what the fck is happening in london

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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by Themis »

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/310ca8a4-c8f5 ... ab7de.html

i found this by accident today.
“For this one thing, we would kill 100 American soldiers,” vowed Mohammed Wazir, who had 11 family members killed that night, including his mother and two-year-old daughter. "
and you have to ask yourself how much we dont know.
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by ray parry »

use this link as you dont need to sign up...

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/30/us/st ... ef=us&_r=0

this came out today about the cost. i think over 1million people marched against going to war in this country, but no they didnt listen and now its costing us all sorts. i cant see it getting any better either.
The war in Afghanistan has cost Britain at least £37bn and the figure will rise to a sum equivalent to more than £2,000 for every taxpaying household, according to a devastating critique of the UK's role in the conflict.

Since 2006, on a conservative estimate, it has cost £15m a day to maintain Britain's military presence in Helmand province. The equivalent of £25,000 will have been spent for every one of Helmand's 1.5 million inhabitants, more than most of them will earn in a lifetime, it says.

By 2020, the author of a new book says, Britain will have spent at least £40bn on its Afghan campaign, enough to recruit over 5,000 police officers or nurses and pay for them throughout their careers. It could fund free tuition for all students in British higher education for 10 years.

Alternatively, the sum would be enough to equip the navy with an up-to-date aircraft carrier group, or recruit and equip three army or Royal Marine brigades and fund them for 10 years.

In the first full attempted audit of what he calls Britain's "last imperial war", Frank Ledwidge, author of Investment in Blood, published next week by Yale University Press, estimates British troops in Helmand have killed at least 500 non-combatants. About half of these have been officially admitted and Britain has paid compensation to the victims' families.

The rest are based on estimates from UN and NGO reports, and "collateral damage" from air strikes and gun battles.

Ledwidge includes the human and financial cost of long-term care for more than 2,600 British troops wounded in the conflict and for more than 5,000 he calls "psychologically injured". Around 444 British soldiers have been killed in the Afghan conflict, according to the latest official MoD figures.

The MoD has estimated the cost so far of conducting military operations in Afghanistan to be about £25bn. MoD officials said on Wednesday that British troops were in Helmand to protect British national security by helping Afghans build up their own security forces.

The ministry does not keep figures on civilian casualties and has told the Commons defence committee that it cannot provide a figure for the "total" cost of operations in Afghanistan.

Ledwidge, who has also been a civilian adviser to the British government in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, says Helmand is no more stable now than when thousands of British troops were deployed there in 2006. Opium production that fell under the Taliban, is increasing, fuelling corruption and the coffers of warlords.

"Rendering the Afghan armed forces capable of securing the province [Helmand] is regarded by many ordinary British soldiers as little short of ridiculous," Ledwidge writes.

Though British and other foreign troops were sent to Afghanistan to stop al-Qaida posing a threat to Britain's national security, "of all the thousands of civilians and combatants, not a single al-Qaida operative or 'international terrorist' who could conceivably have threatened the United Kingdom is recorded as having been killed by Nato forces in Helmand," Ledwidge writes.

The real beneficiaries of the war, he suggests, are development consultants, Afghan drug lords, and international arms companies. Much of British aid to Afghanistan is spent on consultancy fees rather than those Afghans who need it most.

It was a serious mistake, the author adds, to treat al-Qaida as a military problem – the problem was primarily an intelligence one. Reflecting the widespread view across Whitehall and among defence chiefs, he says the real reason Britain has expended so much blood and money on Afghanistan is simple: "The perceived necessity of retaining the closest possible links with the US."

Ledwidge told the Guardian: "Once the last British helicopter leaves a deserted and wrecked Camp Bastion, Helmand – to which Britain claimed it would bring 'good governance' – will be a fractious narco-state occasionally fought over by opium barons and their cronies."

He added: "There are no new lessons here, only one rather important old precept: before you engage in a war, understand the environment you are going into, precisely and realistically what it is you are trying to achieve and will it be worth the cost? In other words have a strategy."
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by simonb »

Tony Blair, fck yeah?
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by Shepherd_of_Anu »

ray parry wrote:
"Rendering the Afghan armed forces capable of securing the province [Helmand] is regarded by many ordinary British soldiers as little short of ridiculous," Ledwidge writes.
Interesting documentary that explores this issue.

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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by John Clees »

Themis wrote: and you have to ask yourself how much we dont know.
exactly.. great point..

perhaps about 40%... I'd guess.. with the majority not revealed.
some say this, some say that.. either way if everyone left now it would all be in vain....
and to stay until things are "done", it would be until 2020 and that would be a trillion more in resources..
and even then things may not be in order..

this hasn't changed in the last century..
I find it sickening that here in the states ppl are homeless, and hungry..
and yet we try to "help" everyone else first vs. ppl on our own land first..
after the first year of resources into this.. they could have built homes and communities..
for every homeless person in the country... start inward and go outward....
new generations can't get into gov fast enough..
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by John Clees »


A former agent of the CIA has revealed that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has died of natural causes five years before the US announced his death.

http://presstv.com/detail/2012/05/19/24 ... al-causes/
Yashar added that the CIA abducted one of the bodyguards, Sami, before the announced killing of Bin Laden last year.

He says the bodyguard disclosed to the US the exact place of burial in the mountains.

“There was no assault. I know the American operations from the inside: they find the grave, dig out bin Laden and tell everyone about this. They need to show how technologically the security services worked, how each step was controlled, and then present it as a great victory to show that taxpayers are not paying taxes for nothing,” he said.

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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by John Clees »

taken from AwakeningAsOne
POLICE KILLING PEOPLE IN ANKARA TURKEY!!!! watch and see it your own eyes, WE NEED HELP!!! PLEASE!!!!
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by ctadamian »

I don't think anybody died. This is all over facebook, saw nothing about such thing.
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