what the fck is happening in london

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Robot Criminal
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by Robot Criminal »

Clone this man and make him the president of the Earth. That is all.
And I say f*ck multiculti, blend it all nicely together, with laws if must be, and in the future we can (hopefully there is a future) look back at all the utter bullshit of economic unequality, religious hatred and racism as humankind's infantile history.

Image we are all atomic and subatomic particles and we are all wireless...
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John Clees
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by John Clees »


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John Clees
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by John Clees »

ray parry
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by ray parry »

Can we please not go down the conspiracy theory route. its absolute bollox and people have waaaaaay to much time on their hands. i find it really disrespectful to the family that lost someone that day.

I really cant believe some sad twat has sat there and edited out videos to try and show some sort of conspiracy.
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by roland »

yeah, i also think it's pathetic... there were several eye witnesser, so c'mon ..
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by simonb »

John Clees wrote:I think in the end.... it's the deeper issue... the war that pits the classes against one another... Upper, middle, and lower..

THIS : is the underlining issue that will address everything all in one.. far deeper than any religion, culture, or immigrant issue ever would....

we are only as strong as our weakest link.. as a society, as a planet, and as a whole..

Maybe this is a slightly oversimplification but it seems to me that class is the true divide, the rest is just the upper class's attempt to keep their hegemony. Things like religion, race, employment status, etc. are just things used in the classic tactic of divide-and-rule and in situations like this, people jumping to the conclusions of blaming immigration or religious background are barking up the wrong tree.
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by Shepherd_of_Anu »

John Clees wrote:I disagree. as a whole, humans are good by nature : humans learn evil behavior patterns by experience and reprogram themselves not to feel in the pursuit endless financial or other beneficial gains. yes there are always the few and far exceptions..
I don't know if that is true. I don't think humans are inherently good or evil. These very concepts are manufactured by humans. Some people have homicidal impulses because humans are predatory animals and have evolved these traits as a result of the need to survive and thrive. Are those impulses truly 'evil' or are they simply biological urges that are triggered by environmental stimulus? Part of the problem with humans having intellectual capabilities is that it becomes possible for a person to stimulate their own minds and the minds of others with nothing but thoughts. Unlike a tiger spotting prey the actual environmental stimulus may not not the primary means of psychological trigger for homicidal urges. People can trigger those urges just by revisiting ingrained patterns of thought.

Where these things are really evil or not is harder to decide. If anything the real evil lies in the thoughts themselves. Evil lies more in the deceptions and lies people tell themselves and others... things used to justify and convince people that their actions are just. Is killing itself evil? It is an act, that much is for sure. I don't think that is inherently evil but the fabric of thoughts and circumstances are the best indicators of what we call good and evil... which are human concepts. (theological debates aside of course)

I don't think what happened in London stems from class war. It is the result of a cultural war. If you watch the video of one of the man who committed the murder, Michael Adebolajo, he makes a very telling statement.

“I aplologize that women had to witness this today but IN OUR LANDS women have to see the same. You will never be safe.”

First off... wow, what a gentleman... take note that he says “in our lands”. The guy who said that was born and raised in London, England. This is a good example of the fallacy that citizenship as a result of being born somewhere. Just because he was born in the UK doesn't mean that he is a citizen. Just like it is possible for an immigrant to become a citizen it is just as possible for a naturally born person to be a non-citizen.

He should be living in his own lands and far away from civilized people.
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Re: what the fck is happening in london

Post by Shepherd_of_Anu »

John Clees wrote:becoming aware of programed behavior to pit the classes against one another is and was a grand scheme of those on the top and other with hidden worldly agenda's (* see you tube propaganda videos..lol).. as silly as some are....
Here is a good anti-enslavement / critical thought video. It kinds of borders on the lines of enlightened critical thought and anti-authoritarianism propaganda.
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