Hi everyone, i have decided to explain myself the 2 releases available in our site made by my mates from the canary islands, you probably haven´t heard about them but they trully deserve a listen.
SN025 is done by LBLC from Gran Canaria, they are 3 guys playing 2 laptops and a guitar doing more minimal techno type of sound
SN026 is done by different projects from the drone collective in Tenerife, really interesting interactions and artists combinations to produce more dronic and post rock type of sound but also more minimal dub.Tupperwear and abstract groove involved in this project and the only artists that have previously released on sinergy are a good example of what you can find in here.
I hope you like it as much as i do
visit the sinergy site to download this releases http://www.sinergy-networks.com/
if you are also around tenerife on september 24 do not miss the croma festival roganized by drone with all these artists plus international guests like sutekh, radian, Rob mazurek,etc
all the best, Luis Ortiz