attention fellow producers..... rampant piracy

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Post by exodus »

Reading this thread is watching the last dance of the dying dinosaurs.
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Re: All you are doing is sealing your own fate.

Post by pheek »

trensp wrote:Seriously, the label owners and producers that caused the elimination of OHMYGOSH are sealing their own fate. You CAN NOT stop this. The record industry has been trying for years and their own failure will be their outcome. A million other OHMYGOSH'S will pop up, other ways of stealing music. I personally visited that site and dled music, and bought other releases by artists I discovered at OHMYGOSH at places like beat port, juno etc.
The smart move would have been to hire those guys to promote your music, they were getting 4 thousand hits daily of people that are fans of your music and labels. Why didn't you approach them and give them high quality snippet previews to distribute? Why didnt you have them link places where your releases could be purchased? Feed them news of upcoming shows and releases... give them mp3 mixes of your artists with tracklists and places to purchase etc
I can understand, you are dogs backed into a corner... you create the music, why shouldnt people pay for it? Why should they have free access to something that is your livelyhood. Stop fighting the communites that are your audience and use them. Use the 19 year old kids in Sweden that have 5000+ followings and you will sell records and mp3s... all you do by taking a stand like this is seal your own fate.
YOU CAN NOT STOP THIS... use it to your benefit.
we are living in a very interesting time in music, and the people that adapt will be the only ones that survive... I know it maddens you, it would me if I were in your shoes... but be smart about it.
good luck to all of you,
I don't know man... I know what you're saying and kinda go in the same direction but I think these guys could have approached us in the first place. I never manaced them or whatever but I mean, I wish I could (again) give you an exemple.


How about I could enter your place while you're not there, get some of your stuff and give it for free in the streets? how about what you have left for food?
Hey, it would be for a nice cause: feeding hungry people. It would make you reknown, yeah, people would love you more. But in the end, you'd be hungry.

Piracy kinda helps us, Yes... but it's way too hard to tell how at the moment and while we're trying to find ways to make everyone happy, there's starving artists out there.
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Post subject: Re: All you are doing is sealing your own fate

Post by trensp »

the thing you need to realize is that sites like this don't grow out of the industry (where 2 guys from Sweden approach record labels and producers and ask them if its ok to post their music as you said), they end up springing up in random places and somehow take shape and catch fire... it's difficult to plan something like that... but I'm just saying if i were you I'd identify such places and use them to my benefit. work with people like this rather than threatening legal action, because by shutting them down you dont sell one more record, it just pushes the roaches to a new house. you must rethink the way you think about the sale of music if you are going to move forward, this is a forward thinking genre, but the ironic thing is as with most forward thinking genres, many of the artists and label managers are purists... and I understand that. i understand you yearn for another time when things were different... but that time is gone... it's time to rethink, reexamine, and figure out a way you can earn a living and do what you like doing. and the answer is not threatening lawsuits on mp3 blogs. because you may win a few small fights but you will lose in the long term...
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Re: Post subject: Re: All you are doing is sealing your own

Post by pheek »

trensp wrote:...and the answer is not threatening lawsuits on mp3 blogs. because you may win a few small fights but you will lose in the long term...

I didn't threathen them
but I'm trying to make people realise there's consequences to piracy. I agree with you there's not much we can do for all those new blogs appearing. But I know some label owners who saw their sales drop dramatically from Beatport when those blogs started to share the tracks. Not sure if people are really buying after they got the download for free.

Anyway... this is the last time i comment on this thread. Everyone has their view on this subject and this is going absolutly pointless. All I know is, Archipel/Kalimari ends the year with -2700$ and I'm trying to make the damages a bit less.
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Post subject: Re: Post subject: Re: All you are doing is sea

Post by trensp »

I dont mean to come off as heavy-handed.. im a big fan of this music, and music in general. I dont know what the answer is...

I do hope for a better year cash-wise for your label....
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Post by theclockstrucktwelve »

piracy is nothing new. music piracy especially. it shouldn't be encouraged out in the open, but it doesn't really hurt much of anything and it probably actually does nothing but good. most of the people that pirate music are people who wouldn't bother to buy it anyway. you also heard my speech about "convenience" and the human lazy factor previously..

@ pheek - (not to be interpreted as commentary on your labels music one way or another) chasing after music pirates should NOT be motivated by your label not doing well. It's pointless, will not help and will only serve the purpose of raising your blood pressure. The fact is that if you were doing well, you wouldn't be bothering. Marketing, business skills and talented artists / good product make a label succeed... not how many hours can be spent chasing an infinite number of phantom thieves...

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Post by adelaideperson »

just a few thoughts on this..

people spend years honing their skills to produce music, yet some of you say they shouldn't receive their fair due for their labour. following this train of thought you could say that no-one should get anything for their profession ie doctors who spend years & substantial amounts of money training? you yourself? do you go to work just for the fun of it? or perhaps you still live with your parents so it doesn't really matter?

perhaps you say that the pleasure of producing music is reward enough? have you considered (taking that to it's logical conclusion) that in that case that most music would be amateur, where would the incentive be for someone to spend the time to produce truly exceptional music? should someone who does so be denied the ability to put food on the table for themselves & loved ones? are we to be condemned to even more substandard music because of this attitude?

some of you seem to think that because the technology exists, it's alright to steal. technology has also produced other means of theft, this doesn't make it right, and the law reflects this.

please give credit where credit is due, & honour the intellectual property of people who create.

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Post by thom » that case that most music would be amateur...
?... I am not familiar with the concept of amateur vs professional (?) music.
where would the incentive be for someone to spend the time to produce truly exceptional music
Truly exceptional music is made by people with a truly exceptional love (passion, obsession... sometimes unhealthy) for it.
I did not mention money. Some artists are treir own slave. Such people don't often get in these discussions.
Yeah yeah I know. All hippy bull.
Still truth ok, so.