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Post by steevio »

but most of what anyones is doing in any music style is generic and unoriginal.

i dont think its fair to single out dubstep and techno etc, theres some really interesting dubstep but its hard to find like any original music.

the answer; do it yourself.
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Post by Myfirstcasio »

Dare I say it, I think that Forest and Dark Psy feels is more innovative and willing to take risks than most other forms of 4 to the floor music atm.

There's the odd record which blows me away with its vision and daring but it's getting rarer for me to feel that Awe. The last record to do that to me was Autechres "Untilted".

@ Atheory - I hope it's not a late twenties thing! Like my recent mid-rift-drift, but it sure was easy to get enthusiastic when I was 19!
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Post by oblioblioblio »

forward thinkingness can be a weird and even dangerous criteria to single out.

most of my favourite music has it's hand in the past somehow. and like others have mentioned, records from nearly 50 years ago, and probably even earlier han that can sound 'forward thinking'.

well anyways. I think a lot of the problem is that it is natural for producers to listen to music enough to get bored more easily than other people. For example, when I first started listening to techno, I found most stuff really exciting, and the best stuff out of that simple phenomenal. Nowadays it isn't really that much that makes me feel that way (and yeah, maybe not so much from really recent past).

I would probably agree with Steevio that the best response to this issue is to use it as a reason to push yourself.
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Post by laza »

minilogue - animals

timeless, forwardthinking - simply a masterpiece to my ears

imo its the best lp of the year in that genre.
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Post by Atheory »

theres gotta be stuff going on somewhere thats amazing though.

i don't expect all music to be interesting, just would like to be able to listen to a few records that are about more than polishing off someone elses ideas or consolodation.

@myfirst - ha! yeah, gotta law off the malty beers myself.
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Post by coldfuture »

laza wrote:minilogue - animals

timeless, forwardthinking - simply a masterpiece to my ears

imo its the best lp of the year in that genre.

Every track on that album is so tangible, so solid.
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Post by Shepherd_of_Anu »

A curious question and interesting thread. Personally I find it hard to single out any particular piece of minimal techno music that I feel is breaking totally new ground. Its not to say that lots of good music hasn't been coming out. It's just that I haven't heard anything that was so fresh and unique that broke the prism through which I view music.

If I were to widen the scope of the inquiry I think that the most unique and innovative sound I have come across in recent times has been more in the realm of breaky, minimalist, ambient IDM type music. I don't know if its really IDM but I use the term for a lack of a better description.

Specifically I am thinking about a release I downloaded from a netlabel called Release 57 by Idhren has some really interesting tracks. ... 126&lang=2

Here is a link for the release if you want to check it out. FLAC's are available.

This one track, "Auto Sunset" has this really minimalist ambient space then around 420 it breaks down into really fast almost DnB kind of flow but its still minimalist. Its cool, I don't think I have ever heard a track quite like it.

Another track I really like is "Monolith." Very interesting rhythms and space.

I have accumulated a lot of new music in the last year and even though I think a lot of its great music I can't say that I have come across much that has changed my world... well... I have gotten a lot more into the dub style of techno over the last 3 years but so much of that sounds the same.

I have preached about this before but I think that a lot of the music in the No Response netlabel catalog is a cut above the rest... commercial or otherwise.

To be honest with everyone lately I have been really not liking most of the "minimal genre" music that has been coming out. I don't think I like the direction of the minimal sound. It seems to be getting more and more unmusical. I don't like all these tracks that just have weird sounds and electronic noises placed in logical patterns. I am not close minded about electronic music but I like my music to be musical ya know? It takes more then sounds placed in recognizable patterns for a track to qualify as music.

Well, thats all I have to say for now. Check out that release by Idhren. Its forward thinking in my view.
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Post by tone-def »

Shepherd_of_Anu wrote: To be honest with everyone lately I have been really not liking most of the "minimal genre" music that has been coming out. I don't think I like the direction of the minimal sound. It seems to be getting more and more unmusical. I don't like all these tracks that just have weird sounds and electronic noises placed in logical patterns. I am not close minded about electronic music but I like my music to be musical ya know? It takes more then sounds placed in recognizable patterns for a track to qualify as music.
It needs to have funk in it. Electronic dance music without the funk is like alcohol free vodka, pointless! I use to try and make which was just beats but i realized i could be a lot more expressive and funky by been more musical. I think this is also one of the reasons why everyone listens to stuff like Rick Wade. It's got a lot more music in it.
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