5 , 4 , 3 ... techno

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mnml maxi
mnml maxi
Posts: 594
Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:18 am
Location: Detroit

Post by Torque »

that's the way it was when i came into the scene in Detroit too in the 90's. I'v seen things slowly transform here. I think as allot of these djs left here to go on and tour in europe they found something they can never find in Detroit which is somebody to stroke their ego endlessly. When they came back they had a ton of smoke blown up their asses and all the sudden the gig is more about them than it was back in the day when it was more about the crowd than the dj. It never seems to fail. There is still a solid core of REAL people here but they seem to be outnumbered by the snooty scenester types. I still have faith though that the serious new producers out there can still pull off another techno innovation here in Detroit as long as all these producers come together with a common purpose, to rebuild what was lost and to get some fresh ears in front of them like you said. Social darwinism will take over and survival mode will kick in. Playing music just for the heads is not a viable option anymore, at least not here. People need to rise up and give back something to the industry or we're all fucked.
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