Pre Made Loops

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mnml maxi
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Post by AVX23 »

Well that's a little different - at least in that case, the person is playing the instrument in a configuration common to many other musicians, so while his instument may sound the same, the way he/she plays it is going to be different.

Also the settings are likely to be slightly different so there will be a slight variation from player to player, it will never sound quite the same.

Guitarists tend to play standards as well ,groups of chords and in keys following rules to a point such as blues for example, but I don't think you will find many guitarists who would take a loop of someone else playing guitar and then re:manipulate it and feel proud of their work, a lot of this can be split into producer attitude (who by definition will be remanipulating an artists work into something contemporary) and an artist attitude (who by and large will seek to make original works each time and then perhaps allow an engineer or producer to remanipulate it to present it in a contemporary context).

but I can't help but feel a lot of this is irrelevant, I know plenty of tracks which sound as if they've sampled whole loops from other tracks (used to be prevolant in harder techno - creating that whole genere almost of 'loop based filtered techno' I'm sure house suffered the same loss of originality at the same sort of time for a period).

I also know that people programming their own loops will sometimes use presets and therefore sound like other people using presets, that's fine, but when a lot of people are just using one stab or 2 note melodies, then of course things are going to sound exactly the same, so in this case, when people are using pre-made loops, they aren't really distiguishable from people programing their own, the end user really doesn't have much of a chance of telling how it was made, leading to lots of claims of people ripping each other off, it's laughable, personally I think f@ck it, I'm sure the people who deserve the recognition will get it in the end.
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Post by habitueE »

well said.. you cant go compare musicians playing instruments with producers using full on loops/rhythemized presets on their synth, in minimal music, where the loop makes half the track. that comparison only goes for people who happened to be using the same preset on their analog/digital synth, obviously playing different notes, but still..

all a matter of moral values tbh, wheres the satisfaction in delivering a track to the public when you haven't made half of it yourself, and you know lots of people will instantly recognize it, before they even listened to your actual track.
Its just a little frustrating to see tracks getting released on vinyl, lately im getting that more & more again, where probably 50% of them, i have lying on my HD in some random sample pack or in the preset bank of my fm8.
Tracks i could have made myself in 30 minutes tops if i wasnt so darn naive to try & make something thats original, too scared to send something out before im satisfied with it. But hey, as long as it sells éé
mnml maxi
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Post by Atheory »

i dont think there are many unique sounding records with pre made loops in them. if its your intention to make something that doesnt sound like every other record, i think you wont use them.

as for the guitar music etc, they just arent comparable really.
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Post by nospin »

mas chingon wrote:in other genres of music, many people will use the same instrument..... a gibson les paul through a marshall head and cab for instance...... using that setup won't make you a rockstar, your songs will.
yeah, and thats (partly) why i find so much rock and guitar based music boring.

but, you are right, whats important in a lot of those genres is the music, the lyrics, the vocals, the riffs, how angrily you strum those stupid 3 chords ... whatever.

but what is important in these kind of dance genres is sound design and rhythm, and how the song develops.
alot of people involved in techno/house/minimal have even embraced some common instruments... 808/909/303... but a lot of it is about being really creative with those and processing. using an unaltered loop or preset in any significant way, takes a lot of work out of it.

mas chingon wrote: maybe this is ignorance on my part (i don't know too many other people into minimal), but is the average person at a club dancing to a track going to think to themself "oh, so and so used loop 31b from the mega 8 bit ethno percussion folder from the flopping fish audio minimal house sample cd?"

probably not..... only other producers. and are they the majority of the minimal fan base???
i think you'd be surprised how many 'fans' could at least be able to identify some patches and which synths (and artists) made them famous. some of them get really weird about it actually
i'm not sure if its a good thing or bad thing, but a huge number of people into 'minimal' are either wannabe or 'successful' djs/producers
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