Paying netlabels?

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mnml maxi
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Post by plaster »

d-rokc wrote:
if you 'know' you will never make an income on your music, you seriously need to work on your philosophy. have more faith in yourself.

i have faith in me and my work...obviously i wouldn't come where i am now.
Drop the idea of becoming someone else, because you are already a masterpiece.
Der geile Ami
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Post by Der geile Ami »

i have another analogy.

theres this guy that sells red cherries. His cherries come from a very good farm and people like them a lot. The farm is in fact his farm, so his costs are quite low. He knows that there are many hungry people out there, so he is happy to give away one cherry at a time to people, so they can enjoy the wonderful cherry taste.

Theres another guy who has black cherries to sell. His cherries also taste very good. In fact the quality is about the same as the best cherries from the red cherry guy. However, he cannot afford to give so many away because they come from someone else's farm and must be individually wrapped to be delivered.

How does the first guy stay in business? His cherries are so good that people will buy many kilograms at one time and invite him to bring it to them personally. He is quite pleased that people are interested in his cherries, indeed. He has traveled to far more interesting places than the guy with black cherries.

Both guys can move lots of cherries and make some money frmo the cherries, but in 5 years time the guy selling red cherries will have made more money.
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Post by steevio »

i have another analogy.
there exists a multi-dimensional fruit and veg market.
some people prefer to take physical form at this market, while others prefer to visit in cyberspace.
many different types of people with different tastes visit this market, because there is a great variety of produce on offer, and there are even people who give away their fruit and veg for nothing !
but the most important thing about this market is that everyone is happy and everyone is tolerant of everyone elses different tastes and ways of doing things, and everyone comes away with exactly what they want.
believe it or not this market actually exists !!!! and has done for many years,
it's called The Electronic Dance Music Scene, Planet Earth,
try visiting every now and then :wink:
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Post by d-rokc »

good. if everybody is happy then why are netlabels asking for money?
rock beyond believe
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DJ L'embrouille
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Post by DJ L'embrouille »

d-rokc wrote:good. if everybody is happy then why are netlabels asking for money?
yeah, everybody is happy, it's like that. only few of netlabel's owner are asking for money, that's the reason of this topic. i can understand that and hope it could be a good solution for us. anyway, i prefer the free solution, like the whole of us (i talk of people who make a reponse here). two ways are respactable. just hope that the quality will stay in the free solution, as it is now. :wink:
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Post by AVX23 »

I can't believe those comments about Jay Haze - is this true ? Was he really shunned because of his Netlabel involvement - I find that a bit out of order really :roll:
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Post by rad »

jeeehhh, that discussion goes on and never ends.

think its time to move on to new issues, i.e. how to overcome people's fear that netlabels destroy the music industry
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Post by step » in turin where there is only one good distributor I pay promo also 17 euro and a normal release 12/13 euro...
on line you can find same release at 6/8 euro, but promo is not easy to get!

is true that if I pay a release on a net label I've nothing to touch...but if i can save money...I do it!
in past all net label are free? yes, probably because it was a new thingh...and if u want to promote a new idea you must to offer it for free!
records industry could be in slump? records industry is in slump from years...

yes free musik on net label is covenient for all, but behind a good release on a net label there is a good work of a producer and expecially a good productivity series...

then good musik for a "good" price! :wink:

however for promo i can't see solutions :cry:

see ya
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