Ancient Aliens 2010 on the History Channel

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Post by patrick bateman »

Rookas wrote:chris, youre a engineer? i mean building skyscrapers?
if not how can you tell what can we build and what can we not?
One could think that it's 2010 and that much of this stuff is available to be read in books, internet, newspapers etc etc.
But then again, I might not be right. Maybe Chris should shut the fock up... I don't know.

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Post by ChrisCV »

Rookas wrote:chris, youre a engineer? i mean building skyscrapers?
if not how can you tell what can we build and what can we not?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
not sure what you're trying to get at... are only official experts allowed to give their opinions? if so i want only experts in the field of pyramid building aliens commenting on this.

anyways.. no i am not a skyscraper engineer.. but i do take a moderate interest in how these things work, so i often read/watch things about engineering and science, as well as researching something that interests me...

based on what i know, i really can't believe that modern society can't build a pyramid like the egyptians, have it aligned with some stars, and have the stones precisely cut...

i mean there's that highest bridge in the world in france... how they built that was nuts... first the support columns are incredible... then for the road/deck part... they had two pieces which were slid out to meet in the middle... as in the road for the bridge which weighs 36,000 tonnes was slid out across the valley 890ft above the ground over the supports... using GPS tracking technology to make sure everything is aligned to within a millimeter.

its things like that which make me go... surely we can do a pyramid... whilst in the contrary you guys have just been spouting some "facts" from a nut job off a youtube video believing its true... you haven't actually said why we can't get the precision of the egyptians.. i've just given you a great example of a modern engineering feat which clearly shows we have the technology.

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Post by John Clees »

ChrisCV wrote: i mean there's that highest bridge in the world in france...
isn't consider any of the 8 "wonder's of the world"

just my point.... amazing stuff... obviously.... but not classified as any of the 8th wonders of the entire planet...

build 1000's of years ago among : OTHER : wonders of the world...

at the same time - under the exact mythological arrangement of the stars and at exact locations...

with unexplainable findings of artifacts that aren't even considered in any history books for the simple fact/art of control.
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Post by Salomo »

ChrisCV wrote:
john clees wrote:
ChrisCV wrote: chances are the alien explanation is bullshit... i'm not saying extra terrestrial life doesn't exist... there are millions of galaxies out there.. however the chance occurrence for intelligent life to form are pretty slim... .
isn't that a complete contradiction... that's exactly the point I think..
not really.. my point was life on this planet was a careful coming together of very specific things.... there are millions of galaxies out there, so its not crazy to think that another one out there of these millions could also have the same aligning of environmental factors to create some kind of life be it bacteria, single celled organisms, to primitive beings or even advanced beings... however, for there to be the precise alignment of factors on another planet to produce a civilisation capable of inter stella space travel with the advice to build crude pyramids without tools, massively slims the odds down, as you're now being very specific...
john clees wrote:I agree with Salomo about how the exact alignment to the stars is much more compelling perspective
it is very interesting how they are aligned.. agreeed... however i don't think they're aligned anymore as stars and the earth move...
john clees wrote:and also things that can't be recreated to today with our tools, specific lines and cuts that would done 1000's of years ago.
what are the current technical obstacles that means we can't line up a building with some stars? also why can't we cut stone like the egyptians?

maybe its a mistranslation in the video? but it is incredible how accurate they did these things.. but this does not surpass modern technology...

john clees wrote:let's not call them aliens..... but perhaps in simplicity introduce and/or explaining that their was a universal life form 1000's of years before any know civilization recorded..

1000s of years before civilisations we were Neanderthals scurrying around in the dirt looking for food...

I think i'm going to have to waste my time with this video and see what bullshit they're talking about...
You obviously don't know your facts either, for one we don't descend from the Neanderthals (humans and neanderthals have lived in the same time, even fought with each other, making it impossible of course they are our ancestors) . The earth moves? .. so ? what else is new. does not change anything about the gravitational pull at their relation in positioning (not in a few thousand years at least), nothing moves completely freestyle of course (asteroids etc might). It's all gravitation drawing steady lines. Also on a side note our sun is of course just another star, and yes it moves too: as do we, around a common axe with the sun (not as black and white as the earth moving around the sun, like being told to the kids today). ridiculous what you say "not aligned anymore because earth moves", why the hell do you think the theory is there when we're no longer aligned? wouldnt make much sense would it

Theres approximately 200-400 billion stars in the milky way alone, the andromeda galaxy has approx. 1 trillion. Many of these stars have planets in orbit, and a zone suitable for supporting life due to their ideal balance of exposure to the star, just as we do together with mars. let alone the primary and most significant source of life is a hugely common thing in the universe, it's water, it's there everywhere and contained in many ways. Asteroids for example. But well, looking further there's trillions of galaxy's with billions of stars alike, plus the possibility of multiple universes besides this one, which would mean the 'big bang' happened more than once. all with all the pure chance maths will show you how rare anything is (or isn't). divide it by whatever you want until you get a tiny chance, and you still get a incredibly huge number. Intelligent life is probably all around us, within the milky-way galaxy even. 13,7 billion years is the estimated age of the universe, you can count on it we are indeed a latecomer, and there have been millions of civilizations like us who destroyed themselves. the reason we havent seen them is because of the incomprehensibly enormous distances in space, making it possible to stay anonymous, some say it's better because of possible dangers.

the human kind is ok, but the look on science might actually be quite narrow-minded in the big picture, slowly the quantum mechanics finds it's place in the present-day science to flourish and expand, and the work of guys like Nils Bohr who were ahead of their time will be fully comprehended ( and todays leaders in physics like stephen hawking expanding it further). as nils bohr stated "The opposite of a true statement is a false statement, but the opposite of a profound truth may as well be another profound truth". A metaphysical counterpart.

