Gerard de Heijger

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Gerard de Heijger
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Gerard de Heijger

Post by Gerard de Heijger »

So like i told ya'll in the newb's forum.. i'm new here.

And this is my sound:

Tracks will b available on different sites soon!

I would really like some feedback from here!


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Post by HEFTY »

real quick feedback: in my humble opinion:

1st track: id make the snare louder, shorten the shaker sound (if that makes sense) vary the percussion u use, add/take out hi hats etc, def needs some fx or samples to keep it interesting, use different sounds for your percussion eg instead of having a hi hat use a wierd noise instead, it would make it more interesting. id say its a good start it just needs something to keep it rolling along niceley. what prog do u use? if ur on reason id b happy to do some editing on it?

2nd track: sounds good, again id make the snare louder coz thats a cool snare u got there, then u get a proper pop-smack pop-smack pop-smack with the drum and snare. also i think ur breakdown comes in too early, a few bars later wud b cool, its like your getting into the groove and it stops! again i recon u shud stick some samples in there and some wierd noises and fx, it just keeps it interesting i recon

3rd track: the wierd noises n stuff you got going on at the beginning is what the 1st and 2nd tracks lack, maybe could do with turning them down a little bit tho especially during the breakdown, again i recon ur 1st breakdown comes in too early, i think it should go where the 1st mini breakdown was. other than that i recon all u need is to strip it down a bit so its just the beats and bass and then build it back up slowly adding the different elements back into it, coz i think it sounds a little busy at times, some re structuring wouldnt b a bad thing

4th track: sounds pretty fat, although it does sound a little slow? mayb pitch it up a bit? this 1 is more rolling that the others so far. i recon all u need for this 1 really would b to add some samples n sound effects but also add some fx like reverb n sh!t to the wierd squiggly sounds u have going on in the background. this 1 actually sounds like sumthing id make!

5th track: sounding good again, nice skippety beats and beefy bass, again the 1st mini breakdown i recon comes in too quickly, the fx are cool at 1:25 and at 2:08, thats what u need more of in your other tunes, add fx and reverb and stuff to the different elements of your track. i like this track, sounds cool, 1 thing i wud say is that the breakdown seems a little too long, mayb 1/2 it?

so yeah all u really need for all the tracks is some samples, some more fx, programming details like taking the snare out, taking the 4th beat out at the end of a bar, sh!t like that, its the details that elevate it above other generic sh!t!

this is all just my humble opinion tho of course!!

check out my tracks on me myspace, see what you think!

also what do u use to produce? im on reason 4 and up for collaborating!
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