don't believe this, you can go up your hippie-fortress and complain about how bad everything is.

Ideas like you're giving here are a real problem: because there are some people in the ecology scene with these radical ideas, people like oil company lobbyists will portay you (and the whole green movement) as some unrealistic bunch of dreamers that really can't do anything. please stop this crap and be somewhat constructive
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Post by Themis »

what the logic behind your argument uritotti?

because one country kills cows and chicken it is the right of japan to kill whales?

only cause one does something bad, everyone is allowed to do something bad?

the west doesnt say its unethical to kill whales, they say its an endangered species .. if they werent it would be no problem for the west
so you all mix up the arguments

on this whole whale discussion the argument is the enviroment, and not the right to live.
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Post by infernal.techno »

What about deer? Are they not smart enough to feel pain? Bears? Think about all of the animals that appear in grocery stores and restaurants...

I think people get so emotional with whale killings because they are such large mammals and share some similar qualities to humans. Spearing a whale and watching it suffer is a lot worse than cattle being moved up a conveyer belt ready to meet their fate for some reason. I understand why some people might choose the endangered aspect, but we must remind ourselves that nature takes its course with or without human interference. Killer whales and other similar species of whales eat other marine mammals...including whales!

How many Japanese fisherman are out there killing whales just for fun and doing nothing with the remains, either selling for food or other product?

I'm not really sure I can believe that any other animal on this planet has a more complex brain than humans, or even close to it.

I can't imagine whale tasting good. I'll stick with beef and bacon plz. Ok and chicken
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Post by PsyTox »

uritotti wrote:Don’t gate me wrong. I'm against it. But, in the same time, I think that the western world who kill millions of other animals every year, can't tell the others to not kill just because they think that the whale is more charismatic than the octopus (who by the way more intelligent).
stop saying 'western world', because it's simply 'humanity'. The asians, Africans etc kill just as easy as "the western world". The animals just vary. Some vegetarians kill humans too ;)
I totally agree with you that there's no more ethics in killing a whale or a cow or a chicken for that matter. It's basically moraly just as wrong but you have to see this petition as "starting somewhere". And since there aren't many whales left, it's necessairy to start with protecting them. Just like tigers, turtles and dj's that don't play "iebieffa house chjoons".

But what I think everyone misses a bit, is that humans are also part of the ecosystem. It's not "us humans and them animals", it's "all us living beings". So if a certain species is dumb enough to wipe out the entire system it relies on, it's also a natural process. The result will simply be that in the end, the dominant species will have killed off it's own life sustain system, and it will vanish. Just like dinosaurs vanished because they just got too dominant to sustain themselves, so will we one day vanish. Nature will then probably cook up another being over a few millions of years that can start everything all over again. I think it'll look like Tiesto but with flipflops as feet.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

infernal.techno wrote:
I'm not really sure I can believe that any other animal on this planet has a more complex brain than humans, or even close to it.
theres a lot of research done on whales and dolphins that reminds us of the dumb apes that we are.

check this link.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

PsyTox wrote:
But what I think everyone misses a bit, is that humans are also part of the ecosystem. It's not "us humans and them animals", it's "all us living beings". So if a certain species is dumb enough to wipe out the entire system it relies on, it's also a natural process.
yeah but the thing is that human beings have more control over the global ecosystem than any other species.

Other species do little bits and peices, like a tiger killing llamas, or elephants eating trees. But no other species come anywhere fucking remotely close to how human acitivty affects the world.

And becuase of that we sure as sh!t need to find a way to keep our actions to within some moral boundaries.

But I dunno. I guess there's always suffering, ut somehow I think that we should try not to completely fck up the entire world.
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