Cubase 5

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Post by Dusk »

fwiw I totally agree with BLM. I'm back in Cubase because I can make very simple things that sound clean, fat and present.

Stuff I made in FL Studio last month doesnt sound as clean as the stuff I did in Cubase 10 years ago, when I didn't have a clue what I was doing!

I'm a genuine scientist / skeptic so have really fought against this perception over the years, but at this point I've given up. It just sounds better.
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Post by ::BLM:: »

Exactly the same as me. I pretty much finished a track on Cubase yesterday and it sounds a lot better than the ones I made on Ableton.

I haven’t used Cubase since SX2, so not sure what they have added but I'm using a lot of their plugins. I like the Groove Agent drum machine a lot, but for some reason I in the sample viewer (under media) it won’t play the sample before I input it into the drum machine. I also can’t keep adding as many samples as I want over the top of old samples. It only lets me add say 5, and then it puts a block on the single pad which is very annoying.

The beat designer is great; I guess it’s just like the Matrix in Reason. That Loopmash thing is pretty sh!t though, it doesn’t lock onto the slices properly but you can just slice up a loop and then import it into the Groove Agent One.
For anyone else does the transport bar keep disappearing? For me it just goes and then wont come back!

Sound quality wise I’m very happy with the stuff I’m making in Cubase. It has a nice and clear, punchy sound which is working for me.
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Post by kristofason »

I lost my transport bar a few times but realised it was out of the screen bounderies of my monitor! might be that, if it doesnt appear after pressin f2 its probably that.
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Post by ::BLM:: »

nope its not that. I did just a search on the steinberg forums and it seems its a common problem.
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Post by Dusk »

I haven't had that one Ben, are you on 5.5.1? That fixed a few bugs. F2 always brings back the transport for me personally, but its at the top of the arrange window too obv.

Personally don't use the new 'beat' tools, find them clunky and not well integrated with each other. Ditto the MediaBay which is, imo, still utterly hopeless. It can't even play loops in time or audition one-shots without a delay.

For these reasons, plus your problems with the Groove Agent, I recommend Battery if you don't have it. Its wicked, use it for all my drums and FX one shots.
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Post by ::BLM:: »

I have used battery, but I found its interface really slow. There is a magazine out at the moment: MusicTechFocus (exclusive to WHSmiths) and its just about Cubase. I'm finding it a great help!
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Post by Stomper »

::BLM:: wrote:nope its not that. I did just a search on the steinberg forums and it seems its a common problem.
yes it is. people just dont search and just make new post and those with the answer get barried.

change resolution untill youll find it.

what i would like to see in GAO is not more layers, but layers from different kind that all play at the same time and you can change the volume and pan. of course this could be done with a few pads, but still...not the same.

if you work with a lot with audio check the events to part feature.
for midi look at copieng with ctrl+k (duplicate the midi part, but every change made in one part applies to all of them).

monolouge is great monosynth, i use it a lot for effects. i like the overdrive.
tonic is great filter with awsome modulation options. i always get the step sequencer to fully smooth, bit morph and let it modulate the cutoff.
i also recommand to download magneto from the archive (not incl with 4 and 5) great saturation.
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Post by ::BLM:: »

The changing resolution hasnt worked. I checked what they said in the forums, but had no luck. Anyway's its only a small problem that I can work around, so not fussed.

Man what im really missing is just a really small sampler like in Ableton. What samplers are people using in Cubase?
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