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mnml maxi
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Post by Opuswerk »

edited first thread.

Hope that'll nourish some discussion.

to continue on what has already been said, I'm also more of a nose follower. Although there's often a lot happening in my tracks so i'm never really able to play them in one go. Hence me playing one track at a time and then rearranging them to what I think fits.

I do however have a tendency to simplify a rythmic phrase right before introducing an element. Where i often play with some very little reverb on some melodic instruments before a chord change.
I've also been trying to have far more dynamic tracks. ie not having the same loop repeating over and over while adding substracting things, but more by modifying what's already there. and dropping whole parts, like the drum loop for some bars right after the drop. (hope that makes sense though :) )
Opuswerk is now Hendrik van Boetzelaer
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mnml mmbr
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Post by Android »

good tracks can certainly stand on there own, without being part of a mix

My personal (dj) mixing style has changed over the years

from extremely fast mixing of 64 bars and switching tracks,
to letting songs ride for 5-7 minutes at a time.

it really depends on the type of music I'm playing
and how bored I/crowd get with certain songs.
if its not making people dance, pull it and rock something else!

some "dj tools" are great and have amazing grooves
so creating an interesting mix in the club is fun and exciting!

but writing something like that in the studio
could end up being pretty damn boring...

break out of the "Loopitus!"
or as they call it in the HipHop world
"Lame Hooks Disease" ;)

lately I've been recording synths playing for 7-8 minutes
and tweaking the knobs the whole way through the track
the feeling is much more organic!

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