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mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

dubgil2 wrote:A few of us on this discussion went back n forth about how you often hear nothing about bleeps and bloops on you tube clips, and then I found some worthy youtube clips. I found it interesting that when i looked up LIVEWIRE's website, you're imediately introducded to sound clips of nothing but space farts. If I was a newcomer, I would certainly be perplexed as to why modular is gaining popularity

understand, i am just sharing this not taking a position, I too am one who plans to start off small with enough modules to fit within a Happy Ends thingie
when i first started surfing all the module sites, i was confronted with all the same sh!t you guys have seen and heard, but i just saw straight through it.

i dont want anyone to take this the wrong way, but if you're an experienced synthesist, you only have to look at the specifications of each module to know what it does, and then you simply decide if it will do what you want it to do in your set-up. the sound is not even an issue, i have over 50 modules and all the ones which make or shape sound, sound way better than anything else ive ever heard in software, and virtual analogues, and are on a par with or better than vintage analogue synths.

you simply cannot judge the power of a piece of kit by some video of some geek playing around with the knobs of an individual module or a couple wired together, no more than you can judge a software synth by some guy playing around with the resonance knob of one filter.

these are pieces of precision equipment that are parts of a jigsaw puzzle which you have to put together yourself. you are building your own synthesiser piece by piece, and no two people will ever come up with the same result. some people will make bleeps and bloops, and others will write complex classical music.

i really think that anyone who dismisses it without actually spending some quality time on a modular is very short sighted. if you really understand synthesis, a modular is the holy grail, the ultimate tool for individual expression.
in comparison i had a fairly good knowledge of synthesis before i started, but i realise now that i was only scratching the surface of an ocean deep phenomena.

i'm pretty bored now defending modular synthesis, its a pointless exercise. its easy to feel the need to react to some of the uninformed comments, but not because i'm trying to promote it, but because if anyone is even slightly interested, they will only be put off by some of the general negativity flying around here, and if you think about it, the only people who really can have anything valid to add to this discussion are people who have experience of modulars themselves.

you'll find very few people who have modulars, who would say anything negative about them, (i've never encountered any) or sell them to go back to software, whereas there are floods of people going in the opposite direction.

the modular forums are vibrant cauldrons of excitement and freeflowing information, whenever ive had even the slightest problem, i can be sure that within minutes of me posting, i will have an informed and professional solution, quite often from the maker of the module himself.
unless you are part of it, you cannot know how expansive and inspiring it all is.
Last edited by steevio on Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

one final thing i'd like to add,

the eurorack phenomena, while having been around for many years, is only truly exploding right now, its gone exponential in the last couple of years.

does anyone really expect to be hearing the best music it has to offer just yet ?

the TB303 came out in 1982, but i took a good few years before anyone figured out how to do anything musical with it, and that is about as simple as a synthesizer can be.
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Post by siddhu »

Steevio, thanks for your enlightened and informative posts about modulars!

The comment below really caught my attention:
steevio wrote: the eurorack phenomena, while having been around for many years, is only truly exploding right now, its gone exponential in the last couple of years.
Why do you think that the Eurorack format is the one that has exploded?
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Post by oblioblioblio »

siddhu wrote:Why do you think that the Eurorack format is the one that has exploded?
It's actually quite ilogical. Frac Rack, designed by John Blacet is in many ways technically superior as a "budget" modular format (e.g. small modules without full casing behind the module panels, which are used, primarily (i believe) to shield the modules from interference).

It's mainly due to fortune that Euro rack has exploded, a lot of brilliant designers in the same place at the same time, in a format which is 1/3rd or so as cheap as the heavyweights, like Serge or Buchla. And an audience who are ready to invest.
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Post by steevio »

siddhu wrote:
Why do you think that the Eurorack format is the one that has exploded?
i dont know much about frac rack, but eurorack has the advantage of being well established worldwide because of doepfer, analogue systems and analogue solutions, while the larger formats were more US based, but the US designers are now fully committed to euro, and the explosion in the US seems to have spurred the europeans on to expand as well.

i'd been thinking of getting into modular for the last 10 years, but i'm so happy that i waited till last year, it coincided with the exponential rise of new designs, now is the perfect time.
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Post by AK »

For those with all hardware set ups, do you have any interest in other studio gear? Im talking things like compressors, multi efx type units, dedicated filter units and general stuff like that.

On my list Im considering a lexicon mpx1, a few dbx type compressors and a sherman filterbank but in terms of sheer value, you have to give the nod to software. I rarely hear people talk about hardware further than their synth and drum machines. Admitedly, a lot of the stuff might have some of these built in, im not sure of the quality though.
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Post by steevio »

AK wrote:For those with all hardware set ups, do you have any interest in other studio gear? Im talking things like compressors, multi efx type units, dedicated filter units and general stuff like that.

On my list Im considering a lexicon mpx1, a few dbx type compressors and a sherman filterbank but in terms of sheer value, you have to give the nod to software. I rarely hear people talk about hardware further than their synth and drum machines. Admitedly, a lot of the stuff might have some of these built in, im not sure of the quality though.
i have 4 hardware effects units which i use all the time;

lexicon MPX 500
lexicon MPX 100
Roland SRV330 dimensional space reverb
aphex 105 gate

(lexicons are good reverb units0

also a Sherman filterbank 2, which i consider to be a synth without an oscillator, -----used constantly.
and 2 x MF101 LP FILTERS ---used constantly

in compressors i have;

focusrite compounder
DBX 266xl
Alesis 3630
i almost never use any of these, i'm no loger a fan of compression, get yer mixing right !

for mastering i have;
TLA EQ2 tube EQ
TLA C2 MK1 tube compressor

dont buy the cheaper TLA ivory series models they're crap !!!
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Post by deccard »

steevio wrote: in compressors i have;

focusrite compounder
DBX 266xl
Alesis 3630
i almost never use any of these, i'm no loger a fan of compression, get yer mixing right !

for mastering i have;
TLA EQ2 tube EQ
TLA C2 MK1 tube compressor

dont buy the cheaper TLA ivory series models they're crap !!!
i guess you just need some better compressors for some channels. or a dedicated compressor for the drumbuss...compression is a great tool for getting your "mixing" right ;)
you are using the tube comp for glueing your mix together which you could do also in the mix...
techno made me do it
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