LSD studies..... *speakers needed

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Post by shypht »

Well, we do lots of stuff that we dont need, but like doing anyways.

Do we need that double big-mac with cheese?
Do we really need that extra cup of coffee?
Do we need those $200 dollar jeans?

We do and buy loads of things what we dont 'need' - but we like them, so we do/buy them anyways.

For me, its a matter 'is the cost/potential risk worth the fun/enjoyment/benifit' I get from doing it.

With LSD. The physical risks from the substance are extremely low - its impossible to OD on, unless you had access to some pure crystal and ate a gram of it. The physical saftey of LSD is very safe, and the toxicity of it is near zero, its probably one of trhe least toxic substance to put into your body.

The mental risks that come along with it? I'll agree - LSD does have a few risks in that regard. However, the risks are pretty low, and for a large part - are not that big of an issue unless you already have some sort of pre-existing mental condition.

Yeah, you do get acid casualites and burn-outs, but those are the people who are doing acid like, 2-3 times a week, always doing huge dosages, and start getting lost in their own world.

But, as with anything - dont abuse it, be responsible and sensible with it - and many of those risks go away.

I've found that LSD has been a benifit to me. Not only in the 'its a really fun time' way, but also from some of the self-growth I've had as a result of my trips.

With other drugs like MDMA - the "benifits/fun" doesnt out-weigh the comedown/health factors for me anymore - I may still do it once in a blue moon (once every few months) instead of once every weekend. But, its not something I have much interest in partaking in that often anymore, and truth be told - I could probably never do it again and not really miss it that much.

And for me, Psychedelics are very self-moderating. The expierences can be so intense and so amazing, that even if I ahd a 200% 'great' trip - there is a part of me that wants to hold off from doing it again. Let me proccess what happened, and still leave that expierence as being something 'special' in my mind, instead of doing more the next weekend to try and chase that expierence.

Last weekend I did LSD, had an /amazing/ trip - at first, I was planning on doing it again this weekend also for another party. But now, I doubt that I will, that trip was 210% good - best acid I've ever had. I sort of want to save the next trip from that batch for a more 'special' moment - a really nice spring day.

dunno, I agree - that alot of drugs are bad, and finding yourself in a cycle of addiction and NEEDIng a drug is bad, and putting drugs over other responsabilities in your life is bad.

With LSD - if anything, I make sure that EVERYTHING is dealt with before I trip. I make sure all my homework is done, I make sure any work-related responsabiltiies are dealt with, I'll clean my apartment from head to toe before I trip. I'll call my parents before I trip just to touch-base. Pretty much, any responsability I may need to deal with in the next 48 hours : I try my best to get it dealt with, and out of the way. And generally, will only trip if I am already in a good mood / positive head space.

Its not like you turn into a LSD-junkie always begging for the next fix and putting it before every other thing in your life. I put everything else before the LSD, and it comes in at the end only onc eeverything else has been dealt with.

But, when I look at LSD - I find it very hard to lump into the normal 'drug' category. I think to write off LSD and other Psychedelics simply because you think other drugs are bad - is a bit foolish.
Jesse Somfay
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Post by Jesse Somfay »

It is obviously one of the least toxic substances...however, after a while, as with any substance that acts on serotonin receptors, there is a potential for fuddling around with the normal uptake and reuptake cycle.

I won't blame any one substance in particular for my post -substance use symptoms, but I know that my body was not functioning normally. I had a tox-screen done, and there was nothing present obviously, my body metabolizes things fairly quickly. However there were also no infections or viruses present. According to the printouts I was in perfect health. Electrolytes, blood sugar, everything was normal.

Now what that bloodwork won't show you is the level of Serotonin, Dopamine, etc. being used in your brain's neurons. And it does change with substance use, believe me you. Even if you get a clean bill of health, you can still feel pretty awful for a while after stopping anything if you don't ween yourself off. So there is obviously some level of damage being done. Not necessarily from any one substance itself, but from the way it is processed in your brain. Though psychedelics won't 'melt your brain' at all really, they can certainly alter the way your brain works for a period of time.

The body is an extremely fragile thing, to some more than others, and in general I prefer keeping mine in balance, so this is my reason for giving everything up. It's taken me more than a month to fully come back to normal mind and body function so I am never going to put myself at risk again. And like I said, I was extremely careful and researched what I did.

I'm not saying LSD or psychedelics are bad, they helped me out for sure, but they aren't always good. Just remember that nothing comes without a consequence of some form.
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Post by shypht »

Jesse, in 100% agreement with you.

I have noticed since using LSD and Mushrooms, there are subtle changes in how I see things visually - even if I've gone a long period without tripping. I'm not sure if it will ever go back to 100% normal, but on the other hand - I don't mind these alterations.

Repeated use/abuse or over indulgence of /any/ substance can lead to changes in a person, or possible health risks. Hell, drink too much water and you can die :)

And as I mentioned earlier - I know 1st hand the possible negative effects that LSD can have, as I had a friend that is a bit of an acid causality. A friend, someone I actually knew - and not just a 'friend of a friend of a friends brothers uncles sisters aunts dog walkers sisters niece' passed down urban-legend kind of thing.

But, I do think that anyone who is planning on doing drugs, especially psychedelics - that they should do allot of research on them before putting them into their bodies.

I'm not blindly singing their praises - as I do recgonize that there /are/ risks that come along with them, and to think to turn a blind-eye to the bad the can cause is just as bad as writing them off as 100% bad.

I post on another forum that is based around mushrooms and psychedelics, and all too often people blow off the 'bad' effects that they can have and accuse people 'its all in your head, this is 100% safe' - and it bothers me when they do that.
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Post by John Clees »

Click here.

* since it has been bumped.. movie back on server
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Post by accdntly »

is acid still avalable anywhere? i havent seen it in years in philly but id fucking love some.
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Post by accdntly »

ps* im not asking for it from any of you. just curious.
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Post by moey »

Please be careful if you do find any "acid" on the east coast.
A lot of blotter going around actually contains other, lesser-known psychedelics with more unpredictable and possibly dangerous results.
If you eat some paper and it doesn't seem to be working, make sure not to eat any more for at least 3 hours because it could be a chemical that takes a long time to kick in and also lasts much longer than LSD... but can still be fun as hell.
Jesse Somfay
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Post by Jesse Somfay »

The only things that could possibly fit on blotter and be fully active would be LSD 25 analogues and possibly DOB. But most likely you will only find blotter with LSD of varying quality or an analogue of it. It's the liquid stuff you have to be a little more cautious with. Even if it is LSD, you'll never know how diluted the mixture is.

And if it is DOB, it will definitely take a long time to come on. 3 hours, as was mentioned above. So if it is DOB, which it rarely is, it will take a long time to peak and it will last longer than LSD. DOB is also quite toxic if you take too much (It's an amphetamine analogue.) Somtimes a user will report physical pain on come down as well (related to a certain cardiac condition where the veins and arteries tense least I believe that is what it was..,) which can possibly lead to permanent damage (this is on high or overdoses.) It's just good to be very careful when you are ingesting this kind of stuff. It's purity is not controlled by the government, as it is illegal, so you will never know for certain what you get.
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