What should I go with guys? Help me out please

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Ronny Pries
mnml mmbr
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Post by Ronny Pries »

thom wrote:Be serious and DO NOT connect to anything with your DAW. Ever. In fact, disable all networking on it. A DAW is like a guitar: not meant for surfing the web. Just don't do it. Eliminate the risk.
Hey Thom,

there's no need to be that restrictive with DAW's these days. The entire situation improved a lot, Windows is more stable, so are the drivers. It isn't necessary to tweak hidden registry settings to get audio applications working in a good way.

I've been using my PC's for everything audio, Design, Web and Games the last years and didn't have any problems since i switched to XP.Do a Viruscheck every few days and one is fine.

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Post by thom »

Good to hear... still, I believe in dedicating a computer to a musical project. Lately, a badly cracked release cost a few users (they were connected while installing, the "calling home" feature of the installer was not cracked properly) the renaming of all their files on their computers. (d-16 Phoscyon v1.15 cracked by the group called "blizzard"...don't touch this one with a ten foot pole...the "fixed" 1.25 is ok).

The pc I use in the studio in a network virgin...It happens to be the most stable machine I have ever worked with...and that old beige G3 that I'll have to set fire to to make it go wrong.

Oh...if some need it...

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