Themis wrote: and you have to ask yourself how much we dont know.
exactly.. great point..
perhaps about 40%... I'd guess.. with the majority not revealed.
some say this, some say that.. either way if everyone left now it would all be in vain....
and to stay until things are "done", it would be until 2020 and that would be a trillion more in resources..
and even then things may not be in order..
this hasn't changed in the last century..
I find it sickening that here in the states ppl are homeless, and hungry..
and yet we try to "help" everyone else first vs. ppl on our own land first..
after the first year of resources into this.. they could have built homes and communities..
for every homeless person in the country... start inward and go outward....
new generations can't get into gov fast enough..