Ancient Aliens 2010 on the History Channel

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John Clees
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Post by John Clees »

exactly my point / invention / or advancement in science and tecnology.

an ipod for example.. if someone said you could fit 10 gigs on something that small - you would be considered crazy.. believing in something that isn't there or logical at that moment in time...

a dream for example.. if you dream and push forward a thought that is not there your pushing forward something that currently isn't visible or even perhaps even logical.. but if you keep doing so for example : going to the moon : living over 100 : it finally happens. perhaps it's technology or new found education that catches up..

so perhaps when we have commercial airplane's .. that challenge the gravitation pull and fly as if ufo/s do / did in the 50's or even (as mention in the video clips) in

then and only then by visible proof only you'd believe their is another life form elsewhere.. to me : that's like asking if your government keeps things from you. dealing with the U.S. or any other government for that matter.. of course they would.. why wouldn't they..

that is such an older generation of understanding to me..

to each their own..

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John Clees
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Post by John Clees »


every university, archeologist, anthropologist ...ect.. has studied the the chambers in the pyramids..... and no one can explain the purpose of the shafts... as the video mentioned : the walls were coated with a layer of salt which also had traces of hydrochloric acid / and hydrated zine... in which when they are combined which were both in the queen's chamber.. ::::::::::: created hydrogen :::::::::::: which is a chemical which the energy is used to send our air crafts into space... and this is (just) suppose to be for religious purposes..?

as some claim in the video's I've posted it may have been used as a power plant : using earth's natural resources for energy.. makes may more sense to me than just chalking up religion : perhaps people back then where claiming "gods from the sky" as many talk about or write about on walls. and just unexplainable landscapes from all the highest educated people in the world is just religion.. I don't buy that for one second.... ... e-pyramids

just curious of your thoughts of other species using earth's resources that would help them produce energy beyond our understanding...
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Post by jackbrazzo »

anyone recommend a book on the pyramids?
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Post by ChrisCV »

john clees wrote:just curious of your thoughts of other species using earth's resources that would help them produce energy beyond our understanding...
urmm.... this question is a bit out there....

but say if theoretically there were interstellar travelling aliens....

i don't think they would use other worlds as petrol stations for their spaceships...

i guess with any exploration... you don't really want to be going anywhere if you know you don't have enough fuel to get back? i guess? so banking on travelling somewhere to find a planet with resources... then waiting a fair few years whilst they build the petrol station for you to charge up and go back...

plus would hydrogen be enough to power a spaceship for interstellar travel?? theoretical physics at the moment estimates you would need the energy of a collapsing star to be able to travel faster than the speed of light...

but then there's so many ifs and buts and theoreticallys in this whole post...[/quote]
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Post by AK »

I have an open minded view on the ancient astronaut phenomenom. I've seen many vids and read a fair few books and articles too. One thing is for sure, believe it or not, you need to have seen/read the arguments for and the arguments against to be able to have an sort of evolved opinion.

I always thought it strange at school when we all believed God created the earth and man and how people built a religion and way of life from a book. A lot of the stuff in the Bible, is imo symbolic and when you delve a little deeper, the idea of ancient astronauts in biblical texts and earlier sumerian cylinder seals actually opens your eyes to see that we are in fact, not dealing with 2 entirely different subjects.

If you have heard of Zecharia Sitchin you may have read some of his translated interpretations of ancient Sumerian texts. That's not to say people actually say he is 100% accurate - but regardless of how you feel about it, it's definitely worth reading and forming an opinion either way. The Sumerians were basically the first known civilization and ( according to sitchin ) had been given knowledge regarding the origins of human life and even the solar system and earth itself. The source of this information is an alien race called the 'Annunaki' - which means 'those from heaven to earth came'.

Rather than type out the actual translated stuff that Sitchin puts across ( as it's far better to read for oneself ) the basic notion is that, whilst aliens were not directly responsible for the creation of human life, they were responsible for genetically engineering the modern human ( the Lu Lu, or the ADAM ) As Genesis is really an altered text based on earlier Sumerian writings, there are a lot of similarities albeit slightly modified and altered due to translation and meaning. Apparently, when the word GOD is used in the Bible, it's often misinterpreted from the Sumerian plural ( GODS ) The Sumerians called the Annunaki GODS as they were seen to arrive in 'sky chariots' and must have been seen to posses great technical advancement and science. Like I say, you really need to read the works of Zecharia Sitchin ( and others to get the whole picture )

Anyway, the point of their arrival was to mine gold - ( re: gold. If you follow science and things NASA do, it may have come to your attention that the properties of gold are just being discovered. Monatomic gold is defined as 'exotic matter' and there was an article on it on for its use in space propulsion )
Monoatomic gold has been theorized to be an ideal propulsion mechanism for space travel.

Monoatomic elements, When heated 'lose' mass, but gain it back upon cooling. This is extremely strange. some even consider m-state elements to be a newly discovered state of matter. Take that plasma!

Nonetheless, since monoatomic particles lose mass when heated and gain it back upon being cooled, their properties could be utilized in a space-based propulsion mechanism:

Example: A chain of ten monoatomic gold particles fired whilst superheated into the deep cold of space towards a point of impact/impactor (on a spaceship perhaps?) would impact upon that point with the increased mass of 12 or more monoatomic gold particles, relative to its prior mass in a heated state....

Given that this could be repeated thousands of times per minute/second with millions of m-state gold particles being propelled electromagnetically at the impactor, this would make an excellent propulsion system - far better than our current ion drives - and without bending any laws of physics more than m-state particles already do.
The relevance of that is to prepare for the question about 'why would an alien race wish to mine gold on earth?'. Anyway, to cut the story short, the Annunaki created a hybrid race by combining dna from themselves and dna from the current humans around at the time ( about 400,000 yrs ago ) The first ( the ADAM ) was the 'prototype' and the genetically 'improved' modern human was born. According to the texts, they were used to mine the gold and were given knowledge and taught many things about how the earth was formed, how the solar system came about etc.

This doesn't exlude the Darwinian theory of evolution, just that we were 'helped' along the way, apparently, in theory, the human brain should have taken millions of years to evolve to its current level of intelligence. It also doesn't exclude religion, as Genesis is formed from Sumerian and ancient babylonian writings, the misinterpretations have led to misconceptions and things taken literally or altered to form metaphors and abbreviated ideas of the original accounts. ( apparently )

I believe there is definitely some truth in there somewhere, I'm of the old adage that there's no smoke without fire. To me it's the height of human ignorance to assume we are the only intelligent form of life in the universe, it's more stupid and ridiculous to me if I rubbish the idea.

Also, when people take the Bible literally and base their lives on the idea that a bloke with a grey beard made everything that is, people don't bat an eyelid yet to suggest another intelligent race from somewhere else or even another dimension of existence intervened with human development ( for whatever agenda ) seems ludicrous and borderline insane. :|

I prefer to read both sides of things and draw my own conclusions.

Are aliens visiting us today? I would say probably - although I am not sure they are the same race that are referred to as the Annunaki by the Sumerians. There's too much evidence to simple writie it off as comedy and make believe. That doesn't mean I am totally convinced, that would only happen if I got first hand proof. Things like the Disclosure Project and eye witness accounts ( esp. when involving hundred of people ) make me think that there's definitely something in it.
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