Call for entries: Netaudio Festival 2009 in Berlin

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Post by fugazi »

some streaming to net audio festival?
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Post by be~~ »

I know this is looking a bit too far a head in the future, but will there be a net audio festival next year in berlin?
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sven laux
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Post by sven laux »

be~~ wrote:I know this is looking a bit too far a head in the future, but will there be a net audio festival next year in berlin?
Perhaps Richie and Ricardo will play there, because of their support to the netaudio scene...
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Post by fugazi »

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Post by pheek »

fugazi wrote:really?
No. Sven is being disappointed not to play and was making some jokes...

BTW, I think i can see a good thing to have artists like Marc Schneider in the roster even if he's not associated to the netaudio scene. One goal the netaudio scene has is to give artists a chance, to get some exposure and attention. You can't do that by only booking unknown artists; you need a bait for dragging people over (eg. people lack of curiosity, especially in Berlin IMHO). Plus, it gives the rookie artists the chance to meet and connect with veterans, which can only be a great thing for everyone. Of course, there's not enough room for everyone and if you're not booked, maybe it's just a kick to push you to work on a project for the next year. :)
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Post by oblioblioblio »

netaudio seem like very friendly people. and I think they are very dedicated to the netlabel scene. (for instance one of them offered to host a release of mine when the netlabel it was on was having server issues)

it can't be too easy to find all the people who are working hard for the netlabel scene, and like pheek says. you need to have a bit of bait to bring new listeners to the party.

i didn't like the application process (I can't remember exactly, but I didn't feel I could easily express the things i felt about netaudio and the thing I was doing. but maybe i was just being funny when i looked at the form). but I am coming over for it and looking forward to the music and some of the day time stuff.
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Post by Storlon »

:( sven is a strong guy guy within the netlab scene, bad...
Pheek wrote:One goal the netaudio scene has is to give artists a chance, to get some exposure and attention
not really following you here, i think the netaudio scene have matured, more of a way to say "Hey we love our music and we're here". If i want to hear well know djs/producers, i have hundreds of options in various clubs and festivals. netaudio festival should be netaudio. my view (:
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Post by oblioblioblio »

I think even the most dedicated ears will not find the best people every time. Probably the guys had quite a lot of applications, or maybe they just didn't like Sven's music this time. But I dunno.

I think, from my point of view, the more important thing is to make friends and talk to people who have similar goals to you in life and with music. I don't think one gig is suddenly going to change your life and bring you to loads of new listeners. But it's always nice to play, and also to have recognition from people is a nice thing (though can sometimes be a bad thing too).

RE: your last point, Storlon. Yeah I agree 50%. But I think there are many friendly people who simply want to go to a nice party, and they are not paying much attention to the details of music, like whther it's on vinyl or digital, or thinking about whther the netlabel scene can support itself on it's own. But, maybe it's poosible to reach these people with only netaudio artists.

I think the netaudio guys are probably listening, and will be able to say some things, and maybe what they have learned from this festival. I guess they are pretty busy right now though.
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