If you collect 100 red ants and 100 black ants and put them inside a glass jar...

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John Clees
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If you collect 100 red ants and 100 black ants and put them inside a glass jar...

Post by John Clees »

An old classic but a fantastic principle.

Once again - nature for the win.


If you collect 100 red ants and 100 black ants and put them inside a glass jar, nothing will happen. But if you take the jar and shake it violently, automatically the ants will start killing each other. Blacks will believe that reds are enemies and reds will believe blacks are enemies, when the real enemy is the person who shakes the jar. Well, the same is true in our society.
Men vs Women.
Left vs Right.
Rich vs Poor.
Faith vs Science.
Young vs Old.
And so a long etc.
Before we fight each other, maybe we should ask ourselves: Who shakes the jar?
Wake up it's time.
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