james, you should order them directly from complete... http://www.complete-usa.comjamespatrick wrote:SYNTAX JUST SHORTED ME ON TEN COPIES.
the contact info is on the homepage!
james, you should order them directly from complete... http://www.complete-usa.comjamespatrick wrote:SYNTAX JUST SHORTED ME ON TEN COPIES.
cyhl wrote:james, you should order them directly from complete... http://www.complete-usa.comjamespatrick wrote:SYNTAX JUST SHORTED ME ON TEN COPIES.
the contact info is on the homepage!
Nuloop 's nice as well, good thing about decks.de though, is they can keep records for you until a next order and are somewhat cheaper. But there's few records not available through decks... I order through Nuloop for that once in a while.plaster wrote:i've been jazzin' on http://nuloop.com/ recently....it's kind of better than decks.de for now...maybe i'm wrong.
vinyl is bad for our health...i know how that thing can cause major financial crashes.