Native Instrument's Massive - Bass

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mnml maxi
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Native Instrument's Massive - Bass


I finally took the incentive and bought a commercial synth.

After much deliberation, i chose massive as it appeared to be the most flexible for my budget; i only really want to use one synth for everything at the moment (if possible)....

The problem is, i cant seem to get a nice, lush bass sound out of the beast.

Im looking for something rich and heavy like the B-line in Alex Smokes "Plunder" on Soma.... (Tune)

Leads & grooves are no problem; i actualy find the whole massive set-up quite inspiring...

Any help would be appreciated..
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mnml mmbr
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Post by Bogdan »

try to browse the massive presets for Bass and modify them for your needs
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mnml maxi
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Ive tried messing about with most of the preset bass patches, but only seem to produce a floppy, slow modulating humm, or a really low, i mean <30 hz, low bass.....

(My subs rumbling but theres hardly any audible sound)

Ill keep trying, i mean its obviously possible, maybe just try another synth......

mnml mmbr
mnml mmbr
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Post by tzusing »

...just keep at it..for hours and hours and hours...and a few months later you'll get the hang of it.
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mnml maxi
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Yeh man, your right, im just being lazy.....

Like tonight im a little closer just by paying more attention to layering up different harmonics instead of trying to blow up my sub, its not all about the rumble ive found, its like a good wine, you need body and flavour.... (im going toooooo far now)

Anyways.... ill keep at it

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mnml mmbr
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Post by Ruso »

not even, most of massives bass presets are shifted down an octave or even two so to get the bass sounds play at higher octaves :)

ps some tricks for getting powerful bass.... add some feed back on the feedback know, make sure it's on... have at least one oscilator at least an octave down from the rest of "texture" oscilators.... actually if you get a hold of me on aim I'll make you a couple of example patches...... aim: Dmitri Serge Jr
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mnml maxi
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Ruso.... :D

Cool.......thanks for that.... Defintately sounds much fuller at a higher octave....

I dont quite know what you mean with the feedback...... do you mean route it back through an effect or just route the oscilators back on themselves?

Thanks for your help kiddo, think ive found you on myspace so ill catch you on there.....

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mnml mmbr
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Post by Ruso »

feedback is the feedback wheel inside massive, bottom left... it does just that feed the sound back to wherever you tell it to but it works well on default settings.... anyways good luck, massive is one hell of a toy, I use five instances with live sequencing and you can change patches on the fly and such it's great. Everything a synth needs.
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