Contakt (Minus where are you going?)

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Post by 'gameover' »

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Post by Atheory »

i think the picture is quite funny. and in fairness, its not nearly as cringy as the bios i have seen artists (on this website including) write about themselves.

Yeah, minus isn't for everybody, but, you know, write music that people will like better then.
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Post by cloutier »

i'm not one for quoting myself, but this one's worth repeating...
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Post by Rosscoah »

also, contact is spelt incorrectly
Marcus Stork
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Post by Marcus Stork »

Who cares about M_nus ?
grace anxiety
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Post by grace anxiety »

not me. i beyond caring about them. they have reached a new low in my eyes. there are far better djs out their. and who fives a fck if there will be minus only events where members can que up to high five richie. cheesy as fck the whole thing imo.
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Post by zentex »

this is ridiculous, plain and simple bad taste. i've never liked m_nus at all and this definitely is the last nail to the m_nus coffin...r.i.p. yak!
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John Clees
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Post by John Clees »

Rich wrote:One thing which did cross my mind, and which I hope does not happen, is the possibility of club nights in future only for the M-nus fan club members. In other words, you can only get into the club if you have a membership card. This is total speculation, but just taking this cube idea to the next logical step. I really hope that doesn't happen, because that would go against everything that techno is about for me. ..
I can say I do remember when he had a membership years and years ago..(perhaps) Im sure he did have members only parties and/or perhaps the party info was only sent to memebers and if you knew one person that had a membership you would be in the know..

I do remember the the tickets had a huge discount if you had a membership.
element.8 wrote:i'm not one for quoting myself, but this one's worth repeating...
I couldn't agree more... / funny - funny

that one is worth it....

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