AK wrote:( I said this in the kick thread but prob better here )
I'm wanting to get more into my envelopes, anything other than a fast attack results in the sound being out of sync, esp. with things like percussion ( shakers for example - which have a slow attack by their nature). If I want a thwip before the attack if you get me, on a sound ( like a shaker ), it's a mindfuck to get it to sit with the groove, how are other people doing this ( I'm doing it by turning 'snap-to-grid' off and going by feel )
This is seriously bugging me and I have just never got around to doing it any other way, if someone was using a hardware or analogue sequencer where you don't have access to a function like turning off snap to grid, how the hell are they keeping slow attack sounds in sync?
turning off the grid is one good way.
another one is using track delay.
you can actually use track delay to get really creative.
Sometimes you get great results if you just go nuts and try out different settings, and you can get completely new grooves by just dialing in random track delays.
If your sound is part of a whole track with percussion sounds, and not a single sound in a track, you can always route the audio out of that particular sound to another audio track, and then use the track delay on that audio track.
You can also just go mad with this technique, and use a few audio tracks that take audio from other sounds in your track, and then add all kinds of FX on them after you've used the track delay.
Your track delay can be used as a massive new delay FX that way.