as for the egyptians I do in fact believe they had help from otherworldly beings. I can not be sure and a discussion like that is useless, i know your mainstream points, and I believe this. plus you're getting a bit ahead of the appreciation for the human kind, we haven't proven sh!t. yet. we like to show off useless technology as deep knowledge, giving us megalomanic characteristics.
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Post by Kiani »

Rookas wrote:chris, youre a engineer? i mean building skyscrapers?
if not how can you tell what can we build and what can we not?

haha, and who are we to tell what aliens can build :)

Our ideas about extraterrestrial life are MUCH more extreme and unrealistic than ideas about the egyptians ;)
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Post by ChrisCV »

apologies to everyone else that has to read this... but have gone major geeky on this..... you have been warned.
Salomo wrote: You obviously don't know your facts either, for one we don't descend from the Neanderthals (humans and neanderthals have lived in the same time, even fought with each other, making it impossible of course they are our ancestors) .
yep you're right.. we're not necessarily direct descendants of neanderthals just part of the same species... i just said it to illustrate the point that before civilisation we were doing stuff... its not just one day there was civilisation brought to us by aliens... our civilisation came about through thousands of years of progress.... on a side note there is some evidence that there were homo sapien/neanderthal inter breeding, so you might be a fraction neanderthal (which could explain you're belief in alien pyramid builders :lol: :lol: )
Salomo wrote: The earth moves? .. so ? what else is new. does not change anything about the gravitational pull at their relation in positioning (not in a few thousand years at least)....
correct.. the earth's movement doesn't effect the movement of far away stars (although earth will effect the movement of our own sun ever so slightly)... that said, the earth's movement changes the perspective of the stars for observers on earth.

so the pyramids alignment with the pole star isn't what they would have been aligned with when the pyramids were built all those thousands of years ago. This is due to axial prescession which is makes the earth wobble when the earth spins on its axis.. This causes the star's locations in the sky to move, approximately it takes 26,000 years for it to do a full wobble cycle. so the pole star that we know today wouldn't have marked out true north back then.. Add to this the giza pyramids aren't fully mirroring orions belt in relation to the milky way as it stands.. the theory is that the nile is the milky way and the 3 pyramids represents orion's belt. however when looking at the pyramids this isn't fully accurate... its only when the stars are shifted due to prescession that everything is mirrored correctly.
Salomo wrote:ridiculous what you say "not aligned anymore because earth moves", why the hell do you think the theory is there when we're no longer aligned? wouldnt make much sense would it
I hope that made more sense for you....

Also this precession effect also goes a long way to explaining how they built the pyramids inline with true north. some bird at cambridge reckons that they used two stars that circled the pole as polaris back then wasn't the pole star. so what the egyptians would have seen through their careful observations were all the stars moving through the night sky giving the illusion that they circled this invisible polar point, then using two stars close to the pole as a reference. when these stars aligned vertically to the observer, they could have used a plumb line to get that alignment and plot where true north is... then its just a case of building the damn thing. so no aliens, just some amazing ingenuity by the egyptians.
Salomo wrote:Many of these stars have planets in orbit, and a zone suitable for supporting life due to their ideal balance of exposure to the star, just as we do together with mars.
like i said before.. it's not just your distance from the sun.. there are so many different factors to include.. why is mars baron compared to the earth if its in the right location? it used to have an atmosphere and rivers... but the fact it was far smaller than earth meant its molton core stopped or froze, breaking down the magnetic field that protected it from the solar winds of the sun which in turn stripped the planet bare... in addition to the celestrial attributes for supporting any kind of life, to support intelligent life is even harder. humans came in to existence as the result of a careful string of events from the extinction of the dinosaurs to the ice age. which cleared an evolutionary path for humans to evolve... its all these little things that need to happen...for all the universes out there, for all the planets, stars... so much has to be right at the same time....
Salomo wrote:the human kind is ok, but the look on science might actually be quite narrow-minded in the big picture, slowly the quantum mechanics finds it's place in the present-day science to flourish and expand
I think its more a case at looking at things with a rational mind, a scientific mind, an analytical mind... rather than jumping to the first excitable wild theory... most things normally have a simple explanation with rationale behind it....
Salomo wrote:we like to show off useless technology as deep knowledge, giving us megalomanic characteristics.
your right... the wheel pretty fucking useless.. sewage systems what a waste of time... harnessing electricty, don't know why we bothered. vaccinations, who the hell needs them? anti biotics- only for megalomaniacs...
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Post by ChrisCV »

john clees wrote: build 1000's of years ago among : OTHER : wonders of the world...

at the same time - under the exact mythological arrangement of the stars and at exact locations...
the 7 wonders were not built at the same time.. the pyramids were the oldest... then the others were built during the millenium before christ. but often they were 100 years apart in their construction. and they're not under the same mythological arrangement of the stars at exact locations...
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Post by John Clees »

ChrisCV wrote:
john clees wrote: build 1000's of years ago among : OTHER : wonders of the world...

at the same time - under the exact mythological arrangement of the stars and at exact locations...
the 7 wonders were not built at the same time.. the pyramids were the oldest... then the others were built during the millenium before christ. but often they were 100 years apart in their construction. and they're not under the same mythological arrangement of the stars at exact locations...
your taking the idea of multiple stories and depicting them within 100 years when the topic is 1000's of years.. ..

no comprende amigo...

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